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#89163310Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

Almost Half of ROBLOX, is now MINECRAFT. Ads, games, and a WHOLE LOT of thumbnails on ROBLOX are Minecraft, or related to it. This is just... Wrong. Is this how ROBLOX want's to present itself? Even if we helped the thumbnails in a very AWESOME way, as I have mentioned in http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=88171480 (which you may want to read. It's long, but it's still entertaining to read anyway.) Roblox still will be frowned upon a little. Now, I'm no expert here. It's not like my username, and Official(jingle) T-shirt of professionally expert-like titles, and epic game place, automatically makes me an expert. Well, it kind of does, but that's besides the point. My main point is, Do we want ROBLOX (all caps, because aparently it's become an acronym or something like that. I'm not sure, but people use it, so...) to become like, say, Club Penguin? And Why do I mention Club Penguin? Yes, I know, we ALL had a Club Penguin account at one point in our lives (which is very true if you had a childhood), but we ALL know, that we don't play club penguin anymore. And this is because of Disney, taking charge, and trying to make the most money out of things, and "innovate" in this sort of idiotic manner. And so, Club Penguin was thrown in the trash by Disney. Goodbye, we hate penguins, but we love money. No. ROBLOX should be different. ALL of my friends have left ROBLOX. Yes, I did just say the 'A' word: 'All'. And that is quite a lot of friends. I couldn't explain to them why ROBLOX(Again, an acronym or something) actually has value. ROBLOX is Great! Theres no doubting that. But it's presentation? Terrible. There is no one point in ROBLOX anymore, where you can refresh the 'Games' page, and find 5 fun games in there. And this started everyone leaving ROBLOX, to go play Minecraft. And so one GENIUS, who's name is unknown, decided, "Oh, I should turn ROBLOX into Minecraft!" And thus started the 'Games' page. So, here is the way we could probably solve this problem. 1. read this http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=88171480 and use this in our aid to a perfectly presented site. 2. Moderate. Yes, moderate. To be more specific, murder those who even dare put up a false thumbnail. Or make a 'report misleading' button (which I read something about that in a forum a while ago. So credit to you.). Now, I hope you actually read this. If not, you are missing out, but anyways, if you actually muster up the courage to post TL;DR, I do hope you know that it shall present you as a complete idiot. Because Being a 'troll' all the sudden makes you unique and special. No. Everyones a troll in their own special way. And if you post any of that TL;DR crap, you are basically asking for me to laugh at your face.
#89163448Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:11 AM GMT

Not to be rude, but how do you know what roblox is/used to be before now if you just joined a month and a half ago?
#89163563Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:14 AM GMT

@darthvader well, I joined on new years, if you are that curious. I made this account so that I don't have to have EVERYONE messaging me, freaking out, and all that on my REAL account, which joined a while back. Nah, I'm joking, It's because I'm magical. What does that have to do with supporting/not supporting/say TL;DR, anyway?
#89163670Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:17 AM GMT

"ROBLOX should be different. ALL of my friends have left ROBLOX. Yes, I did just say the 'A' word: 'All'. And that is quite a lot of friends. I couldn't explain to them why ROBLOX(Again, an acronym or something) actually has value. ROBLOX is Great! Theres no doubting that. But it's presentation? Terrible." Sounds like MLP:FiM. It's good, but people don't want to watch it. "And Why do I mention Club Penguin? Yes, I know, we ALL had a Club Penguin account at one point in our lives (which is very true if you had a childhood), but we ALL know, that we don't play club penguin anymore. And this is because of Disney, taking charge, and trying to make the most money out of things, and "innovate" in this sort of idiotic manner." My childhood was playing with nerf guns with my friends outside, not being on the computer. Support on the report misleading button. Work on your presentation as ROBLOX has to work on theirs, according to you.
#89164503Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:39 AM GMT

I support. Though I think that the whole "upload thumbnail" thing should be removed completely. Things have never been the same ever since that came out.
#89660368Monday, February 18, 2013 10:25 PM GMT

#89819939Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:00 PM GMT

bump again, because it's allowed in S&I, according to chiefjustus's sticky.
#89820767Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

...I never played club penguin...
#89821300Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

@Evilleech111 LOL interesting. At least where I live, EVERYONE has a club penguin account, and NOBODY has played it long.
#89821503Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:19 PM GMT

Some of my friends played it a year or to ago. but I never played it.
#89822944Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:36 PM GMT

seems supportable. Support. Yes, it was a joke that "everyone has a club penguin account, but nobody plays it."
#89823323Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

#89824269Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

Bumpification: 0.000001% complete
#89827203Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

#89830583Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

All my friends...
#89831183Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

I'm pretty sure that ROBLOX, is the company name (Or website name, as you can see in the top left hand corner. It is also a users name.)
#89831389Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

I agree Im tired of Minecraft thumbnails taking over the games page.
#89831555Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

Support. All those ads, and thumbnails for largely fake places annoy me...
#89907160Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

#89907485Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

Support 100%. Once I went into a game where the title was survive the wave. It turned out to be an obby....
#89910421Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:54 PM GMT

#89912343Friday, February 22, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

*Sigh* You really shouldn't make long drawn out posts until you know what you're doing. Just a good reminder; Because although that may look thought out, I can bring that down very easily. Starting with quote-rebuttal: "Almost Half of ROBLOX, is now MINECRAFT." First of all, not roblox's fault. That's the fault of the people who use roblox. And is it harming anyone? People like to copy minecraft quite obviously. And that's all roblox really is; A place where you copy something and elaborate on it into a game. Third of all, Roblox is nothing like minecraft. Seriously, they seem similar but honestly; they're not. One's a game, One's a tool. If you want to use one of them to make a game, which one are you honestly going to use? Minecraft, with its limited redstone usages, with its blocky appearance, with elements of it hanging on things you have no control over. That's option A. Roblox, with its scripting language, with a massive variety of options, with a massive ammount of control, with simplisity and complexity, with an easily-editable design and appearance. Think about it. What's better for MAKING a game? Roblox. Hands down. What's better for PLAYING AS a game? Minecraft. Hands down. Second of all, that's an assumption. It's no where near 50%. If I had to make a better estimate, At the very, VERY, *VERY* best 3% of all of the user-made content on roblox is related to minecraft in some way. "Ads, games, and a WHOLE LOT of thumbnails on ROBLOX are Minecraft, or related to it. This is just... Wrong. Is this how ROBLOX want's to present itself?" That's not how roblox is presenting itself. That's people saying "Hmm... Let's do something to my place that's related to minecraft." And some photoshopping later, you have an image. Thus, not roblox's fault. If you want to know, this is how roblox is presenting itself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHdA7Yc-8Rg With adverts and videos like these. They're what make you aware of roblox (for a logical majority. But oh well.) And those aren't minecraft related at all, are they? "Even if we helped the thumbnails in a very AWESOME way, as I have mentioned in http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=88171480 (which you may want to read. It's long, but it's still entertaining to read anyway.) Roblox still will be frowned upon a little." *EVERY* game is frowned upon a little. It's impossible to make the perfect, unhateable game. And again, not roblox's fault. A lot of the things I'm assuming you're blaming roblox about is not even close to thier fault or even control. "Now, I'm no expert here." Noted. "My main point is, Do we want ROBLOX (all caps, because aparently it's become an acronym or something like that. I'm not sure, but people use it, so...) to become like, say, Club Penguin?" A) Implying that roblox is turning into club penguin, which it isn't. B) Implying that roblox is anything like club penguin, which it isn't. One's a social hangout that's became corrupted. One's a game-making tool that's moving in the times by adding elements of social hangout. "And Why do I mention Club Penguin? Yes, I know, we ALL had a Club Penguin account at one point in our lives (which is very true if you had a childhood), but we ALL know, that we don't play club penguin anymore. And this is because of Disney, taking charge, and trying to make the most money out of things, and "innovate" in this sort of idiotic manner." Something roblox isn't doing, thankfully. What? It costs to make a game? It costs to play a game? No, it doesn't. "ALL of my friends have left ROBLOX." AGAIN, I doubt that's roblox's fault. "I couldn't explain to them why ROBLOX(Again, an acronym or something) actually has value." ROBLOX is a mixture of the words "robot" and "blocks", with the "ck" in "blocks" replaced with an X to sound "cool." There you go. In a serious face, if you tell them about scripting, that seems to work when all of my friends say that someone of my age shouldn't be using a "childish game for babies." "ROBLOX is Great! Theres no doubting that. But it's presentation? Terrible." Is it? Its presentation when made by the mods "There is no one point in ROBLOX anymore," I'll give you a point. Where else can you build a game so fluently, so simply, with virtually no limitations? Where else can you do that, and meet with friends and meet other people as you have a look and play games that you made? Where else can you do this, without paying anything? (NBCers *CAN* play games. They also can build games. They can also meet up with thier friends and other people just as easily as BCers. It's not a BC benefit.) Does minecraft give you that? Does club penguin give you that? Does facebook give you that? No. They don't. Roblox is unique, and it will continue to be as long as people see it as a tool and not a game. "where you can refresh the 'Games' page, and find 5 fun games in there. And this started everyone leaving ROBLOX, to go play Minecraft." Statistically unlikely. Besides, minecraft is ONE fun game. So if that games page has FIVE fun games, isn't that an improvement? "And so one GENIUS, who's name is unknown, decided, "Oh, I should turn ROBLOX into Minecraft!" And thus started the 'Games' page." The games page existed before minecraft's ancestor, infiniminer, was around. Well, probably. Minecraft definitely was after the games badge. So much for that theory. And because I've already done my roblox > and =/= minecraft argument, I won't repeat it. "So, here is the way we could probably solve this problem." What problem? 1. read this http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=88171480 and use this in our aid to a perfectly presented site." Like I've sort of implied but not said directly; That's user made content, not roblox's content itself that is spoiling this so called "presentation." Which I'm still not sure if you mean initial presentation or continous presentation which is why I assume initial as that's the more important one. "2. Moderate. Yes, moderate. To be more specific, murder those who even dare put up a false thumbnail. Or make a 'report misleading' button (which I read something about that in a forum a while ago. So credit to you.)." Okay, this is really the only bit you have to read. But two things: 1) http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=86588069 They *ARE* taking care of it. 2) Define misleading. Something that you would say is misleading someone will say is not. I'll take comet's survive the wave being an obby example. What if that obby had obsticles where you had waves push you off of something and kill you? You litterally have to survive the waves. So, quick TL;DR summary version: You're overthinking it. A lot of your examples are not roblox's fault. Minecraft content is a minoroty. Minecraft content is not contributing to roblox's general "presentation"; Roblox's ads and videos are, which are minecraft free. So there's nothing to really worry about. -Still, I would like to see those ads be made to be more about the scripting and building, to be honest. "Now, I hope you actually read this. If not, you are missing out, but anyways, if you actually muster up the courage to post TL;DR, I do hope you know that it shall present you as a complete idiot. Because Being a 'troll' all the sudden makes you unique and special. No. Everyone's a troll in their own special way. And if you post any of that TL;DR crap, you are basically asking for me to laugh at your face." Fun fact: Saying TL;DR all on its own without anything else is actually reportable for spam. So yay.
#89913078Friday, February 22, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

@Frozen Thats the reason why your respected.
#89918828Friday, February 22, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

@frozen Great job at not reading my post in a way that people will actually listen to. I am only putting it this way because I want supporters. Come on, You have no interest in any of this "speech" type thing, as you are a full on "debate" type person. Read it correctly.
#89919096Friday, February 22, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

also @frozen You are COMPLETELY ignorant to everything, and reading it wrong. This is a Suggestion, not a debate tournament. You are very wrong on me implying that everything good on roblox is minecraft. If you actually read it right, and took a good look at the front page games, you would know that you may just want to eat up those words. I'm not implying that roblox is turning into club penguin. READ IT RIGHT. Your comprehension skills are a bit lacking on one angle.

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