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#88404536Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:42 PM GMT

(Having thought of this about two minutes ago, please forgive me if I can't quite close some loop-holes yet. But if you point any you see out, I'll try to close them. If I can't, I'll let this die.) This role-play takes place in a different world to ours. The appearance of the world is exactly the same - tall buildings, concrete, trees, cars, whatever. That world is almost exactly the same as ours - but with some key differences. Human beings are born with small orbs, which as babies are stuck to their skin by vernix. The child will be taken, careful to keep it still and not dislodge the small sphere. A chain is attached to the orb and is fastened around the baby's neck, where it will remain until it is changed. While the orb is - as far as scientists know - completely indestructible, the chain is not. Should the chain break and the orb move more than 30cm away from the skin, the person becomes an empty shell. The orb, unique to each person, holds their soul. When separated from their soul, the humans become nothing. Alive but not living, unable to do anything for themselves, even if reunited with their orb. The term widely used is CPVS - Conscious Permanent Vegetative State. The World Leaders, while divided by oceans and some views, are mostly completely united. They differ, obviously, from those of this world. And they face a dilemma: The people have discovered that soldiers and spies undergo surgeries to stitch the orbs into places over their body, different to each person. And the people want this to happen to all people. Crime in this world is high. It is only too easy to break a chain and then steal belongings or attack people when they can no longer defend themselves. So a rebellion is forming, to overthrow their leaders and make the operations mandatory for all people so that sleeping at night is easier. The lives of these people are, quite literally, hanging by a chain. Rules: 1. Please ask me questions about this so I can fix it and make it better. 2. This was a brain splurge that I needed to get out, so I don't mind if it fails. 3. If you do join, please use grammar and spelling. 4. Is it original? I have no idea. I suppose that the general background isn't. 5. Please ask someone if you are going to Unchain them (unless they are your own NPCs) 6. Please don't get mad at me if you are not accepted. 7. I reserve the right to add rules, so that might happen. 8. My laptop battery is running out so don't get mad if the CS is rushed. 9. The role-play is set in LONDON, England. Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Appearance: Bio: Orb appearance: Rebellious?:
#88404554Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:43 PM GMT

I welcome all criticism.
#88411234Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:53 PM GMT

I also amend my statement: I don't mind it dying as long as people gave it a chance and told me what was wrong with it.

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