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#89238199Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:11 PM GMT

To hard to move on the crew is on the verge of failure, if not for Cat and her words they could not possible move on…. "The world is massive, there is more then we know out there. And yes they're watching us, watching us and our every move. You, me, even your neighbors friends cousins science partner. Some of us they watch closer then others. And WE, we have what they need. But you didn't know that did you? I'm sorry, but trust me ignorance really IS bliss. Though now you have the power to save yourselves, you HAVE to save yourselves. If we can get passed the White Brick Maze. Because it's more then a challenge, or more then freedom. It's not only your life, but everyone you know, their life. We have to want it, because 'they' aren't jailers they're just as helpless as us. The only difference is with these tests we can help ourselves. Come on, let's go and get this done." ___ But this won't happen until later… ___ As you went about your normal day you hear a faint cry, and then nothingness. Your eyes suddenly failing you, falling lower and lower until you, yourself fall down too. Soon the world around you feels of a warm liquid, or a humid summer day. Calm over whelms you, your every fiber. Every sound a whisper, not to be uncovered. Until you drift into a deep dreamless sleep. You are then awaken, by a soft note. It sounds like a wind instrument, but the sound so faint no one could figure it out. Now you find yourself covered in warm white sheets, on a white bunk bed in a white brick room. Lifting your hand and touching the wall it feels like a brick, a brick without paint. Sitting up you find that you are not the only one. Ten sets of bunk beds line the north wall, all filled. Twenty people, strangers. In the middle of the room is a white table with a white, neatly folded note. The wall had no doors, no windows... Nothing. At this time everyone started looking to themselves finding that they were wearing a white t-shirts and white pants, jeans but white (girls where jean-skirts). Next to each bunk bed where two pairs of socks and shoes. The only thing left to do is read the note.... ~Rules~ What I say goes You may have more then one character, only 20 people (Although I doubt that many characters will be made) You can join at any time, no matter who far we are in the maze No saying 'It's not in the rules' ~Side Note~ The 'power' mentioned in the speech is an unnatural ability. Be creative, be reasonable with how strong it is. Non of the character know they have these abilities yet. 'They' is a surprise, have fun guessing. ~CS~ Name: @ge: Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Personality: Skill/power: Bio(Put at lest something): Other: ~My CS~ Name: Cat Reen @ge: 18 Appearance: Cat is tall standing at an even 6'4, she has a sturdy frame but her arms are maybe a bit too long. She has large green eye's looking strangle like cat eyes, mysterious and wise. Cat has a square noise that's a bit crocked on her face. Cat's hair is short and brown it lands perfectly below her ears, and has natural highlights of blonde and red. Then on her left arm is a c shaped scar. Personality: She's loud and in charge, there is not doubt. Not that she is mean, she is just a born leader. Even though she always ends up the leader, she makes sure she ask for help when she needs it and lover to hear others ideas. Skill/Power: Cat can use her words to change the reality around her, for example she can calm people down or unlock a simple door. Though this takes huge amounts of energy and is very hard to use properly. It's easy for her to 'say' one thing and another thing will happen, or just nothing at all while still using up her energy. Bio: Cat had a fairly normal life, she lived with both her parents and her older sister. She was always really loud, and though she took charge she would still always keep other peoples ideas in mind. Her parents where really strike so Cat always got As and did various extra activities including cheer and gymnastics. Cat left home at an early @ge, 16, tired of being called stupid for having big dreams. Her family wasn't always the most supportive and had a lot of problems. She met up with a Circus putting her skills to work, although she was often stuck with the hard jobs she never complained and always got all her jobs done and many of her coworkers done before her lunch time. She was determined to prove a point. In her free time she trained with the acrobats, since she was in gymnastics before and thought it was a good next step. In the last few months Cat has gotten some strange meeting and messages from people. Always by a third party, so was never given the chance to met the people 'talking' to her. In these meetings she was told how soon she would end in a maze like place with other people. They never told her why, and this made her mad and irritated. After awhile she just thought it a prank and ignored them. By the last meeting they said she would need to kill the people she met in the maze. This greatly confused her, why would they need her to do that? She quickly turned them down, saying they were insane if they thought she would. The third party told her that 'they' said if she didn't they would take her family. Cat was irritated with her family, but they were still her family... She begrudgingly agreed, but she still wasn't sure.
#89241842Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:29 PM GMT

Seen as I'm so bored, I'm gonna join. ._. Name: Rebecca @ge: 19 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Long waist length red hair, snake green eyes, ivory skin. Shortish? Very feminine. Personality: Sugar sweet, when wants to be, crabby and selfish when tired or lost temper. Skill/power: She may control fire, flames, at her will, she thinks it, it goes. Bio(Put at lest something): She was born in England. (That enough?) Other: She's very popular... normally?
#89243882Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

(Uh... Accepted I guess.)
#89273578Friday, February 15, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

#89273986Friday, February 15, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

~CS~ Name: Leo Johnson @ge: 14 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Dark brown hair with light blue eyes, glasses Personality: Shy, timid Skill/power: He can control things with his mind, telekinisis. Bio(Put at lest something): Leo lived a normal life, he went to school, did his work, but didn't make any friends. Other:
#89275743Friday, February 15, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

(I need at lest a more detailed appearance, that is just like... I don't even know, you don't know his height or what his face looks like or what kind of hair cut. It's so vague.)
#89276007Friday, February 15, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

Name: Eliza Winger @ge:16 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Very dark black hair and freckled cheeks. She has skin paler then a ghosts. Personality: Shy. She hates being with mankind. She's better independantley. Skill/power: She works with water. ice and wind. Bio(Put at lest something): Eliza was always the kid to hide her face and back down from many important oppurtunities. You could always find her near a lake, getting better at her water bending. Other: None Tell me if I did anything wrong.
#89276162Friday, February 15, 2013 1:21 AM GMT

( Eliza has long hair and is 5'5 ) :P
#89276354Friday, February 15, 2013 1:23 AM GMT

(i'll most likely join but the new season of survivor is on and im too lazy to write a CS so i'll join later) =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=
#89276926Friday, February 15, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

~CS~ Name: Vivian Caldwell @ge: 23 Appearance: Vivian is tall at 6'0, with long straight black hair with straight bangs on her forehead. She has aqua marine blueish green eyes and olive skin tone that is lightly tanned. She has round glasses that she doesn't always wear. When she doesn't feel like wearing them, she'll have one of the ends under the collar of her shirt, hanging over her chest. Personality: Vivian is a quiet and independent person. She resides in solitude and thinks going solo is best for her. She is very wise and knowledgeable about many subjects and things and remains calm throughout most things and almost never overreacts. Skill/power: Fabricate and interfere with the threads of time. There are largely awful limits to this, but she can do small things every now and then like slow time down for certain things or accelerate it. With enough energy and focus and concentration, she could completely stop it or move through it but not too far. Using this too much can result in a death by inflicting large injuries to her mind and physical states. Bio(Put at lest something): As a child, she was orphaned at only 12 and was set off to live with her aunt and uncle who mistreated and neglected her severely, which is why she is so emotionless and independent nowadays. She's only recently moved out from her relatives home and lives alone now and goes to college to become a Human Resources worker, or that was the plan... Other:
#89276978Friday, February 15, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

(Uh... Accepted I guess. But if you can control all of those things you need to be weak at it. Like a Jack of all traits sort of thing. Or you could narrow down the ability.)
#89277062Friday, February 15, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

(JP is also accepted, *last was late post*.)
#89306392Friday, February 15, 2013 1:55 PM GMT

#89306779Friday, February 15, 2013 2:07 PM GMT

~CS~ Name: Jeriece @ge: 15 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Has a Blue Shirt/Pants , got brownish/black eyes , A little small , Got a Half/Broken Shoe , And a Bluish/Black Hair Personality: He is easily angered , Behaved Skill/power: He can go invisible with fast speed Bio(Put at lest something): Jeriece is a kid who is a hunter (Animal Hunter) he almost got killed by a wolf , when that incident came , he got easily angered and got fast speed , when he was 10 he can control his visibility to minimum (He can go invisible) when someone get him angered with , he uses those abilities to finish that Person. Other: He live in a Forest (Dunno the name) and is a poor kid , he got school far away from his house.
#89307257Friday, February 15, 2013 2:22 PM GMT

Name: Tom Capernelli @ge: 19 Appearance: 5'8, Sorta narrow face, Average Strength for a man his age, Short red hair, One eye with a cataract and the other is Hazel, Wears a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Personality: Nice to almost everyone he meets, Always will go with the flow, Likes being on his own. Skill/Power: He can harden his skin so it becomes fire and bullet proof. Bio: Raised by his Italian grandfather on a farm in Italy, he had a peaceful life until he got his act together and left Italy, looking to become a famous soccer player. He traveled to America to start off his career, he joined the New England Revolution and became a goalie. Other : He wears contacts.
#89307731Friday, February 15, 2013 2:38 PM GMT

(@Black not accepted, there is some much wrong in that CS. Reread the plot/rules @Baboo, you have white clothing, other then that accepted.) (Side note: This maze is tailored to our pasts and our powers. So each room we encounter will be a specific test for each person. It might be hard to determine with one that is as first. But that's how it is. Some rooms also require team work, I guess that's a given.)
#89310523Friday, February 15, 2013 3:53 PM GMT

~CS~ Name: Braden Williker @ge: 14 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Blue-green eyes, about 5'5", and he is a little wiry, but flexible. He is a little pale, and his brown, short, curly hair helps identify him. He has a scar on his right hand. You can ask him about that sometime later. Personality: He's aggressive in some cases, but will be passive in others. He's a little mixed. Skill/power: Braden has unusual shape-shifting capabilities. Sometimes he accidentally shape-shifts, but when on purpose, he uses up quite a bit of his own energy, leaving him temporarily weak. Bio(Put at lest something): His parents were in a car crash when he was 7. His grandparents took him in, and they had a small forest out in their "backyard." This is where he discovered he could shift. By becoming a squirrel and nearly attacked by 3 wolves. And a hunter. Other: I forgot if anything was supposed to be here.
#89311355Friday, February 15, 2013 4:13 PM GMT

(joining letmemakemycs) =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=
#89311861Friday, February 15, 2013 4:24 PM GMT

#89312219Friday, February 15, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

Name: Dameon Cyris @ge: 16 Appearance: Dameon isn't really that tall for his age. He stands at 5'4 and usually has to fight everyone that keeps saying 'you are too small'. He weighs 120 pounds so he can easily do some damage to you and he can run awfully fast assuming he's using his ability. Dameon, as a skinny and blonde-haired man, has blue eyes almost as blue as the sky. His glasses are Ray-Bans specifically produced just for him, since his eyesight is absolutely horrible. He used to wear a flat cap made by his brother just for him, but in a burst of anger he destroyed it. Personality: Dameon is a nice guy, but if you make him angry you'll definantly regret it. He can certainly deliver a punch whenever he wants. As a brave, and adventurous man, Dameon isn't afraid of too many things. He has arachnophobia, so he is scared of ONE thing.. Spiders. -little girl scream- When Dameon is usually his 'nice guy' mode he can help you out if he wants to. If you need help with anything, Dameon's the guy to look for. He's a real puzzle-solver and can do almost anything if you give him the TIME to do it.. Unfortunately. The only downside to him being a pretty smart and fiendish kid is the fact he's not really that powerful at all. Skill/power: Dameon, for a short period of time, can make himself run extremely fast or make himself extremely slow. He can change his speed, but only up to 60 mph. However, it uses up an extreme amount of his energy. He usually needs to take a rest whenever he runs for 5 seconds. Bio(Put at lest something): Dameon was born in to an old farm along with his twin brother, Jake. Dameon was always forced to do the dirty work in the farm. Milking the cows, cleaning the stables. He didn't like it, until him and Jake decided to run away to the cities. Other: Dameon has arachnophobia. =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=
#89312700Friday, February 15, 2013 4:41 PM GMT

(Accepted, I supost we should start soon.)
#89315956Friday, February 15, 2013 5:51 PM GMT

~CS~ Name: Andrew Jacques @ge: 15 Appearance(You already have clothing on, no accessories except glasses if you wish): Andrew has brown hair, blue eyes. His hair cut is decently long, but not under his shoulders or anything, he is a medium build, not particularly muscular but not a twig either. He is about 5 feet, 7 inches tall. And of course, has the required clothing on. Personality: Andrew is naturally sarcastic, even though he can act friendly, or quiet, or somewhere inbetween. He has a pretty large capacity for temper. But when you hit that small little point at the top... Well, don't hit the top. Skill/power: Audiokinesis. He can control the vibrations in air to burst ear drums, manipulate certain movements and stimulus in the environment. However, this can be difficult to do sometimes, and consumes a decent amount of energy. Bio(Put at lest something): Andrew lived a pretty normal life, a loving family, school. Nothing really traumatic, or would make him a target. I guess none of that really matters now however. Other: Nothing.
#89316661Friday, February 15, 2013 6:07 PM GMT

(Accepted) *Cat* My head throbbed as I sat up, blinded at first my eyes adjusted. For a second confusion shock me, but upon realization only fear. This is what I was told about... I looked at myself, still all there. Then I noticed something in my pocket. Two things, one was a note with it a list. The note was a reminder of the 'deal', crude... The other was a list of names, and it said powers... Describing weird things, so they're still sticking with that unusual story... There was another note on the table, I slipped out of the sheets and jumped down form the bed. Pretty quietly too. Then walked up to the table.
#89317967Friday, February 15, 2013 6:35 PM GMT

-dameon- Dameon held his head as he was sitting on the bunk bed. The light and whiteness of the bricks made it hard for him to keep his eyes open. Still trying to get up, Dameon managed to let out a few cusses. This entire place was white.. He felt something in his pocket. It seemed to be a note, with everyones name on here. Even his. It has all of our.. 'Powers' Powers? Dameon didn't know he had powers. He felt oddly inclined to try and learn how to control these powers. Maybe this was just a visual illusion. Messing with his mind. Was he in a real-life videogame? Questions bubbled around his head like mosquitoes. =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=
#89318075Friday, February 15, 2013 6:37 PM GMT

(Sorry, I didn't explain. No one else has the note, only Cat because she is suport to kill everyone. She's not going to BTY.)

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