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#89264036Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:17 PM GMT

In the modern world, there are still people who follow the old ways. There are people who predict the future, card readers, as they are called. There are many of these people around the world, most of which are fake. Using plastic cards, dramatic dress, and overly pronounced phrases and words. The cards that they use, are plastic, not made of the thick parchment for the true readers. The real ones, who have known the real art of card reading for many millenia, and are sometimes also called the protectors of mankind. They can transfer the power of the ancient cards they were entrusted with, to those destined to hold the new ones. Once they complete the transfer, the protectors wither, gaining age rapidly until they turn into dust itself, with the only thing left being their deck of cards. There are 12 cards to a deck of destiny cards, and each one has a different power, property, and destiny. Each card also has an opposite, like life and death, and the opposites are forever destined to be on different sides, forever locked in a battle against their exact equal. The other cards are knowledge and imagination, nature and construction, light and dark, love and hate, and finally, the sun and the moon. The destiny of these cards, depend mostly on the one who picks it, and where they feel their soul belongs. May that be good or evil, they mostly pick the opposite of their opposite though, and occasional end up with only one opposite surviving. As the old saying goes, six to save the world, and six to end it. ~The Cards~ -Life The life card is also known as the card of healing. The life card holder has the ability to instantly heal any minor wound, ease pain, and begin the healing on major injuries if they side with the good. If they side with evil, they have the ability to launch small rays of light, and occasionally orbs, and other shapes. Holders of the life card are well known to have pale green, or pale yellow eyes. Most of the past holders have had pale skin, and they usually have white or silver hair. Their clothing are usually shades of white; like eggshell, cream, and plain white. The clothes they wear is also usually adorned with sparkles and glimmers of the divine light they call upon, showing them as life holders. -Death The death card is also know as the card of destruction. The death card holder has the ability to instantly destroy and small to medium object, start small fires, and slowly destroy large objects if they choose the side of good. If they choose the side of evil, that is when their powers truly come into play. They have the ability to summon large fireballs to fall down from the sky, send bolts of fire towards people and objects, and often leave a trail of dead plants behind them as they walk. Holders of the death card are well known to have dull red, or black eyes. Most of the past holders have had pale to a light tan skin color. They usually have black, or rusty red hair, and have burns on their skin hair and clothes. Their clothes are usually black, but some wear the red and oranges from the flame they love to control. -Knowledge The knowledge card is also known as the card of the mind. The knowledge card holder has the ability to communicate with their mind, lift small to medium sized objects, and move slightly larger objects if they side with good. If they side with evil, they have the ability to completely take over the minds of other creatures, mostly small animals, occasionally larger ones, and with lots of training, people themselves. Holders of the knowledge card usually have blue eyes, some have a light blue-gray and others a deep blue. Most of the past holders have had medium to light skin tones. Their hair is most often a light brown, but sometimes is silver, and they also sometimes have a light blue aura surrounding their body and head. They tend to wear blue robes, or clothes, and often wear jeans. -Imagination The imagination card is also known as the card of thought. The imagination card holder had the ability to create small living lifeforms, like rodents, small dogs, and cats. They also have the ability to conjure larger animals with more concentration and training when they join the good side. When they join the evil side, most of the things they create come from hell, demons lusting for blood, monsters straining to eat flesh, and creatures out for the living essence of people. Holders of the imagination card usually have brightly colored eyes, from purples, to neon greens and pinks. Most of the past holders have had darker skin tones, but some can also be lightly tanned. They usually also have brightly colored, or streaked hair, in colors of purple, teal, and neon colors, and they usually have a rainbow aura around their body. -Nature The nature card is also known as the card of growth. The nature card holder has the ability to make small plants grow, including herb and vegetable plants. They also have some control over the weather, allowing to start or stop simple rainstorms, and they can also revive dying plants when they side with good. When they side with evil, they have the ability to grow briers our of the ground, including bright red rose bushes. They also have the ability to control lightning and storms, but not rain. Holders of the nature card are well known to have eyes in shades of green, mostly pale greens, but an occasional darker color can be found. Most of the past holders have had tan skins, ranging from light to dark. They also usually have flowers in their hair or on their clothes. Their clothes are usually neutral colors, like browns, tans, whites, grays, and blacks. -Construction The construction card is also known as the card of building. The construction card holder has the ability to generate small structures instantly, and generate the materials for larger ones. They also have an ability to find natural structures, like caves and trees if sided with good. Their powers are mostly the same when on the evil side, but all their houses and materials end up darker and more twisted looking. Holders of the construction card are well known to have gray and brown eyes. Most of them have dark skin, ranging from a medium tan to dark skin tones. The usually have small splinters on their fingers, and small bits of sawdust on their clothes and hair. Their hair is usually colors of gray and blonde. The clothes they wear is usually comfortable, and made out of soft leather, furs, and occasionally real fabric or denim. -Light The light card is also known as the card of color. The light card holder has the ability to temporarily blind someone with the sheer power of light. They also have the ability to emit brief flashes of light or draw attention, and they also have the ability to make small balls of light, which naturally stay above the ground and generate light, when they choose good. If they choose evil, they can make large balls of light that can be thrown, and used to vaporize creatures, and light fires. They also have the power to make thin beams of light that can be shot from their hands. Holders of the light card are well known to have silver, white, or varicolored eyes, with a mix of the spectrum colors in them. Most of them have surprisingly dark skin, which heavily contrasts the rest of their outfit. They usually have a shimmery effect with their skin though, with the occasional ability for it to cast rainbows. The holders of these cards usually wear simple white clothes, and rarely dress in other colors, or do anything different for their style. -Dark The dark card is also known as the card of shadow. The dark card holder has the ability to generate a dark fog, which shrouds everything in a large distance around them. They also have the ability to darken any artificial light source, like light bulbs and small fires, and they also can teleport short distances every once in a while, when they choose good. When they choose evil, they can make thick puddles of pure darkness, which can be used to drop people into pits, or objects. They also can shoot small orbs of darkness at people which are very good at dissipating things. Holders of the dark card are well known to have black, soulless eyes. Their skin is usually pale as death, which gives then an aversion to sunlight. Dark card holders usually have pitch black, straight hair, and they have a black aura surrounding them. The clothes they wear are usually black and loose, like sweatpants, hoodies, and dresses. -Love The love card is also known as the card of control. The love card holder has the ability to temporarily control anyone of the opposite genders. It always the user to confuse people of the same gender, occasionally sending them into a daze, when they choose good. When they choose evil, they can completely overwhelm the mind of weaker people, turning them into thoughtless zombies who do everything they say. Holders of the love card are well known to have bright blue, or hazel eyes. Their skin is usually lightly to medium-ly tanned, and their hair is usually a blonde or a brunette. Love card holders typically have a light red or pink sparkle around their body. The clothes they tend to wear is usually bright red shirts and dark jeans. -Hate The hate card is also known as the card of repellent. The hate card holder has the ability to force anyone near them to move a short distance away. They also have an ability that masks the trail of anyone they are traveling with, when they choose good. When they choose evil, they mostly have the same powers, but with the added ability of being able to make someone drop anything they may be holding. Holders of the hate card are well known to have deep brown or a light green eye color. Their skin is usually very light, or lightly tanned, and their hair is usually deep brown or black. The aura around a hate card holder is usually red with streaks of black running through it. They clothes they wear is typically dark jeans, leather jackets, and simple tees. -Sun The sun card is also known as the card of space. The sun card holder has the ability to draw power or send power to and from the sun, making it light or darker. They also have the ability to send small bolts of heated hydrogen, and pull some lighter objects towards them, when they choose good. When they choose evil, they can cover themselves in a layer of hydrogen, which is used as armor and can burn people. They also can draw objects towards them, and the can also send out sun flares, which are very powerful bolts of radiation. Holders of the sun card are well known to have yellow or golden eyes. Their skin is usually deeply tanned and sometimes takes on a yellowish tint, and their hair is usually golden blonde or reddish. The aura around a sun card holder is usually golden or yellow, and very bright and sparkly. The clothes they wear are usually long and flowy, like dresses and robes. -Moon The moon card is also know as the card of the void. The moon card holder has the ability to suck away color and light from artificial objects. They also have the power to emit balls of goo which have and acidic effect with objects, and they also have a small amount of control over gravity, making it easier for people around them to jump high, for when they side with good. When they side with evil, they can still make the balls of goo, but they are usually larger and gain the ability to burn through skin. They also gain more control over gravity, so they can jump higher, and stretch it to more people. Holders of the moon card usually have shiny black, or completely white eyes. Their skin is usually medium-tanned, and their hair usually would be black or silver. The aura of moon card holders is usually silver, with darker gray or black streaks, and surrounds their whole body. The clothes they wear are usually black with streaks or silver, and sometimes with a shimmery affect. ~The Opposites~ Life Death Knowledge Imagination Nature Construction Light Dark Love Hate Sun Moon ~Rules~ 1. Regular forum rules 2. My word > Admin > You > Troll 3. I ignore grammar-less or troll-esque posts, you should too 4. Be descriptive 5. Romance at your own risk 6. Swear at your own risk This will use character paragraphs, which is a more complicated version of a skele. It will be allowed for it to be written in any style; journal, narrative, etc, but it will be required for you to stick to the style you chose, first or third person really. In your paragraph you should include your name, rough a.ge, appearance before finding your card, any items you have, what they look like, and finally a biography. You start in a carnival, where they'll be an interesting looking mystic shack. There will be six mystics inside, and we'll continue once everyone is there. The start of this can be annoying, because it requires everyone to be here, so it may take a while to actually get into the free roam part. ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#89264493Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:22 PM GMT

(( I'll start it off with mine, but I'm gonna go eat dinner now. So, go for it with your posts guys, fifteen minutes or so. )) A taller girl walked through the crowds of the carnival, her long black hair braided across the back of her head. Her piercing green eyes seem to warn you to stay back, and most people thought of her as a goth. She was currently wearing a pair of dark jeans, which were slightly torn. Her shirt was simply black, and was sporting the words of a well known rock band. She was wearing black, lace up boots, which had shiny silver implants placed on them. Carnivals weren't really her thing, but her parents wanted her to find a job over the summer, and she thought a carnival would be a fun job until she was able to go back to college. She was only a freshman in college, making her only nineteen yea.rs old. ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#89265156Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(OH BOY... Here we go again..... A THIRD TIME... But I don't really want to type it all again.... A third time.... Hhelenehalejm)
#89265160Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(OH BOY... Here we go again..... A THIRD TIME... But I don't really want to type it all again.... A third time.... Hhelenehalejm)
#89265434Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

The sky black Lincoln came to a halt on the dusty road as a older gentlemen, maybe around the age of thirty-six or so stepped out; his skin darkened by his birth; the hair shorten and trimmed. He wore sun-glasses... Usually, but right now it was to dark for them, and they just lay in his blacker then black suit's pocket. His pants were the same; his shoes were the same, and yet they were both distinct in there own manners. For example, the pants had been ripped by something, and his shoes lay dirty with muck, and smelled of death, and yet still the top layer of the torso region of his suit lay perfectly fine. The man quickly took out a recorder, and spoke into it, "Daniel Hern, date... April 9th, time..." He looked towards his watch, "11:06; I have arrived at the carnival, and am making my way to the designated location..." He stopped it there and mumbled something, checking his coat as he pulled out a small hand-gun; checking it, he walked in; a scent of doubt within the sky.
#89266324Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

A girl of a somewhat short and slightly heavier than average stature for her age was trying to get to the front of the crowd, Her eyes were a dark green, nearly black. She wore a White T-shirt and some brown, baggy pants that were perfect at her waist, but were a bit too long. The Shorts covered her shoes that had all sorts of colors on them, which might have been a good thing. What's odd is that she had a Rose strangely the color of green in her Black hair that flowed in a wave down to the back of her thigh. The girl was probably eleven, going by her somewhat calm but excitable personality. She was tagging along with a friend(perhaps one of the people w/ a card?) because she enjoys going to carnivals and the clowns within them. She even has a doll of a clown from a certain video game that will remain nameless.
#89266644Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:47 PM GMT

A somewhat tall and slim boy walked in to the middle of a crowd, brushing the black hair out of his blue eyes. He had on odd green and red shorts that resembled the kind your grandma might give you at christmas times. He had a black T-shirt with the words "YAY" printed on to them in big, white letters. He wore a blue flat cap on top of his head. He was probably 15, simply because he was a normal stereotypical teen. He had a cellphone, but much more of a personality than anyone else. He didn't like to commute to any type of work, but he simply had to. With an avid imagination, the boy liked to make things happen in a fantasy world that could never happen in real life.
#89268986Friday, February 15, 2013 12:10 AM GMT

(Can we have a second person with us again?)
#89270078Friday, February 15, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

(( Yeah your alcamalytes, if you want one introduce it. You can just repost it yknow. ))
#89271462Friday, February 15, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

A slightly short boy worked his way through the crowd, avoiding as many kids as possible. His blue eyes scanned the environment for a attraction that will actually perk his interests. Brushing his light broen hair to the side of his face, it revealed high cheekbones and a darker sknin tone, just the things he was proud of, due to his heritage.He wore a faded blue t-shirt and light blue jeans, along with contacts on his eyes, but that is something he kept to himself and his family. He looked around the age of twelve, but nobody knew for sure, due to being somewhat of a loner. This was a new town for him, he moved out of his old home when his father got ajob as a construction worker here. He is what you could call a 'nerd' as his strait 4.0 GPA usually got him harassed at the local middle school.
#89271645Friday, February 15, 2013 12:37 AM GMT

(Can you find the 2nd one we made?)
#89271927Friday, February 15, 2013 12:40 AM GMT

A boy hopped out of the family car along with his mother and father, a boy 11 years of age with blondey orange hair that fell shaggily over his head and a strong will but a cool head behind him. his eyes were light brown in colour and his skin was a mild tan shade. He walked in by the side of his parents before he spoke in his distress, "Can I go off on my own? I don't even want to be here.", his parents were reluctant but agreed as long as he made sure his phone was on so they could call him and make sure where he was. Gleefully running off into the depths of the carnival looking for something interesting, his grey trousers blowing just shy of his feet. His shirt was two colours, the bottom half was black and the upper half was grey, he also wore a light yellow tie because he thought it added maturity to his appearance though in actuality it gave him just the opposite which was a good reflection of his attitude towards life in general. (His appearance will change slightly when he becomes a destiny card owner.... assuming we aren't already O.O my guess is we're going to get them in the carnival.)
#89272455Friday, February 15, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

(( My appearance changes slightly too, your eyes don't have to be the color stated at all, they can just change that way when using your power. Snakey - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=84099184 )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#89272504Friday, February 15, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

[Marking for later when i make a character]
#89272947Friday, February 15, 2013 12:50 AM GMT

I walked through the carnival entrance, basically blind to everything around me. Everything but my phone that is. Earbuds in, everything around me... Well it didn't exist.. I was in a music video. Blonde hair perfectly styled. I didn't look sickly I looked perfect. The dark circles under my eyes were gone. But I wasn't in a music video. My hair was statticy, I looked tired. I felt sick. Why wasn't life a music video?
#89275229Friday, February 15, 2013 1:12 AM GMT

A woman was walking around the crowd, her face cheery and a wide smile that says "hello world!" On it..... But it's not the same for the little man whose head reached her shoulder that was being dragged by her. He had a straight face and eyes that look like they could cry at anytime, but he was happy following the girl. His name was Nathaniel, the most miserable kid in his school. He was being dragged one of his friends, Maxi. He was small, about a bit smaller than a average woman. His eyes were Beatifully hazel with short brownish blonde hair. He was slender and middle weight. He wore a grey sweater, his fingers barely sticking out with dark jeans, woman's jeans infact. His thighs and calves were womanly shaped, if you would have saw him for the first time, you would have mistakes him as a woman. And the strangest thing he wears is a black and white polka dot hair bow tie on the right side of his head. His background is depressing, but has a few good sides to it. He was a Highschool student, senior infact, and was the constant laughing stock in his school ever since 3rd grade because of his appearance and attitude. He was the kid in class who never talked, only to his friends, which were only 4 girls. He was unlike the other boys at his school, he was the nicest compared to them, so he took it apon himself to change his appearance. It has made him happy, but the bullying kept slamming its way into his head. He spends his time with his friends, them being the ones who have accepted him, and he was now now spending time with one of them, Maxi. The day at the carnival has been a fun time, riding a few roller coasters here and there, a stuffed teddy bear was won at a stand, which now sat in Maxi's Ford Truck. The two continued down the carnival.
#89277271Friday, February 15, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

A man the age 22 walked around a carnival, his brown quiff like hair blew with the flow of the wind. His dark blue jeans were a bit ripped and his shoes were worn out. He pulled up the sleeve of his dark green sweater. ~The Devil Forgot His Pants~
#89299097Friday, February 15, 2013 7:14 AM GMT

A rather tall teenager by the age of 16, walked down a concrete path in the Carnival, ignoring the rides he just walked around, seeing what was going on, anything interesting, no? He was wearing white clothes, just white, which I guess is normal for some people. White jacket, unzipped revealing white shirt. He wore white shoes and jeans, you get the point. His wear was a hint of silver and white as well. His eyes were yellow, which is unusual for a person.
#89303239Friday, February 15, 2013 11:55 AM GMT

Ah the Carnival. I had not been to one of these in awhile. My piercing golden eyes sweapt the area as I walked through the crowd. Of course it would be hard to make out my eye colour as my reddish hair, which seemed to had a slight golden tingge to it hung down the right part of the face. I towered over alot of the people here standing roughly at 6 foot and 3 inches tall. I tugged slightly on my golden leather gloves and kept walking. The reason for me being here was because I was going to try for a performer job here. Might as well seeing as I got one three years back when I was 19. I remeber the clothes I had to wear and laughed slightly to myself. I was even allowed to keep them and was wearing them right now, so maybe someone would recognise me. My attire which was getting me afew good looks comprised of a long golden coat, much like a trenchcoat, made of leather a black and white pinstripe waistcoat, which was over a white shirt, and reddy golden jeans finished off with black shoes. "Who ever though this was a good outfit must of been high that day.." OH and lets not foget the tophat..
#89309192Friday, February 15, 2013 3:19 PM GMT

(( We're missing Gavin, but we can continue. )) The girl finds herself heading towards a small fortune telling booth, and she can't decide why. As she approaches, she notices a small sign in front saying the words, "Free readings." She smirks at this and heads inside, why not take advantage of something that is free? ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#89313966Friday, February 15, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

The man, carrys on walking to find a bench by a tent, he walks over to the bench and sits down looking up and around, still nothing that has caught his eye that is interesting, nothing. He feels a breeze of the wind and decides to zip up his jacket and then put his hand on his laps scanning the area.
#89314158Friday, February 15, 2013 5:14 PM GMT

The boy carries on his walk, and finds a bench to sit down. He notices somebody walking up to a 'free fortunes' booth. What a fool. They never worked. He pulled the hood of his coat over his head and proceded to walk around. =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=
#89321641Friday, February 15, 2013 7:39 PM GMT

(You say he sit's down and then carrys on walking? wat?)
#89322217Friday, February 15, 2013 7:48 PM GMT

"This place has everything!" Maxi exclaims. Nathaniel smiled and nodded. "There's a fortune telling place too!" Maxi said, elbowing Nathaniel. "Man, they really do have everything here. I guess we will head there also..." She added on, Nathaniel eyeing her, and looking around for a fortune telling booth. (For people new to Nathaniel, or any of RP characters, Nathaniel never really speaks a lot, and most of the dialogue is spoken by his friend, Maxi.)
#89323488Friday, February 15, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

(mint he got up and continued to walk) The boy, deciding to go the fortune teller next to him, walks up and stands in line. "It'd be a surprise if this worked.." he said. The boy took a dollar out of his pocket just incase. "This place really DOES have everything. Suspicious.." the boy said, a thousand thoughts roaming his mind =EYES!gun thats my name dont wear it out=

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