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#88344237Saturday, February 02, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

90% of the human population is dead. 9 3/4% of the human population are zombies. You, you lucky son of a gun, are a member of the 1/4% of sane humans, struggling to survive. Life as you know it has changed. Zombies are no longer the only things that you have to look out for. Fear the living, fear the dead. RULES 1. In the end, we all die. This isn't a story about surviving the apocalypse, it is a story about how the survivors eventually lost. 2. No unrealistic posts. Nothing like, "I am overrun by 20 zombies on me, but manage to push them off." 3. No killing off other role-players. (Unless they are now a zombie and are no longer in the game) 4. Be ready for your death. It can come at anytime. 5. Characters must be 16 or older. You wouldn't see a 10 year old going around blowing off zombie heads. 6. Have fun. 7. If I say no to something, pleae remake your post. (I only say no to things that are completely unrealistic.) 8. I would advise you to find the main group. 9. You can't have "none" as a spot for Weaknesses or Fears. No one is not afraid or completely strong. (Keep in mind that ammo is scarce and hard to find for your certain gun. Don't waste it. Also, do not forget, you have to sleep and eat and drink.) N.ame: A.ge: Favored Weapon: Personality: Character Features: (What does your character look like) First Encounter with Zombie: Family: (Optional) Bio:
#88344297Saturday, February 02, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

(Complete List) N.ame: A.ge: Favored Weapon: Personality: Character Features: (What does your character look like) First Encounter with Zombie: Family: (Optional) Bio: Weaknesses: Fears:
#88344949Saturday, February 02, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

N.ame: Desmond Walker A.ge: 23 Favored Weapon: Crowbar or Pistol Personality: Quiet, follows the leader. Will help in missions and will try to become a main character. Character Features: (What does your character look like) Blonde, wavy short hair. Aftershave, blue eyes. Scar on cheek. White skin, slightly buff but skinny. First Encounter with Zombie: Watching his girlfriend be eaten by a waiter in a restuarant. Family: (Optional) All dead. Had to kill his younger sister Bio: Family life was rough. Hadn't had that many friends, socially awkward. Weaknesses: Group low morale, pressure put on him, friends dying Fears: Heights, Failing someone, losing someone, drowning, being eaten by zombies...
#88345023Saturday, February 02, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

Final note: This is all taking place in Chicago
#88349733Saturday, February 02, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

N.ame:Waltz Gernvon A.ge:38 Favored Weapon:Hunting rifle w/Scope,about 15 rounds in 5 round magazines(He retrived it from his cabin to get ammo for it, but never got time to return it),Fire axe. Personality:Withdrawn,Silent,Cunning and extremly patient. Always plans before any action.Very Intelgiant Character Features:Brown,neatly combed hair. Shaved face,and pitch black eyes. Wears a thick gray hoodie that is covered in the body by a matching gray kevlar vest. Pants are thick,nylon exercise pants that are a darker gray. First Encounter with Zombie:In a libary, he found one with a bookcase crushing it's lower body. He looked at it for a while before he finally left it. Family:All of family is dead. Only living relative is Uncle who lives in Sibera. Bio:A libarian, he spent most of his with his Uncle Joseph who taught him stratergy,the power of planning and sharpshooting. When his uncle left for Russia, he quickly withdrew himself from the world Weaknesses:Swimming,running and speed based tasks. Fears:Unpredictable objects,large amounts of water,Plans will go wrong.
#88351502Saturday, February 02, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

N.ame: Dimitri Strelkov A.ge: 28 Favored Weapon: SKS Rifle (Not my actual favorite gun) Personality: Secretive, generous Character Features: Black suit with a fedora, black sunglasses First Encounter with Zombie: The family was visiting England, where the apocalypse had not yet hit, and when they arrived home, his family was eaten by zombies. He ran away, while sobbing. Family: (Optional) Family was eaten (First encounter) Bio: Immigrant from Russia, where he used to be a minor criminal. He had participated in a few robberies and was caught in two of them. He then found a new life in America where he found a wife and settled down.
#88351616Saturday, February 02, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

( Iwasn't descriptive enough with my character) Character Features: Black suit with a fedora, black sunglasses, short black hair with brown eyes that are very clear.
#88351933Saturday, February 02, 2013 10:45 PM GMT

(And I didn't use the complete list) Weaknesses: Leadership, charging into combat (ex. walking up to a zombie to attack them or the same with a bandit) Fears: Getting eaten alive (Obviously), Large fires
#88370305Sunday, February 03, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

(Everyone so far is accepted. You can start role playing whenever you like. Just a reminder, the more you carry, the slower you will go and the more your stamina will suffer)
#88370881Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:01 AM GMT

You need help with math. Cᴏɴғᴇᴛᴛɪ Vɪᴋɪɴɢ Pᴀʀᴛʏ!
#88370915Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:01 AM GMT

N.ame: Leon Gravin A.ge: 28 Favored Weapon: Sniper rifle Personality: Quiet, but charming once you get to know him. Character Features: Brown hair, blue eyes, scar above left eye, 6"2, 190 pounds First Encounter with Zombie: Coming home from work, he noticed a LARGE amount of.... zombies? Family: (Optional) All dead Bio: Leon is a immigrant from germany, he came when he was 19. He left all of his family behind in germany and had a wife and 2 kids. They were all infected. Weaknesses: He gets tired easily. Fears: Getting overran and eaten.
#88373250Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:26 AM GMT

N.ame: Travis Monroe A.ge: 19 Favored Weapon: Metal Pole (sharpened tip) Character Features: Black heair, blue eyes, black cloack and hood, 5"10, 159 lbs. First Encounter with Zombies: Bush Crash, saw 2 zombies but had no clue what was going on, few minutes later saw car wash collapse and zombies pour out (I put the car wash because the song is playing when I post this XD) Family: Either missing or pre-bisected. Bio: A mysterious figue, Travis seems to have a dark past. We only know he was born in a research center in Antartica. Many have tried to steal Hhis filed. 25% chickened out, 74% were killed when discovered, and 1% had a super-close call. Waeknesses: Depression seems common in him. He also has a sever kiilling problem. Fears: Anybody finding out about his past, any involvment in a gas station, heights, towers over 76 stories high.
#88377530Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:09 AM GMT

Waltz----- "Wind...Weak...Distantance, 5-7 hundread yards. Movment speed,none..." Waltz whispers to himself as he sets up his rifle."Cargo,backpack. Possible food and ammo...Possible witness...Crows and Corps..." A sharp gunshot pierces the air, and the man instanly falls over,dead. Quick as it happened, Waltz immedilty starts hurrying over to the dead body,with his rifle shouldered. Another one gone,another one bites the dust... Waltz smirks at his own refrence.
#88379322Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:26 AM GMT

I like the idea of putting a twist on a zombie roleplay, but your math isn't the best. Don't hurt me, I'm precious!
#88379726Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:30 AM GMT

I feel like I'm gonna end up being a very anti-social character for some reason. N.ame: Jared Camper A.ge: 23 Favored Weapon: A six-shot revolver. Personality: Deranged, often faces paranoia. Suspicious of obviously sane people for being Zombies. Shows symptoms of possible ADHD. Character Features: A slightly darker skin tone, still technically Caucasian though. He has a larger than average nose, and a shallow start of a beard. He generally wears an unbuttoned read plaid shirt over a white blood-stained t-shirt. He wears blue jeans and a pair of white and red nike sneakers. First Encounter with Zombie: It would be hard to say, but probably when one broke into his house at midnight. He was quite sane before the whole thing, but he may have killed a perfectly uninfected and health mailman who knocked on his door in suspicious of infection. That happened three days before the zombie break-in. Family: His older brother, who was always the more popular and outgoing one, but also the one who was disliked the most by their parents. He made a few bad decisions and ended up in prison. In the end, it was actually Jared who was the crazy one... Under the right conditions at least. Bio: I basically just described it with the Family part, really. He was kinda shy, lived by himself in a house his parents bought. They were rich, but they lived on a 'we can't spoil our children' mentality, which they often took too far. The house was a sort of 'Sorry' gift in a way. They both died years ago, the father due to a heart attack, the mother a few years after in a car accident. They left their money to his brother Tom, who was in prison even before they died and wasn't supposed to get out for a decade. It kinda broke Jared's heart, especially because he'd always been the 'good kid'.
#88380786Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

N.ame: Connor Winsford A.ge: 23 Favored Weapon: Crossbow Personality: He is, unlike most survivors, a bit more peppy and jolly. He is still quite serious, but he's a little more quick to crack a joke or mess around. He is also very trusting, which may not be the best trait in this environment . . . Character Features: He has short choppy brown hair, ending just below his eyes, which are dull green. His skin is quite pale. He is fairly tall, at 6'3, and while he may look lean he is actually fairly strong. He wears a black Aeropostle hoodie, and blue jeans. First Encounter with Zombie: Attacked at the top of a skyscraper, with his brother. Family: (Optional) He has an older brother still alive, named Mason. Bio: He lived a fairly normal life. He wasn't the most popular at school, but was fairly well liked. He was always a bit of a computer nerd though, and loved video games. He graduated as Validvictorian and went on to college to become a Physicist. He fell a bit short though, not quite stacking up to what people expected of him. He dropped out of college at age 22, and spent the next year of his life working odd jobs. On the day of the infection he was with his brother in the top floor of a building, conducting business, when they suddenly attacked from everywhere. They were forced to split up, Connor got to the bottom but couldn't find his brother anywhere, so he was forced to run. He's still waiting for the day he can finally meet back with him, constantly hoping he still lives.
#88381124Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:44 AM GMT

Aaand I didn't use the full list for some reason :p Weaknesses: He is always trying to prove himself to others, which can lead to him doing stupid, impossible things. That could very well be the end of him. Fears: He has mild fears of bugs and heights, but his number one fear is drowning, or suffocating. That feeling of having all the air sucked from your lungs, floundering, no way out . . .
#88385750Sunday, February 03, 2013 4:37 AM GMT

Name: Miller Piatt A.ge: 13 Favored Weapon: Ray Gun, Hamr, RPD Personality: outgoing Character Features: (What does your character look like) brown hair brown eyes and freckles First Encounter with Zombie: on the toilet Family: (Optional) Bio: I am a beast at cod Weaknesses: noobs Fears: slenderman
#88385990Sunday, February 03, 2013 4:40 AM GMT

Not sure if troll... or just plain stupid. Don't hurt me, I'm precious!
#88386436Sunday, February 03, 2013 4:46 AM GMT

You shouldn't make fun of him. Didn't you hear him? He's a pro at COD, obviously he is a role model!
#88447185Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

(I was typing pretty fast when I wrote this, so my math might've been off. I guess I'm having a brain fart, but isn't 90 + 9 3/4 +1/4 = 100? Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm a little out of it today.)
#88447370Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

(Everyone except Piatt is accepted, for obvious reasons.)
#88448077Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

(No, you don't put fractions in a percent. It needs to be a decimal.) Don't hurt me, I'm precious!
#88448386Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:36 PM GMT

-Jared- The blue-suited man stays slumped upon my doorstep. I must dispose of the body soon, but not yet. They hunger, and this is their tribute. Maybe, maybe then they will leave me be. Maybe then I can be left to wallow in my tears. The beasts approach, tearing the body limb from limb. The all gasp from the horrid taste, and yet they feed. One vomits to the side, yet the feast continues. Desensitized, the sight is welcomed with arms wide.
#88449301Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:45 PM GMT

The corpse lies fallen,no zombies around yet."Zeds...Nearing...Few minutes...." More whispers as Waltz gets to the body. He quickly gets the backpack straps and unzips it."Matchs....Bottle of water...A bag of..*Sniff* still edible Doritos...A glock..." Waltz takes everything but the glock before pushing the body over to face it."Approx 40 years, avid survivor,*Digs out bandages from vest pocket*, medic carryier....May your soul escape this land..." Waltz finishs before gathering some old newspaper and burnable rubble around the body. The first zombies start to show. Waltz quickly lights a match and sets the corpse on fire. Waltz disseapers into one of the many deserted buildings as the zombies discover the burning corpse.

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