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#88289444Saturday, February 02, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

This basically expands the Collision options to more than just CanCollide = False and CanCollide = True. Maybe in the properties menu of a brick, in place of the Collision box there would be a separate menu. Adding Collision group A, B, C, D and E. If you cannot guess what this means it generally means that A and B cannot collide but a brick with the same collision group will collide with each other. When you try and place a (lets call them A and B blocks) Lets place a A block on a B block, it won't work, the B block will be inside the A block. Same as all the other Collision menus. (All this doesn't just apply to collision group A and B, but to all the collision groups) Terrain will have all collision groups checked. If you want to have a brick that doesn't collide with anything then you have to uncheck all collision group options.

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