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#89481707Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:00 AM GMT

Some people dream of the gift of living forever, thinking of what they could accomplish with this ability. They are foolish, immortality is a curse. It makes you live through pain, few times of joy. You can't be close to anybody, for they will die and grow old while you stay young. That is the point of view for most, but there are some who think differently. They take this immortality and use it to their advantage. Mostly those ones are the people who cause destruction and chaos. Even though you are immortal, you are not invulnerable. But to live so long and then die, few are brave enough to do it. Well, you are an immortal. Whether you are good or bad is by your perception. 'Bad' is considered those who become wealthy and use it to ruin lives. 'Good' are those who spend thousands of years helping mortals. Then there are those people considered 'Evil'. These evil people are those who are crushing cities for their own gain. They kill for power, wreck for power, and don't care about you or me. Well, its your choice though. Go ahead by all means. Become a goon and gather money. Become a villain and ruthlessly forge your luxury. None of these lives are easy. No friends, no family, no correct sense of time. There are things mortals eyes can't see. Once you have lived over one hundred, like mortals used to but lost the sense. You see 'things' of horror and fantasy. ___________________________________________________________________________ Plot: This is fantasy set in modern time. There are things from legend, myths, and folklore. You are immortal and only immortals can see these things. Only immortals can see is because once you mature over one hundred and fifty, your eyes adjust and can see other things. There is a group of horrible people taking over territory without mortals even knowing. There are groups of greedy goons hidden in the world, there are loners, and finally, there are the good guys who help mortals and keep the secret of the myths. ___________________________________________________________________________ Groups- Knights(The good guys): They fight against the bandits and Red-Fists while keeping the myth's secrets from the mortals. Bandits: They don't care for the person they injure or care. Just for the paper in their wallet. In many groups all over Earth, they take money and fight among each other. Not that they think it is bad. That green paper they take is also their lunch ticket. Red-Fists(The bad guys): They slowly conquer the mortal world in secret, they serve powerful creatures from mythology. Their goal is to unleash as many monstrous being onto Earth as possible. Their only problem is the Knights, the ones who stop them or attempt too. They will kill with no second thoughts. Loners: On their own. (Gee, thanks Captain Obvious!) ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules- No breaking the rules...e.e No godmodding No fancy fairy drama kings/queens My word goes first, admins second, yours last. So get in line No overpowered characters I get 3 abilities, admins get 3 abilities, you get 3 abilities. I'm not making this role-play about me... (If your are a mortal you get 1. I can't leave you powerless) Have fun. ___________________________________________________________________________ Details- There are potions, magic, spells, books, whatever you want from fantasy type things. Just try to make it so it blends in with the plot. A forest is knocked down? Mortals blame a hurricane. A car lost it's paint? Mortals blame acid rain. ___________________________________________________________________________ CS- Immortal- Name: A.ge: (Has to be over 150) Gender: Appearance: Powers(Only 3):(Example: basic/advance/intermediate Magic, etc) Personality: Group: (If bandit, everybody who chooses bandit is put in same bandit group. Pm me if you feel the need to not be in same group.) Items: Weapons:(Medieval or enchanted weapons are hidden from mortal eyes too.) Bio:(Only two options: One: Right here right now. Two: Explain as the plot unfolds.) Mortal- Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Powers(Only 1): Personality: Items: Weapons: Bio:(Only two options: One: Right here right now. Two: Explain as the plot unfolds.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This takes place in a city with no name and blabla... Sorry if this sucks, haven't made one in a while and every time I have made one, they 'usually' fail.
#89485072Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:41 AM GMT

(I may have only posted this a few minutes ago, but I am impatient, sooo.... B U M P)
#89514691Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:23 PM GMT

(Morning Bumb...BUMP BUMP)
#89562453Monday, February 18, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

#89562718Monday, February 18, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

((I like the idea. Gonna make a CS, so give me a bit, since I might be interrupted by dinner.))
#89566341Monday, February 18, 2013 12:59 AM GMT

(Okay, thanks.)
#89566448Monday, February 18, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

(Immortal CS) Name: Embeline Amedee A.ge: 2050 Gender: Female Appearance: Embeline stands at 5'5", and is pretty average in her body type and such. She's Caucasian, and has black hair down to her midsection at the longest, but it's cut VERY unevenly. She usually wears a blue short and blue jeans that are too long. She also has these ridiculous green glasses because fashion. Powers(Only 3): Increased senses, sans sight(because she's blind, which is why I never went over eye color) and Middle-level Magic. Personality: Embeline is wise, and fairly stoic due to the time she's lives. Mentioning history tends to put you in for a long tale. Group: Loner, but sometimes helps the Knights Items: An Osmium Cane, a scabbard for her sword Weapons: A sword decorated with so many jewels and made of so much expensive things that it could be sold for well over $2 Million. She doesn't, though, as a part of a promise she made. Bio: Embeline is a keeper of history. Around her 1025th birthday, however, she was cut in a line across both eyes, and lost her sight. A very rich blacksmith helped her during his life, and left her with a blade. Since then, she had to increase her other senses to compensate, and she has been trapped in the war for years. She's usually a lawyer when not busy with things involving myth. ((If it needs work, I'LL MAKE WORK))
#89567151Monday, February 18, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

(You are accepted. And admin'd 'cause I have no admins.)
#89573262Monday, February 18, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

(You know when I said that last bump was my LAST bump... Well I lied. WHY U NO JOIN? BUMP)
#89574453Monday, February 18, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

I may join... Later.
#89575609Monday, February 18, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

(Is it possible for a 'good' immortal to have a very [Corrupt] philosophical view on life? Also, does the powers have to be restricted to magic?)
#89575790Monday, February 18, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#89575835Monday, February 18, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

(The powers could be other things, and yes. It is possible.)
#89584018Monday, February 18, 2013 3:59 AM GMT

Immortal- Name: Moirai A.ge: 5,914 Gender: Female Appearance: Moirai stands at 5"4 with a slim build that indicate she is fragile. Her once beautiful brown hair was bleached white sometime during the 9th century, while her eyes are naturally a shade of crimson red. Her straight hair reaches down to her waist. Her skin is now alabaster white, giving her a ghastly pale look. Throughout time, she has worn different clothes to blend in with the time but she has now chosen to wear a black, sleeveless turtle neck and a black skirt that reaches the knees. She has black knee high socks and wears flat heel shoes. She wears black leather gloves that have the mark of the ouroboros. Powers: Precognition through insight, Schrodinger's effect and threads of life (Ability too see the remaining time a person has and their demise.) Personality: Moirai is Sardonic, Melancholic, Philosophical, serious and twisted. She despises humanity from the bottom of her heart but she does carry some empathy towards them. Group: Loner Items: A fully functional, 16th century silver pocket watch that hangs off her skirt. Weapons: Garrote wire that can only be seen by those with magical capabilities. Bio: Moirai was once a priestess who working in the temples of a once powerful civilization. She was known to be extremely beautiful and divine. Her ability to see the remaining life and the demise of people caused people to eventually see her as a goddess. She began to become prideful and actually thought of herself as a goddess in the end. As punishment, her entire civilization was wiped out while she had become immortal. As time progressed, her once prideful personality has mellowed out as she saw the crimes and injustices humanity does to one another, causing her to become what she is now. Currently, she is working as a Philosophy teacher in a local college.
#89586394Monday, February 18, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

(Accepted, also admin'd. 'Cause I need three admins. I'll make mine in a second.)
#89587097Monday, February 18, 2013 4:38 AM GMT

#89588395Monday, February 18, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

Immortal- Name: Pat Goliath A.ge: 432 Gender: Male Appearance: He has long greasy red hair that tangles and is shoved to the side of his face. He has green tired looking eyes. He stands at 5'7 and has the general appearance of a 17 year old. He weighs 139 lb and he has a scar running along the length of his face. He has a long neck and light skin. He is covered in freckles head to toe and has calloused hands. He has knobby knees and he is usually but barely hunching. He is skinny and he has purple shadows under his eyes. He has a dull nose and blonde eyebrows. He is not muscular but he is strong. Powers(Only 3): He can control all the basic elements using magic. He can also see if somebody is lying or not. Personality: He has grown quite over the years and is wise. He simply wants to punch the people he hates right in the face. He is usually nice and stands on the right side most of the time. His choices are usually rushed and wrong. He will not give up an argument. He is stubborn and can confuse geniuses. Group: Knight Items: He has a pendant of a small dragon scale the size of a quarter. He was given too when he was 158 bye a hunter. Weapons: He has a knife that looks like a pencil to mortals and a sword that doesn't even appear to mortal eyes. The sword has a sapphire for the pummel and steel blade. It has an iron hilt wrapped in soft expensive leather. It has a miniature sentence inscribed in Latin on the blade that says: 'The man of tomorrow is forged by the challenges of today' Bio: Before he was immortal he was a smart person. He knew astronomy, mathematics, and physics. He believed that everything was made up of four basic elements. Fire, water, air, and earth. He found a man in a brown cloak, people worshiped him in a private cult and he was there for generations. Once Pat was born, he tried in all his might to prove this man was not god. Eventually Pat found out how to prove it. Pat made a deal with the man, in return for not telling, the man taught Pat an immortality spell. Pat thought this would be great until he did it. He not only got immortality, he was stuck in the body of a teen. Over the other years he learned magic and how to tell if somebody was lying. (I have horrible knowledge of history. So I tried to keep away from it in this.) (When one more person joins, we can begin.)
#89591841Monday, February 18, 2013 5:36 AM GMT

Immortal- Name: Nydia Calypso A.ge: She is roughly one hundred fifty-one years old. Gender: Female Appearance: Nydia is a tiny girl, little more then five feet tall. To most she seems to be around eleven or twelve years old. She appears to be a fragile sort of girl, one who is easily hurt. In fact she always seems to be hurt. Her skin is often covered with bruises. If not she is cut up. In fact, she doesn't seem to remember a single moment in her life where she wasn't hurt in at least some minor way. Scattered around her body are many scars. Most resemble snow flakes, almost as if someone had carved them into her skin. Under her right eye are three pale blue and silver snowflake tattoos. Her eyes are an icey blue. A few silver lines form a snowflake on her right iris. Wavy black hair falls to her waist. On either side of her face two platinum blonde streaks that are often braided with thin silver ribbons. Black bangs end at the tip of her nose, often hiding her eyes. She is often seen wearing a black tank top, under a to large blue sweater. She also wears a silver ruffled skirt and black and white stripped leggings. Her shoes are simple blue converse. She also wears a few silver lockets. Powers(Only 3): Her basic powers are over ice, frost, anything like that. She loves the cold and often seems to have the ability to affect temperature, at least in some minor way. She has a minor control over water. With her minor temperature control and control over water this also gives her an ability to freeze it and use it in the solid form. This all is kind of one, maybe two, ability. She also can do some very, very minor forms of magic. She seems to shun magic though, instead focusing on her main power. Personality: Uh... Um... Can I please not do this? I like to figure out the personality as I roleplay.... Its more like a TBR thing.... Group: Loner Items: She carries a small journal with her at all times. She also has a collection of silver pens. All of this is held in a small black bag. Weapons: She carries two small daggers. She is quite skilled with them, though you wouldn't believe it if you see her. The blades are a silvery color. The hilts are an icy blue. Bio: Um... TBR.
#89594383Monday, February 18, 2013 6:10 AM GMT

Immortal- Name: Keira Hunts A.ge: Keira is 175 years old. Gender: Female Appearance: Keira is short, standing at 5'3 which makes her look innocent. She as a heart-shaped face that makes her look pretty. Her hair falls to her shoulders, and is brunette with blonde high-lights and purple tips. She has freckles on her cheeks and baby blue eyes. Powers(Only 3): She can make people think that she isn't around, which makes her a great spy. She can turn invisible if she wants to, but that takes more of her energy and she's hungry after turning invisible. Personality: Keira is a lively person. She is lovable, to a point where it is hard to not love her (Which is a good thing, since she is a knight). Her personality gets more revealed throughout the course of getting to know her. She's bubbly, and a bit niave but she knows what she's doing. Group: Knight Items: She carries a brown bag which is worn out and overused. She carries lots of survival stuff inside it. Weapons: She uses a mystic staff, which she got from her mother when she was still alive. It's silver in color, and turns different colors when in use. Bio: Keira lived in a big family. She had three brothers and a sister, and a mother and a father. Her father died when she was three - which made her a bit stand-offish towards others, and also made her decision of why she wanted to be a knight. Keira's brothers went to war when she was thirteen, and only two of them came back alive. Her sister, Samantha, is also an immortal - but she is with the group of bad-guys. Her father and mother were killed in a bombing, and Keira was saved and turned into an immortal. Keira thinks she's alone in the world most the time, but saves people none-the-less, even with that feeling.
#89594412Monday, February 18, 2013 6:11 AM GMT

(Accepted Admin'd We can start tomorrow)
#89594751Monday, February 18, 2013 6:16 AM GMT

(Who are you talking to...?)
#89594804Monday, February 18, 2013 6:17 AM GMT

(Thinking of joining, but what are the extent of powers? Are they large-scale or small?)
#89594836Monday, February 18, 2013 6:17 AM GMT

(I was thinking the same thing, Ranger. Are you talking to her or me? Or both of us?)
#89595196Monday, February 18, 2013 6:23 AM GMT

(Yeah...) (Oh and hi Savannah!)
#89595316Monday, February 18, 2013 6:25 AM GMT

(Hello Ranger! :) You can call me Vanna.)

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