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#88792087Friday, February 08, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

Special gears, that is. Remember those katanas? If you had all of the katanas, they combined into a very powerful "super katana" in a place. Allegedly, I've never seen it myself. But, it does give me an idea for a cycle of gears. Introducing the 10 swarm gears. The mechanics are: All of these gears cost 600R$. All of these gears are limited U, with 6500 in stock. All of these gears do different stuff, but "power up" depending on how many gears in this cycle of gears you have. "S" is how many swarm gears the person owns. NOT HAS IN THE GAME, BUT LEGITIMATELY OWNS. Eg: ff you own three swarm gears, S will be three. You can predict what types/genres all the gears fall under. 1) Swarming blade. A typical "sword", but it has pestillance and corrosion in all of it. It has three ways to damage: Scratch damage (Contact with the blade) Which is calculated with the forumla: S. Strike damage (Contact with the blade when clicking) Which is calculated with: S*3. Lunge damage (Contact with the blade when lunging) Which is calculated with: S*5. 2) Swarming bow. A typical "bow", but it has pestillance and corrosion in all of it. Upon clicking, it shoots (S) arrows that deal (S*3) damage at your cursor. S reload time between clicks, 0.3 second cooldown between each arrow. 3) Swarming cure. A typical potion, but it has pestillance and corrosion in all of it. Upon clicking, it heals you for (S*10) health. It has an (S*10) reload. 4) Swarming bomb. A typical bomb, but it has... you get it. Upon clicking, you drop a bomb. After 5 seconds, anyone within (S*3) studs of the bomb is dealt (S*50) damage. (S*6) reload. 5) Swarming cloak. A cloak with the typical swarming qualities. Upon clicking, you turn invisible for (S*6) seconds. You can de-equip the gear without the invisibillity being wierd. A reload of 30 seconds. 6) Swarming gas. A gas flask with typical swarming qualities. Upon clicking, you disperse a gas (S*5) by (S*5) by (S*5) studs long, that deals (S*5) damage to anyone in it every (S/S^2) seconds, lasting for (S*12) seconds. A reload of (S*2) seconds. 7) Swarming strength. Another potion with the qualities. Upon clicking, your max HP goes up by (S*20) with a 1-use-per-life drawback. 8) Swarming ally. A phoenix with the qualities. You know, a phoenix that hovers over your head for (S*6) seconds, dealing (S*5) damage to any enemy within (S*10) studs radius in rotation with a reloading time between blasts of fire of (S/S^2) seconds, with a master reload of (S*6) seconds. 9) Swarming trovel. A trovel with the qualities. Creates a f (S*2) by (S*2) by (S*2) studs long wall that lasts for (S*12) seconds. (S*3) reload. 10) Swarming pandora. A shining, prestine box. Upon click, it turns into a random gear aforemented. You get S of these boxes per spawn. And that's it. Enjoy.
#88792517Saturday, February 09, 2013 12:00 AM GMT

Uh... I'm confused... Support.
#88833752Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:08 AM GMT

My thank you mr. surge. Bump.
#88844147Saturday, February 09, 2013 3:23 PM GMT

#89035808Monday, February 11, 2013 4:16 PM GMT

#89036487Monday, February 11, 2013 4:36 PM GMT

No support! I don't even know what that is.
#89037460Monday, February 11, 2013 5:03 PM GMT

My thank you for the support, troll. Bump.
#89880973Thursday, February 21, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

And more bumping. >:U
#91096069Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:26 PM GMT

And even more bumping... Scythe...
#91096174Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

I don't understand how this is confusing, but anyway support.
#91097477Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:56 PM GMT

Support :3 -le' siggy impossible-
#91097525Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:57 PM GMT

with increased user activity and account creation, this would be logistically very hard i would imagine ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃ Verb conjugator, plus herb inhalator ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃
#91192051Thursday, March 07, 2013 7:46 PM GMT

My thank you mr. Noone and mr. Fedjamen. Although fire, It's not that hard. In the scripts, It'll check how many of the 10 gears you own, then replace in each script the tag S with how many you own. User activity and a massive ammount of accounts doesn't matter (a lot), as it only checks the user.
#91193812Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:24 PM GMT

mmm yes but these limiteds would be hard to obtain, making them really for the richest percent of the site and not the community as a whole ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃ Verb conjugator, plus herb inhalator ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃
#91264441Friday, March 08, 2013 6:22 PM GMT

Well, true... Okay, I'll just add 13500 to the number of limiteds, making the thing 20000... Or make them not limited. Not sure which.
#91264782Friday, March 08, 2013 6:29 PM GMT

I didn't read all of it (I skipped 7,8,&9), but I more or less get it. I support. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5y9GOZE1rE<~
#91264850Friday, March 08, 2013 6:31 PM GMT

Yeah, sound alright to me.
#91387487Sunday, March 10, 2013 12:00 AM GMT

My thank you mr. Red and mtr. Jacob. Bump.

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