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#88051645Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:37 AM GMT

---------------------------- ------INDEX-------------- I: Story II: Information III: Rules IV: Character Options V: Applications --------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------STORY----------- ------------------------------ (Most of this is from the movie's intro) Twenty rings were made; Three to the Elves; Seven to the Dwarf-Lords; And nine, nine rings to the race of Men. But in secret, the dark lo rd sauron forged in-secret a master ring. (Year 3434 of the Second Age) But one by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell into darkness under the power of the one ring. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor on the slopes of Mount Doom. Victory was near. But the power of the Ring could not be undone. Endil, father of Isildur, was killed by Sauron-- and it was in this moment when Isildur, son of the King, took up his father's sword. He cut the Ring from Sauron's hand, and Sauron, the enemy of the free peoples of Middle-Earth was defeated. The ring passed to Isildur, who had this once chance to destroy all evil forever. But the hearts of men and easily corrupted. Isildur kept the ring, and was ambushed by orcs. It fell into a river, lost for a long time. Until when chance came, it ensnared a new barer. Smeagol, also known as Gollum, found the ring, and crawled into the caves of the Misty Mountains. And there it was kept. The third age has arrived. Gondor is left with only a Steward, Denethor, son of Ecthelion. He has two sons, Faramir and Boromir, which he favors Boromir(and he is very mean :c). Rohan's king is corrupted by Grima Wormtounge, Saruman's puppet. The Elves are still quite peaceful and the dwarves lives are normal. For the time will soon come when a Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins will change the course of th future. --------------------------------- --------------------------------- -----------INFO---------------- --------------------------------- This takes place 3 years before Bilbo finds the ring and sets off with Thorin. The Shire is peaceful and the races around Middle-Earth are even scarcely aware of their excistance. As Theoden, king of Rohan is being corrupt by Grima, they are left nearly powerless leaving them vonurable, besides Rohirrim who is Rohan's best defense, leaded by Eomer. Elves are at peace mostly, and Moria has been taken. Saruman has not yet revealed he is a worker of Sauron. BARAD-DUR IS NOT YET CREATED! The Wicth-King of Angmar is hiding in Durabor(or whatever) in Mirkwood. Same with Sauron though he is a shadow, 'the necromancer' they call him in the H0BBIT movie. --------------------------------- -----------RULES-------------- --------------------------------- 1. NO METAGAMING! (Includes knowlage about the Ring, Barad-Dur, Saruman, etc) 2. No powergaming 3. Listen to admins 4. Do not OP yourself 5. Put 'yeehz' on your application 6. An Admin will announce when it is day/night 7. Do not make your character invincible in thirst/hunger 8. Don't even try to kill a ruler of a faction. I will OP them! 9. There is permadeath, if this happens, make a new character 10. Use () when in OOC. --------------------------------- ----Character Options--------- --------------------------------- Exclusive = with permission Rare = only 3-5 FP = Free Peoples M = Mordor --------RACES--------- Human(FP) Elf(FP) Dwarf(FP) Hobbit(FP) Dunedain(exclusive)(FP) Orc(rare,4)(M) Golbin(rare,3)(M) ---------------------- ----FACTIONS------ Bree(Hobbits,Human) Gondor(Human) Rohan(Human) Moria(M) Iron Hills(Dwarf) Blue Mountains(Elf,Dwarf) Lorien(Elf) Rivendell(Elf) Shire(Hobbits) Morgul(M) Isengard(Orc) Mirkwood(Elves) Numenor(Dunedain) Ithilien(Human)(Gondor)(Rare,5) --------------------------------- -----------CLASSES------------ (xFACT/RACEx) = all but the faction/race between the Xs --------------------------------- Ranger(Dunedain, Ithilien) Innkeeper(Bree) Farmer(Hobbit) Explorer(FP) Knight(FP) Warrior(M) Hunter(FP) Rider(Rohan) Spearman(xHobbitx) Role(EXCLUSIVE, MAJORLY) Archer(xHobbitx) --------------------------------- -----APPLICATIONS----------- -------------------------------- (ALL IS IC) CHARACTER APPLICATION N@me: @ge: Race: Faction: Class: Boy/Girl: Bio: Talents: Weapons(up to 4): Inventory(up to 10): Armor description: Physical description: -----OOC----- Have you read the rules?: Who is the king of Rohan?: Who corrupted him?(see above): Who is the king of Gondor?: Who is Isildur's father?: Who is Sauron?: Who is Smeagol?: Who found the ring after Isildur died?: Roleplay example(such as a conversation): ------------------------- ROLE APPLICATION-- ------------------------- Who would you like to be?: How much do you know about this character?: Why should we make you this role?: Say a few quotes from this character: Have you completed your character application?: ------------------------- ADMIN APPLICATION ------------------------- Have you been admin before?: Why should we make you admin?: Have you completed your role and character apps?: What would you do if you were an admin?: What responsibilities would you take?: ------------------------
#88057414Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:18 PM GMT

Make sure also to PM me your OOC part of the application. Don't post it on this thread!
#88057828Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:41 PM GMT

CHARACTER APPLICATION N@me: Aegther Rethain @ge: 27 Race: Dunedain Faction: Numenor Class: Ranger Boy/Girl: Boy Bio: He was born in Minas Tirith, in Gondor. His father was a hunter, and his mother was a merchant, his father would get the meat, and his mother would sell it. Th moved to Archet at his first birthday, seeking to get away from city life. But that wasn't all, on his bithday, every year, his father would take him out hunting. Each year, he would try to get better and better. Though he rarely caught anything, on his first year he actually caught nothing. Second year he caught nothing. Third, nothing. Fourth, he trapped a boar but it got away, fourth he missed a duck, fifth, he killed a rabbit, sixth, he caught nothing, seventh, he killed a boar, so on. When they moved to Archet, it was quite peaceful. And lots of wildlife. But on his eleventh birthday, his father died of a wild boar with rabies. Well, it was actually the boars fault but a bear killed him. He tried to shoot the boar, but the boar charged at him, and then he was started and shot the bear instead and that made the bear mad so yeah. When Aegther was twenty-five, he moved to Combe, away from home. And there he met new friends, practiced fighting, archery, etc. And they would get in a lot of trouble for sneaking into farmer's crops. When he was twenty-six, he decided for his birthday, to go to Lorien. He rented a horse me rode there. It took a few days to get there, and when he did, he was amazed. He learned runes, and some Quenya Elvish. When he rode back, he decided to become a actual Ranger, a wanderer. So he left Combe and is now a traveller. With a tent! Talents: Sneaking, archery, dual wield, athletics Weapons(up to 4): Bow, shortsword, dagger, knife Inventory(up to 10): Quiver, torch, bread, apple, leather sack of water, sack of money, tent Armor description: A brown leather tunic, with short sleeves, chain mail is under that and is only visible in a small part of his arm. He wars leather bracers (shaped like a Z) and black gloves. He also has a brown scarf sort of thing hanging from his neck that goes to his right shoulder. He wears a dark green hooded cloak which overshadows his face, which he does not always wear. He also has leather pants and black boots. He has his bow and quiver on his back and he has pouches going across a black leather belt. He has a strap of leather going from his belt, over his should diagonally and going around to hold his quiver. His sack of water hangs down from his belt along with the money, and also the dagger and knife(left side). He has his shortsword cased hanging from his belt on the other side. Physical description: Under-average height, black hair. Brown eyes, light skin.
#88057879Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:43 PM GMT

@indy Accepted. BTW, everyone, Indy is the head admin.
#88057977Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:47 PM GMT

I wake up in my tent. Mother campfire from the last night is now smoke. I take down the tent and walk away from the campsite. I was very close to Combe, around 327 feet. I take out a small piece o bread and take a bite of it, then put it back. I write on the ground in runes, |-----// |----// |---// |--// |-// |// | | | | | | Which means 'A', in which cast I am using this for 'site A'.
#88058347Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:07 PM GMT

POST YOUR CSes plox!
#88060098Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:12 PM GMT

#88060373Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:21 PM GMT

(Other post *may not mother, iPad glitch spelling correction) N@me: Roy Harlin @ge: 14 Race: Human Faction: Bree-lands Class: Pheasant Boy/Girl: Boy Armor description: Leather tunic, leather pants, leather shoes. Physical description: Brown hair, average height. (That's how you make an NPC) Roy "Hello, Aeg. What have ya been up to?" Aeg "Nothn' much. Just camped last night." Roy "Where ya going?" Aeg "Bree." Roy "Can I come?" Aeg "I'd rather not." Roy "Oh man, my mom won't let me to anywhere without a adult." Aeg "I'm not too mature." I walk away from him, and continue to Bree. Roy "Just let me.. Oh well." He walks back to his house.
#88061998Tuesday, January 29, 2013 5:16 PM GMT

#88078095Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

#88079085Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

RP is paused until more people join. Bump!
#88086495Tuesday, January 29, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

#88087080Tuesday, January 29, 2013 11:58 PM GMT

N@me:Reithar Aeiron @ge: 107 Race: Elf Faction: Mirkwood Class: Archer, Pew. Boy/Girl: Boy. Bio: Being raised up in the Mirkwood, he was immeditally taught the bow by his father. His mother was never mentioned, nor did they ever mention any being on her. That is one of the few things he doesn't know still in his years. He at one point, a spider broke through and grabbed him when he was 43 and he was unarmed at the time while trying to keep up to his father. During that time, his father soon caught up to the spider with his bow. His father shot an arrow into the head. But, it was soon learned that he was poisoned. Not a tranquilized, (Lost the word for it) but in a slow dying poison. They were too far away for help and his father soon passed away and leaving his bow and wealth as a heirloom. The archery training he got saved him plenty of times in the near future of when that happened while traveling. He managed to make it back into an abandoned village of men outside the forest. He took it to heart as when he wasn't going back and soon head to Dale. There he began wood working on bows and nearly unbreakable handles for tools. Though, one man somehow broke it by smashing it on multiple ale tankards for 'fun.' Talents: Wood working on bows and he can multiple things involving wood. A perfected archer. (Hence why he took up wood working. Weapons(up to 4): A bow that has multiple curves inward and outward from where the wearer points, it has elegant carved symbols into the bow that seem to bring the attention to that. He also carried a shortsword that is a typical Elven crafted sword that has numerous carvings in the handle and blade. Inventory(up to 10): A elegant quiver that holds multiple arrows. Not saying really an exact number because I can know that can bite me back, but it can hold whatever seems reasonable to me later. Things depend on what happens and such. Armor description: He is often seen covered by a dark green hood and most of his body is covered by the same green material. Besides that, he has a armor layer of iron instead of the a more standing out armor. The iron does appear intead of being inside the clothes just described. It holds the cloak together in a sense. The iron covers most of his chest and waist with elegant carving expected from an elf. The other iron spots are, wrists shoulders, knees, Leather boots rather than iron because Iron makes more noise. Then leather straps to hold other key locations. Physical description: He stands at a height of 5'6 and has prominent features that an elf would appear to be like ears and on how Elfs appear to be beautiful. He is slim, but athletic once again. Enough to draw his sword and fight for seemingly endless periods of time and draw his bow. He however has brown hair that is put into one stream down right between his neck and right shoulder. His skin color is tan. I think that is the rest worth mentioning. Yeerz or yearz. Oh well, z's make everything better.
#88087518Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:03 AM GMT

@big CS is accepted. When you PM me the OOC Lore and such questions, I will tell you how you did. Above 80% = accept. (FYI, Dale got destroyed by Smaug.)
#88087650Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

CHARACTER APPLICATION N@me:DeathWatch @ge:29 Race:Human Faction:Gondor Class:Swordsmen Boy/Girl:Boy Bio:DeathWatch,a Silent Soldier in the Gondor Guard.No one really knows him but he is a Good Soldier loyal and evoted to The Gondor Empire Talents:Climbing,Swords Weapons(up to 4):Long sword,and Basic Shield Inventory(up to 10): Armor description:Light armor,The Mainc olor is Black,The trimmings is Red,it has the Logo of Gondor in the middle of the Chestplate.And the Helmet is a Basic Gondor Swordsmen Helmet but is Painted Black and a wears a Ninja mask Physical description:No one evr sees his face he hides his face behind a Mask and Helmet.But you can see his eyes which are Brown.
#88087796Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

(Quick comment on the OOC sheet, you ask who the king of Gondor is, technically there was no king, there was a STEWARD, not a king.)
#88087837Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

Oops Inventory:Flask,and 200 Gold coins in a Small Bag which is located near my Sword.Also a Bandages.
#88087878Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

((I dont rmember much Lore :P
#88088070Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:10 AM GMT

@ruf Re-do please. Here are some things you should work on: 1. Try getting a more fitting name. And if that is a surname, can you put the actual name of your character? 2. Bio should be longer. On this say how his life was, such as where he grew up, anything special to him, etc. 3. Make your physical description a little more detailed. Add hair color, hair style, etc, even if its not visible. Include your height in this also. (BTW, Inventory is items such as food, water, survival things, etc)
#88088179Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

@ruf Nvm bout the inv, I wrote too long :P @chon Put the steward or the last king of Gondor
#88088285Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:12 AM GMT

(Oh right, even still he was in the land of Dale either way, though, I thought that they still had cities in the area still remotely left untouched.)
#88088470Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:14 AM GMT

@big (Oh. xP This is 3 years before The H0BBIT Takes place.)
#88088743Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:17 AM GMT

(Like I said. I'm not really familiar anything before.)
#88088842Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

(The 'story' I put in the thread may help. BTW, PM me your OOC and you can start RPing.)
#88089032Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

CHARACTER APPLICATION N@me:Sir,Holt. @ge:29 Race:Human Faction:Gondor Class:Swordsmen Boy/Girl:Boy Bio:Holt,a young and Elite soldier he's currently a Vteran but still serves.Grew up in a small Village then moved to the White city,then joined the Guard.Life weas fine,nothing really happened. Talents:Climbing,Swords Weapons(up to 4):Long sword,and Basic Shield painted Black Inventory(up to 10): Armor description:Light armor,The Main color is Black,The trimmings is Red,it has the Logo of Gondor in the middle of the Chestplate.And the Helmet is a Basic Gondor Swordsmen Helmet but is Painted Black and a wears a Black Mask. Physical description:No one ever sees his face due to a Mission he was sent on his Skin is burnt so he wears a Mask and a Helmet to hide his face,Basically he was saving someone in a Village but he almost died while saving the Villager his body and face all burnt but still he survives some how. Better some hows :P?

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