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#8987071Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:37 AM GMT

(thanks to Megamanzero79 for caracter system) The year is 2500 and Earth is in war with two races called the Varonians and the Forians. The rest is up to you... Rules... You cant have lasers and mega missiles. You dont destray a ship by firong one missile. You allways start with 0 kills. You cant kill 100 oponets in one battle. You dont start with a battle ship. How to make a character copy this and fill it so its how you want it Name: Rank: (you start as Grunt pilot) Faction: Spaceship: Bio: (Your characters story) Kills: 0 Base: (where you are stationed) Hope you like it =D
#8987086Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:40 AM GMT

Name: Dartvader6 Rank: Commander (only me can start as commander) Faction: Earth Spaceship: Crusier (you guys start as fighters) Bio: A battle hardned soldier but has a weakness to milk (intolerant) Kills: 10 Base: The battlestation "Orion"

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