#88373838Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

The users that are saying that we all have to "Just get used to it," obviously don't really care about the quality of our building experience. They prefer playing games over making them, probably because they had no idea how to make one in the first place. My attention is also drawn to fact that players are no longer able to see their cursor. This has caused glitchy movement on screen when trying to adjust the camera, moving it around, or even to zoom in and out of the map. Building is now very frustrating. What is the point of scripting if you cannot build a solid map to script in? It's like eating a sandwich with no bread, or a salad without lettuce. There's no real point to it. As someone commented before on this thread, Roblox is now losing veterans, users from 2009, 2008, 2007, and even 2006! I am seriously considering joining the group of users who have quit roblox altogether. I bought BC to MAKE GAMES, not to struggle on a map without a cursor trying to build something that doesn't even look like what it's supposed to be... This is a pathetic display of roblox trying to get more users, and ultimately, more money! The only way to get this thread popular and actually get it noticed by the admins is to comment! Comment like never before! Comment about the rage, the hatred you have for this disgusting new update! Post this link wherever you can! The fate of Roblox Building is in our hands! -Stenatic
#88387918Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

Lets burn it down to the ground. Watch Robloxian's scream for mercy Delete all of the tools from the game.Workspace Throw the studio in the recycling bin But lets save the Robloxian 3.0's :L They're pretty cool except for their face , OFF WITH THEIR HEADS... Lets get stickmasterluke,Sources,LegoHeroFactory, Etc.. And put them in a noob trap with no reset tool or gui or tool to delete the bricks! Who ever is with me say "NEW REVOLUTION!"
#88387970Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:08 AM GMT

I quit Roblox do to this, this update is outrageos.
#88390045Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:38 AM GMT

I have lost faith in ROBLOX (not that I ever had any) because of this update. I am outraged. A whole lot more than just the layout was changed. ==PROS== You can now CFrame in Edit Mode without plugins or tools. Less crashes. ==CONS== Tools don't show up in Build Mode. Camera pan is buggy. You can't efficiently select multiple items in Explorer. Properties sometimes freezes on a brick. Properties often is found under the Explorer. No "Zoom Extents" button. Move on Axis tool's handles don't show through bricks. Can't take screenshots/videos. Annoying layout which will take getting lots of getting used to. Keyboard shortcuts changed. Keyboard shortcuts often do not register the first time you press them. Pretty sure the Cons outweigh the Pros on this one. So yeah, you devs are going to have to do something about it. "The voices of the people shall be heard. The poor will conquer the kings." ~SkateBored, CEO and Founder of Cloud Nine Incorporated.
#88390861Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:54 AM GMT

We should not be forced to use Roblox Studio 2013... -- I ate the reply button.
#88391164Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:01 AM GMT

I don't see why you all are complaining. I have had literally little to no issues with Studio 2013 besides some performance decreases and took me a few minutes to find the plugins folder, otherwise I have enjoyed the new layout of Studio 2013 and honestly once I get used to how everything works I think i'll like studio 2013 rather than 1.0. I know it's new and not many like change, but give it time and i'm sure ROBLOX will fix the bugs it does have and users will start getting used to it. Instead of complaining wanting Studio 1.0 back we all should be putting in a huge effort in finding these issues and letting the developers know what is wrong with their product so that they can iron the bugs out and provide us a even better tool for making outstanding games. I have a lot of faith in ROBLOX because I know they can do this. I honestly like how ROBLOX has turned out compared to when I first joined. If we can just show them a little support and help them out by giving suggestions and such rather then complaining i'm sure ROBLOX will be a even better way of creating the game of your dreams. I don't know about you, but this is how I see it.
#88391445Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:07 AM GMT

Agreed. Roblox needs to build on its older studio (similar to how Minecraft builds on its older versions and updates/upgrades them) rather than throwing it out and bring out an entirely new version. Imagine if Notch had dropped Minecraft completely and made Minecraft 2.
#88391554Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:10 AM GMT

@chatthedestroyer2 I don't know if this is true or not, but in another complaint post I found someone quoting Ravenger7 on this. "Unfortunately we came to the conclusion that we would have to keep updating 1.0 with new security keys every time we did a release. We do not want to maintain that code base. I’m sorry but the best thing to do right now is to help us get 2013 to a point where it has everything that 1.0 has but better. What do you miss exactly? Where does it lag? What’s wrong with it? Suggestions are better than complaints."
#88392107Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:21 AM GMT

What does that even mean? Security keys? What?
#88392253Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:24 AM GMT

@chatthedestroyer2 I have no clue either. Either way, if this quote is true then the team really seems to have wanted to replace Studio 1.0 since it was a hassle to keep up with.
#88392888Sunday, February 03, 2013 6:37 AM GMT

I seriously doubt it was a hassle. They've been doing it for over 6 years.
#88393827Sunday, February 03, 2013 7:01 AM GMT

@sparker I agree with your first post on this thread, we shall help ROBLOX make 2013 better than 1.0. Le [ Content Deleted ]
#88393992Sunday, February 03, 2013 7:05 AM GMT

Worst update ever. Period.
#88395432Sunday, February 03, 2013 7:39 AM GMT

#88399558Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:43 AM GMT

I cant build anymore!! I was using the old hopperbin build tools and C-Frame GUI to build(Thats the way I like to build), Now those tools dont even appear in my backpack anymore! Please get rid of the update.
#88412739Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:14 PM GMT

I can't build a simple brick.
#88413930Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:32 PM GMT

Before The new studio i used Studio 2.0.Studio 1.0 Looks awesome! 2.0 Is awesome too.And studio 2013 gets all the hate when 1.0 and 2.0 gets the Like button.
#88439504Sunday, February 03, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

I don't even have any tools when I enter build mode in roblox studio.
#88442466Sunday, February 03, 2013 8:37 PM GMT

I cant even get the darned thing to open!!!
#88450134Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

I must say, this is the most the community has back lashed against a ROBLOX update I think. Anyway, my building has been impeded by this update. I actually like some parts of it, like the new, cleaner interface, and now that it is more optimized so it's faster. But that is where my appreciation stops. The cursor, the most basic and important of all building tools is just complete trash in my opinion now. It disappears when you are moving the camera around, it is less precise ( re-sizing and moving items are now such a hassle ) and sometimes when you select a brick and try to move it somewhere like between 2 other bricks, the selection likes to jump around. Idk. Loading times are now slower than before. In my opinion, it is the grid that is causing the lag issues when moving obects And still, when loading models from the toolbox there is a significant amount of lag. I think that they have updated it because when I used it last night, it was unbearable, but today it seems to comply. Anyway, the best way to speak out against your dislikes with ROBLOX is to stop paying them, but of course that won't happen.
#88457168Sunday, February 03, 2013 11:07 PM GMT

Where is the plugins folder??? -_-
#88457296Sunday, February 03, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

But you joined 6 days ago... You wouldnt even get used to studio 1.0 in like 3 days :>
#88482675Monday, February 04, 2013 3:14 AM GMT

I agree!!!! This update has ruined studio. Even the building tools a messed up! They should either fix it, or switch it back to the older version.
#88495858Monday, February 04, 2013 6:44 AM GMT

Ripint, my alternative account, TheBryanKendrick, is a veteran to roblox. I just created this account recently and I am now using it as my primary, mainly because it has BC.
#88505764Monday, February 04, 2013 4:16 PM GMT

I am on and off about this new Studio update, true, it does have many things 1.0 didn't have,and whoever said the quote thing that it is to make it better, thats half true, and half false, my point, when you want to do many things it is different and more difficult, we have to deal with it, but when I try to build with ROBLOX Studio 2013, sometimes I feel like throwing my computer out the window into a pit of lava. However, the up side is that is more likely to not crash ROBLOX when building in ROBLOX studio 2013. We have to put up with this, sadly, maybe they could make a new option like some other people suggested to keep 1.0. Or, they can also put 1.0 back, and remodel it to be like the good parts of ROBLOX Studio 2013, for example, keep the less likely to Crash, take out the way it is harder to build, and add the rest of 1.0. This Update is bringing a lot of hate, I agree, so I am 50 50.