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#86765356Saturday, January 12, 2013 10:57 AM GMT

Take it from the man himself Osama Bin Laden.: "The actions of September 11th, 2001 are but, a reaction to the continues injustice and oppression being practiced against our sons in Palestine, Iraq, Somalia and Southern Sudan. As well in other places like Kashmir and Assam. This matter concerns the whole Islamic nation (Ummah). It is incumbent on the people to wake up from their sleep and rush to devise a solution to this disastrous problem that threatens mankind entirely today. As for those who condemn these operations looked at the event in isolation and failed to connect them to past events so they did not look at the cause that led to this result. So their point of view is narrow. Their attitude is not in accord with and not based on either a religious, legal nor even a rational perspective. They just saw America and the media criticizing these operations so they stood up with them in criticism. Their example is like the story of a wolf that saw a new born lamb. So it is said to this lamb: 'You were the one who dirtied my water last year!' the lamb replied: 'It was not me!' 'It was you!' the wolf insisted. So the lamb told him, 'Well i was only born this year!' The wolf said, 'So it must have been your mother!' and he ate the lamb. And what could the poor mother do when she saw her son being torn into pieces by the wolf? But, in the passion of motherhood she butted the wolf. Of course the wolf was not affected at all. However he shouted out "look at this terrorist!" So these parrots joined in repeating what the wolf said. 'yes we condemn the ewe's butt against the wolf.' So these blessed and successful strikes are but, in reaction to what happened in our lands. In Palestine, Iraq and many other places." The reason why i wrote this is because, I actually side with Osama Bin Laden and his old freedom fighters why? Because, this all happened due to the fact that we built several military bases and occupied the Arabian Peninsula. Now many say they hate us because, we are free. Why not attack Ireland, Switzerland etc etc then? They have shown no bit of interest in neural countries. It is extremely evident that they just despise countries that attack and invade them. These wars are against our founding principles. I am not saying i condemn 9/11 but, we caused it. We should have seen what they did to the soviets in Afghanistan and stayed out of the Peninsula. If we did that we would not have any problems.
#86765433Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:01 AM GMT

*commend 9/11
#86766180Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:43 AM GMT

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#86766218Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:45 AM GMT

Just read the August 6th memo of 2001.
#86766238Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:46 AM GMT

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#86766292Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:49 AM GMT

"Before you go "hurr durr conspiracis bad" please watch it." Also there are conspiracies/lies, in the government. Just ask the Sec of Defense during the Golf of Tonkin.
#86766313Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:50 AM GMT

"Did you watch the video" I did, I also have done a lot of research.
#86766316Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:50 AM GMT

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#86766512Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:58 AM GMT

I do not believe we will ever get the full story. From my understanding Al Quadia was CIA funded, Trained and supplied. So there could be more then that. We are also known to do terrorist operations.: Operation Gladio and we also planned them here.: Operation Northwoods. The August 6th memo would have told bush it was going to happen if he bothered to actually read it.
#86766571Saturday, January 12, 2013 12:01 PM GMT

Just to add we lied to go to war before as well, Golf of Tokin is a admitted lie.
#86771109Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:19 PM GMT

Isn't it crazy that no one bothers to actually look firsthand at why 9/11 happened? They just believe the state-controlled media that it was "because we're free," "because we're rich," or "because they are backward people who sit backward on their camels." And yet, Osama clearly states his reason! Most people don't give a crap about seeking truth. I think 9/11 was an inappropriate response to the US Government's evil action in the middle-east, but it is still understandable. Why couldn't they have targeted something political and actually done the country a favor?
#86772994Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:56 PM GMT

I think that the 9/11 incident was very awful for the U.S. government and a lot of people lost their lives that day. I think it was sad, my great grandma died in that. I remember I sat in bed for a week thinking about it. If slayer5991 responds to me, he is leing. He hates me because 1 time i posted at 9:11 AM so he thinks im a terrorist. But anyways, I think that was a very sorrowful day that horrific evening. I am really thankful that those pilots on that 1 plane fought back. May the people who died on that day rest in peace and be filled with love. - Teh Loughdough
#86775666Saturday, January 12, 2013 3:46 PM GMT

#86780480Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

"Isn't it crazy that no one bothers to actually look firsthand at why 9/11 happened?" I think it is crazy as well. Nobody bothers to look at it from the 'terrorist' prospective or even tries to figure out why it happened. "They just believe the state-controlled media that it was "because we're free," "because we're rich," or "because they are backward people who sit backward on their camels."" Probably because, most people are like the Parrots. They fail to try and connect other events to figure out why it happened. It is crazy that we live in a world, where people just accept whatever they are told. "And yet, Osama clearly states his reason! Most people don't give a crap about seeking truth."" America changed after 9/11. By that I mean if we just got scared. If there were really terrorist witch there never where then those terrorist have won because, we are no longer free and fail to try to understand anybodies reasoning for anything. "I think 9/11 was an inappropriate response to the US Government's evil action in the middle-east, but it is still understandable. Why couldn't they have targeted something political and actually done the country a favor?" Well what happened here from my understanding is we built military bases on their holy land. We did something that correlates to the story that Osama Bin Laden told. Plus we just turned into the Soviets that we helped them get rid of. If I was them I would have rammed the plane into the white house. Or some other political structure, but i suppose they have their reasoning on why they drove planes into those specific buildings.
#86780862Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:02 PM GMT

"I think that the 9/11 incident was very awful for the U.S. government and a lot of people lost their lives that day. I think it was sad, my great grandma died in that. I remember I sat in bed for a week thinking about it. If slayer5991 responds to me, he is leing. He hates me because 1 time i posted at 9:11 AM so he thinks im a terrorist. But anyways, I think that was a very sorrowful day that horrific evening. I am really thankful that those pilots on that 1 plane fought back. May the people who died on that day rest in peace and be filled with love." -_- We are talking about the motives behind it.
#86962001Monday, January 14, 2013 10:18 PM GMT

I think 9/11 was an inappropriate response to the US Government's evil action in the middle-east, but it is still understandable. Why couldn't they have targeted something political and actually done the country a favor? The world may never know.
#86964741Monday, January 14, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

#86977359Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:05 AM GMT

You agree with his motives? So you agree with murdering 3000 civilians and countless others in Afghanistan?
#86977620Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

There is a difference between agreeing with murdering 3000 civilians and agreeing with him that slaughtering and invading his country prior to 9/11 is a horrible act and that something did need to be done about it.
#86979272Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

Think about this, my dear friend: Americans set up military hospitals, and rationed out emergency food, water, and medical care to the Iraqis, while defending them from the militants. something did need to be done about it. ----------------------------------------------------- Two wrongs never make a right. The ends don't justify the means.
#86979355Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

By Iraquis I mean afganistanese or whatever... afganistanian afganian
#86979557Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

"By Iraquis I mean afganistanese or whatever... afganistanian afganian" They like to be called Afghans.
#86979716Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:33 AM GMT

Lol, so thats it. (Btw, I was kidding.) Anyway, the U.S. military has helped many civilians.
#87015092Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:03 PM GMT

Wait wait wait...when did a talk about 3000 people dieng happen?!?
#87015671Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:14 PM GMT

Till today I still have no idea why the second tower wasn't evacuated after the first was hit.

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