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#90305861Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:53 AM GMT

The year is 2056, and the planet is in ruins. Ten years ago, the world was hit with a mysterious plague, nicknamed ZBH-046. Those infected would slowly start to die, whilst suffering from fragile skin, like tissue paper, mysterious bleeding along the body, a severe infection near where the disease entered the body, pale/yellowing skin, and other symptoms, leading to eventual death. The corpses were simply put into a hospital morgue and mourned by family. Then, the corpses reanimated. This was first noticed when one of the many survivors (the disease had yet to spread far) was walking down a city street, when he thought he saw the corpse of a relative that died of the disease stumbling down the street. He got closer, and was bitten by the corpse. he got away, and passed away a few days later of the disease. Ten years later, the disease was widespread, many cities abandoned, filled with the walking dead. There are few survivors. You are one of the survivors. The disease can only be spread from a bite or scratch from an infected individual, as well as contact with their bodily fluids. Will you survive, or will you perish? Character Sheet Name: Age: Appearence: Equipment:(Don't be to overpowered about it) Other Belongings:(Personal Items/Memories of Life before the Apocalypse) Bio: My Character Sheet Name:Sean Parsons Age:19 Appearence:(Look at my character for that) Equipment:9mm Pistol, Dead Fathers Combat Knife, Three Clips of Ammo for Pistol Other Belongings:A Necklace of a Cross that my Dead Mother Wore all the Time, Photo of Parents Bio:A 19 year old alone in the ruins of the Old World, he is hardened from life in the apocalypse. He began walking the streets alone when he woke up to his mother stumbling into his room. "Mom, are you feeling ok?" He only recieved a groan from his mother, and realized she was infected. He quickly got up and ran to the drawer in the living room where the 9mm was kept, and, knowing it was him or her, had to shoot his beloved mother in the face. Hearing a groan behind him, he saw his father stumbling towards him. Knowing he was gone too, he also had to shoot him. After taking the pistol and some ammo, as well as the clothes on his back and a photo, as well as his dads combat knife and mothers necklace, began his life in the ruins..
#90308073Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

Name: Mark Miller Age: 20 Appearence: (same as my character) Equipment: A fire ax Other Belongings: notebook and pen Bio: Always believed that a zombie apocalypse could happen. Never really had friends because he always annoyed everyone. When it all happened he was at college learning about criminal justice when one of the students went up to the teacher and bit him. All of a sudden a bell went off and panic is everywhere. he started running to the janitor's closet where he got a fire ax. He started smashing heads out until he got out into the street.
#90309359Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3:31 AM GMT

(Did VTOLs exist before the apoc?)
#90328886Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1:21 PM GMT

(Turbomarvin,accepted) (Mamba, Yes, but finding one in working condition in the apocalypse will be a hard task)
#90358162Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

Silly me, i forgot to post rules. RULES 1.No Godmodding 2.Be Realistic 3.You can kill if you ask the player and they accept, or if they don't reply 4.Have fun
#90358166Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

#90379452Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

#90380485Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

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