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#90048501Saturday, February 23, 2013 3:06 PM GMT

Like have the older skyboxes back because...... People are commonly tried of the skybox now days.... Quite blank, now texture, no color shades that can impress players........ Where we can be given these in roblox studio...... Like "Winterness" it is a glorious skybox with great shades of blue. Which it fits allot of places unless wrong coloring...... Skyboxes are very important to games... To fit the game better then getting a cheap fake skybox ( A Negative scaled file mesh ) Which are not at all... Free models are now commonly lie to players... Roblox try to add a good Skybox template...... So users can make these skyboxes more round or blocky looking.... Skyboxes help the sky to look better then anything else... It is like a decal on the sky, but cool looking. I DO NOT LIKE HOW THERE IS NO GOOD LOOKING SKY! If you remove the skybox thing in lighting. The game looks ugly... How you give us that Heaven skybox. It looks weird to most games.....

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