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#86780156Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:53 PM GMT

'Your Prohpets will betray you Kingdoms shall fall by my command You may think your warriors can stave off my hoards of the damned But i tell you. Chaos is coming Bloodlands shall return' Shadura - Lord of the BloodLands [Wordwall ahead] The continent of Auera, home to dozens of kingdoms, empires and nations, war is a rare thing since the joining of the Tri-Pact, 3 of the most powerful nations combined political and military efforts into maintain order on the mainland. Since small rebel nations started to pose a threat. These nations are as follows. Kingdom of Tabarus: The largest nation in terms of population, it lies on a large northerly headland with extreme mountain ranges and snow peaks to the north, transitioning down to low lying plains and forests in the central and easterly provinces, westerly to southerly provinces are occupied by light swampland and a few rolling hills with flowing rivers out to the Bay Of Tabarus which opens up into the Adiaran Sea. South of its borders area few minor nations, independent but under the sphere of influence. Stauros Empire: Not connected to any of the other Tri-Pact nations but is situated partially on a large desert and bordering plains. The centre of the empire is a large river that runs the course of a thin land bridge which splits the nation into 2, a large bridge effort is being constructed as part of linking trade routes rather than using boats. This nation possesses the largest area of land from the Tri-Pact nations and has the 2nd most powerful army. Other nations stick close to its borders because of the protection it offers from rouge nations. Kingdom of Inssbruk: Located somewhere in the middle close to Tabarus, its army is one of the most powerful in the known world. Mainly because of the rich sources of iron in a small peak range running the spine of the country, Inssbruk also possesses the largest port from the Tri-Pact and has trade running off all over the eastern hemisphere. Terrain is hilly with very few lakes or rivers, it relies on natural springs for freshwater to supply towns and villages. Thats why the large cities are located close to the sea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, all is not well at this current time. Local prophets and leaders of faith have been predicting a cataclysmic event in the coming years, some dismiss this as scaremongering and total nonsense. Others take it seriously and have been building supplies and stock. Many of these prophets have been executed for causing national panics and riots, leading to breaches in national and indeed international security. As of lately many small religious groups have been praying to strange carvings and digging up ancient tombs, these groups are declared heretics and are put to death, but still the groups are cropping up. And so the Tri-Pact nations discussed a course of action. They chose a select few of their finest Warriors, Archers, generals, navigators you name it and formed a group known as the 'Defenders of the Divine'. The divine being the mostly worshipped god in the world at the time. They would be sent out to various places, gather intelligence and kill any Heretics caught to be generating fear. You were one of these people. But on your latest mission you entered a strange tomb in pursuit of an old priest who had foolishly decided to spread the word of something or someone called 'Shadura'. You became entrapped in the tomb after the entrance collapsed. Inside you found a strange small rock with a strange symbol carved into it. After picking it up you felt sick and weak, eventually passing out from extreme pain. You awake later to find yourself in an unknown town with only this rock as your item, your weapons, armour and belongings are nowhere to be seen and worse still, you seem to keep having visions of burning cities, people fleeing and strange creatures devouring flesh. Whatever happened you must find out what happened in the tomb, and find out quick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right, now that the background is over lets go over some aspects. This is an ISRP, im only accepting one person. This is also not 'First come First served' I shall select one person that i deem the most fit for this. Im not being elitist, i just want someone who knows what they are doing. This works much like a text based game, you tell me what you want to do and ill tell you the outcome, ill also fill you in on surroundings, goings on and general gameplay aspects as well as your stats, items and skills. Ill fill you in more once i have selected somebody from the people who have posted. Ill pick someone soon. Fire away.
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#86786762Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:14 PM GMT

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#86793043Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:25 PM GMT

So a thread called 'Golden Oak Highschool' gets more replies than this. My god.
#86793304Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

Damn, damn, damn. This seems really interest and I'd like to read the entire thing rather then just skim over it and join but I've got to go in a few minutes for a friend's party. I may be able to get on later tonight over at his house and actually read the entire thing tonight but I'm not a hundred percent sure and by then someone would probably take up the position. "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#86793516Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:31 PM GMT

(So do I describe myself.)
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#86813637Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:27 PM GMT

(@thecruelllama Don't worry, I won't decide until tomorrow anyway) (@void, not yet, I need to make a decision, and its a tough call right now. I know both of you are great RP'ers)
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#86856751Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:30 AM GMT

(Well if its just you two then im going to have a hard time choosing)
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#86870982Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:17 PM GMT

((Well seeing as nobody else has applied ill list down the additional details and you can make your character. We shall go from there) Character Creation. Before you were mysteriously struck down in that ancient tomb you were a highly skilled warrior, handpicked because of your prowess in battle. What were you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (You may pick one class and 2 perks from that class, abilities are just describing that class/perk, if you are confused on what something means, just ask.) Swordsman: You are highly skilled in wielding bladed weaponry, shortswords, longswords, daggers you name it, you can chop a human head clean off with little mess. However your close combat skills are your downfall when it comes to taking out far away enemies. +Bladed Weapons, +Offence Skill, -Ranged Weapons, - Sight Range. Perks: Iron Skin: Other bladed weapons are significantly ineffective against you, it also causes a chance to knock back the enemy. +Bladed Weapon Defence, +Health, -Agility, 30% Chance of knockback. Sleight of Hand: Your sword is faster than normal, the blade is just a blur to opponents, they have little chance at stopping you. +Attack speed, +Bladed Weapon Offence, -Combat Awareness. Glory Blade: Once per battle you may call upon the divine to guide your blade, it give a chance at crippling an enemy or even killing it outright. If neither of these things it damages a great deal. +Bladed Weapon Offence, 50% chance of Crippling opponent, 20% Chance of killing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brawler: You are a heavily built powerhouse, you can lift heavy objects and bring them crashing down on your foes. You are also skilled in blunt and unarmed combat. No sane person would even dare tussle with the likes of you. +Unarmed Skill, +Blunt Weapon Skill, +Strength, -Agility. Perks: Dwarven Might: Your ancestors must have been dwarfs because the weapons you wield are fused into your blood. They are more effective than if they were in the hands of a normal human. +Weapon Offence, +Weapon Defence, Increased carry weight. Hardyness: The environment has not affected you in the slightest, mountains, ravines, even volcanoes do not affect you. + Survivability, + Navigation, -Speed Red Mist: Once per battle you may activate Red mist, which sends you into an uncontrollable rage. Flinging rocks, logs, anything at your foes...or allies if they cross your path. +Unarmed Offence, +Strength. 20% of injuring allies in your party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bowman: Your tactical awareness of the battlefield is your advantage, you can pick off targets from range with a longbow, or medium range with a shortbow. Or throw specially carved daggers at your opponent. The silent but deadly type. But can dabble in a bit of close combat from time to time. +Ranged Weapons, +Agility, +Combat Awareness, -Strength. Perks: Guided Arrow: An arrow shot from a bow can strike an enemy down in an instant, no matter where it lands. +Ranged Weapon Offence, -Range, 30% Chance of crippling an enemy. Quickdraw: You can fire arrows a lot faster than normal, meaning one shot now counts as three! More chance of hitting your enemies. -Bow Draw Time, + Speed, - Accuracy. Archers Blessing: Once per battle you can activate archers blessing, which will make your arrow always hit its mark. Sometimes with a chance to kill. But at the cost of normal damage. Available for 5 arrows. Guaranteed Hit, 40% Chance to kill opponent, -Ranged Weapon Damage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Assassin: You are a highly skilled assassin, trained in silently taking down a target from range or up close. However you are not that strong when it comes to open combat, so you stick to the shadows and hiding places ready to strike from anywhere. +Agility, + Small Arms Damage, - Offence, First attack is always a surprise attack. Perks: Shadow Warrior: Even when out of the cover of darkness you can dart around the battlefield quickly, faster than most. Your opponent wont even see you coming. +Speed, +Stealth, - Weapon Offence. 40% of instant kill. Cloak and Dagger: Melee attacks will have a %50 chance of crippling a target only if you have less health than the opponent. If not then extra damage will occur. +Melee Offence, 50% chance of incapacitating target. DeadLock: When activated any thrown weapon will result in an instant kill if they hit, but it will drain your health by 50% and you will loose your other perk for the remainder of the battle. Lasts for 3 attacks. +Thrown Offence, Instant Kill, -50% Health, Lose perk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healer: Despite the name this fellow can do a large amount of damage to anything that gets in his way, he can use the bounties of nature to his advantage by mixing poisons, brewing health potions or just things that will distract you. They can also use minor magic spells before any other class. +Brewing Skill, +Magic Skill, +Intelligence, -Strength. Perks: Warlocks Resolve: You have enhanced magical abilities, all elemental spells will inflict more damage than they normally would, however you are slower as a result. +Elemental Magic, +Defence, -Speed. Herbalist: Plant based potions give double the effect they normally would, but you must find the ingredients yourself, rather than buy them. Double potion effect for naturally found plant ingredients. Mind over matter: Once per battle you may activate this power, it will cause a devastating shockwave of pure magic that will injure or kill anything in its radius...anything, however you loose 50% health and speed for the remainder of the battle. Magic ShockWave, -50% Health, -Speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Now thats done, just fill out this sheet and ill judge) Nam.e: Ag.e: Birthplace: (one of the tri-pact nations listed in the first post) Class: Perk 1: Perk 2: Physical appearance: Biography: (The longer and more detailed this is, the better chance you have)
#86871932Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

Would like to join, but I'm not going to try to get the spot over Void or Llama. So, I guess this is, tracking post.
Top 100 Poster
#86872371Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:37 PM GMT

(You may have the place if they both decline it, or if they just take so long that i cant be bothered waiting)
#86872463Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

[But, you also have the tendency to.. Ditch your threads :>]
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#86872662Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:41 PM GMT

(@Gavin. Maybe, but sometimes that is also down to the other person not replying for eons. And sometimes me being overwhelmed with posts. This one i shall try my very best to keep afloat)
#86873581Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:54 PM GMT

[Hope so, I guess I'll be lurking.]
Top 100 Poster
#86889907Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

[llama, void. You have a couple of hours to respond. Otherwise your place will be given to gavin)
#86904602Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

[So uh, do you want me to fill out a sheet? :>]
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#86940092Monday, January 14, 2013 10:13 AM GMT

[Since the others have failed to reply, yes. Fill out the sheet]
#86957037Monday, January 14, 2013 9:07 PM GMT

Nam.e: Brutus DeMarco Ag.e: 26 Birthplace: Stauros Class: Bruiser Perk 1: Dwarven Might Perk 2: [Haven't fully decided >:(] Physical appearance: Brutus is well.. A brute. Well over six feet possibly even seven, and shoulders as wide as a strongbow. Brutus, born in the desert, has a darker tan, but his parents being from Tabarus, hailing from the snowy mountains. This is why he, while tan, isn't to the extreme of most desert folk. Brutus has a beefy jaw and thick bushy eyebrows. Dark stubble, on the verge of becoming a black beard compliments his face. Brutus had stone grey eyes and unkept deep black hair, that ends at his lower neck. These are the main features of DeMarco, besides minor facts like his yellowish teeth that are slightly crooked and his big beefy hands full of callous. Brutus is dressed in simple rags, a result of what happened. He is at the moment, sooty and grimy, and his hair worse than usual. Biography: Brutus, born to a merchant family, hailing from the northern mountains was constantly traveling. Brutus, helped out alot with carrying boxes and supplies when at a stop to sell, because even as a child, he was bigger than other kids. With nothing much for him to do with his time, he did alot of fitness esque things to drain up his vast amount of the energy a healthy young person should have. When Brutus was Eleven, his family settled down in a small ranch building near the more northern part of Stauros as his parents were getting old, and by than had quite a large amount of money to their name. Brutus wasn't the most social person, nor very bright, as the majority of his learning came from his father, mainly on a need to know basis. This caused Brutus to have difficulties in learning and meeting people for the first year or so, before he got the hang of 'normal' life. Brutus, while not very brawny at that age because of genes and lack of masculine hormones, was still very strong for his age. Brutus relieved his anger by lifting heavy things, usually caused by his lacking social abilities, or with academics. As Brutus ag.ed, he grew stronger and bigger, eventually getting into helping with construction because of his large amount of strength for a teen. Brutus loved to push his limits, and just be strong, so it was something he really tried to maintain. Somewhere between sixteen and eighteen, Brutus reached a point where he couldn't stand the boring humdrum life on the ranch. Hastily making the decision to become a soldier, he was off to become a warrior. He excelled in bigger and heavy weapons, and was also quite skill at using his fists. Brutus served as a soldier, constantly training himself, to become bigger and stronger. Brutus lumbering size and mass strength earned him a spot as one of the Defenders of the Divine, along with his unruly combat prowess. He did his duty, up to that faithful day. This brings us to present time.
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#86960229Monday, January 14, 2013 9:52 PM GMT

(Its the Brawler class by the way, and you may want to pick a 2nd perk before the first battle) You awake on the side of a dusty street, your vision focuses around you to tan coloured buildings and wooden stalls selling all kinds of wares. Food, weapons, clothing...everything. Wherever you were it wasn't desolate. You look down to see your hands and body are all cut and bloody and everything missing, the only thing you notice is the strange rock with symbol adorning the center. The symbol itself is a swirl with a horizontal line coming from the middle to the right edge. The same symbol you saw in the tomb however long ago it was. Anyway you notice some small gold pieces thrown at your side as well as an old piece of meat that somebody obviously didn't want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information. Surroundings: Dusty marketplace, tan coloured buildings and wooden stalls. Lots of roaming people. Items: 5 Gold pieces, rotting meat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutus DeMarco Health: 20/50 Strength: 10/50 Energy: 10/50 Items: Small symbol rock. Head: None Torso: None Legs: Torn bloody brown rags. Feet: None. Your first move?
#86960749Monday, January 14, 2013 10:00 PM GMT

I pulled myself to my feet, trying to see if everything was functioning how it was supposed to. I hid my pain and weakness, incase anyone thought, 'Hey, I'll go beat up that injured man.' or something of the sort. [I will try to :> Hard choice, good traveler, or true Brawler And honestly, no clue why I came up with Bruiser. :L]
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#86961566Monday, January 14, 2013 10:11 PM GMT

[Eh the two are relatable. And both perks come in handy, when travelling the weather and environment can cause quite a bit of fatigue when travelling between places. On the otherhand the use of a 'kill everything' mechanic can get you out of a sticky situation) You stumble to your feet and look around, just more stalls. To your right seemed to be some sort of temple, and left was just a road with a sharp turning. People seemed to ignore you, as if this was a common sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information. Surroundings: Dusty marketplace, tan coloured buildings and wooden stalls. Lots of roaming people. Right Temple, Left road+turning. Items: 5 Gold pieces, rotting meat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutus DeMarco Health: 20/50 Strength: 10/50 Energy: 10/50 Items: Small symbol rock. Head: None Torso: None Legs: Torn bloody brown rags. Feet: None.
#86962617Monday, January 14, 2013 10:26 PM GMT

I swiped up the gold pieces, and if the meat was in good enough condition to be eaten, took that too. The temple seemed to be the best area to head. Priests are usually kinder than average folk, besides, the rock has to have something to do with those prophets, so this gotta start here.
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#86963100Monday, January 14, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

Taking the gold and the meat you set off down the road towards the temple where it seemed a large crowd was gathering, growing closer it wasn't a crowd, but a mob, throwing stones and anything they could chuck into the temple gates which suddenly slammed shut. Brushing through the mob you here shouts of 'HERETICS' and 'DEMON WORSHIPPERS'. It seemed these were the type of people you previously sought out. The gates had closed though but it didn't stop the crowd shaking them violently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information. Surroundings: Dusty marketplace, tan coloured buildings and wooden stalls. Temple, large angry mob, temple is restricted. Items: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutus DeMarco Health: 20/50 Strength: 10/50 Energy: 10/50 Items: Small symbol rock, 5 Gold, Rotten meat. Head: None Torso: None Legs: Torn bloody brown rags. Feet: None.
#86965151Monday, January 14, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

I decided to head to the marketplace next, let the mob... settle down. [Sorry, had to go eat.]
Top 100 Poster
#87001805Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:27 AM GMT

You double back and head towards the stalls, shoving people out of your way through the crowd. However the mob has no signs of calming down anytime soon, people shove against the gates trying to gain entry. In the marketplace there are many stalls, even next to your there are 5 various stalls selling items. A clothing stall A Food stall A Sword stall A Ranged Weapon stall and A Alchemist stall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information. Surroundings: Dusty marketplace, tan coloured buildings and wooden stalls. Temple, large angry mob, temple is restricted. Stalls. Items: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutus DeMarco Health: 20/50 Strength: 10/50 Energy: 10/50 Items: Small symbol rock, 5 Gold, Rotten meat. Head: None Torso: None Legs: Torn bloody brown rags. Feet: None.
#87014797Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

I need something to wear, so I checked there first. Than the Alchemist shop once I finished. My hopes were either to get something to wear, or some fancy smancy potion that would help me get over this nausea.

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