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#88293436Saturday, February 02, 2013 5:35 AM GMT

The world is bigger, bigger then we know, and they're watching us. Watching us, and our every move. Some of us, closer then others. WE have what they need, magic powers. But you didn't know that did you? I'm sorry, but trust me ignorance really IS bliss. Now you have the power to save yourself, you HAVE to save yourself. If you can get passed the White Brick Maze. As you went about your 'normal' day you hear a faint cry, and then nothing. Your eyes failing you, falling lower and lower until you fall down. The world around you feels of a warm liquid, or a humid summer day. Calm over whelms you. Every sound a whisper, not to be uncovered. Until you drift into a dreamless sleep. You are awaken, by a soft note. It sounds like a wind instrument, but the sound so faint no one could figure it out. Now you find yourself covered in warm white sheets, on a white bunk bed in a white brick room. Lifting your hand and tuching the wall it feels like a brick, a brick without paint. You sit up, finding you are not the only one. 10 sets of bunk beds line the north wall, all filled. 20 people. In the middle of the room is a white table with a white, neatly folded note. The wall had no doors, no windows... Nothing. At this time you look to yourself finding that your wearing a white shirt and white pants, jeans but white (Girls where jean-skirts). Next to each bunk bed where two pairs of socks and shoes. The only thing left to do is read the note.... ~Rules~ What I say goes You may have more then one character, only 20 people (Although I doubt that many characters will be made) You can join at any time, no matter who far we are in the maze No saying 'It's not in the rules' ~CS~ Name: @ge: Appearance: Personality: Skill/power(More will be explained through the story, but you have 'magic'): Bio: Other: ~My CS~ Name: Sylvia Cin @ge: 15 Appearance: She's 5' 10" tall, with skinny arms and legs, she has a roundish head covered in freckles, with round green eyes. She hair is long flat and red that ends unevenly at the middle of her back. Personality: Calm, mysterious. Skill/Power: Control over Water Bio: TBR Other: She is mute. ~My CS~ Name: Cat Reen @ge: 18 Appearance: She is way tall standing at an even 6', she has a sturdy frame but her arms a bit too long. She has large green eye's looking strangle like cat eyes. She has a square noise that's a bit crocked on her face. On her left arm is a c shaped scar, her hair is short and brown it lands perfectly below her ears, and has natural highlights of blonde and red. Personality: She's loud and in charge, there's not doubt. Not that she is mean she is just a born leader, even thought she always ends up the leader, she makes sure she ask for help when she needs it, and lover to hear others ideas. Skill/Power: Can talk to animals, and shift into them. (Mammals only) Bio: She left home at an early age tired of being called stupid and having to big dreams. She meets up with a circus and finds that she is good at acrobatics and a great animal trainer, althought is offten stuck with the hard jobs she never complains and always get all her jobs done and many of her coworks done before her lunch time. She is determend to prove a point. Other: She may know a little bit of whats really going on...
#88295717Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:17 AM GMT

(What the heck... How did this get so many views just randomly?)
#88296338Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:31 AM GMT

Simple of getting more views, F5. It is not me who did it. I'm simply looking at stories.
#88296371Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:32 AM GMT

(I don't know why someone would do that, but okay.)
#88296867Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:43 AM GMT

#88297083Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:48 AM GMT

#88335446Saturday, February 02, 2013 7:44 PM GMT

#88457024Sunday, February 03, 2013 11:06 PM GMT

#88538732Tuesday, February 05, 2013 12:41 AM GMT


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