#101601255Monday, June 17, 2013 5:46 PM GMT

Kaito Kaito woke up, with snow covering him, and frost even sticking off of his beard. "Everyone get up, we've had enough time to rest!" Gilzar "So...cold..." Glizar said to himself getting up, as they began to disassemble the camp. Hisoka "Let's go!"
#101601483Monday, June 17, 2013 5:48 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki got up and yawned, his meditating was a half-sleep. "Lets'a go!" he said, following behind Hisoka.
#101618095Monday, June 17, 2013 8:17 PM GMT

Soar I walk down the village to see a messenger bird appear in front of me. I read the message details and sigh. "Another mission, I need a break". I head back to my house and bring some supplies. I reach the village gate. "Don't worry guys i'm coming." and with that i was heading to the land of snow.
#101639399Monday, June 17, 2013 11:08 PM GMT

Samu: I open one eye, which has a glimmer of sorrow within. I slowly get to my feet, my body far slower and far less energetic than usual. I had already felt the familiar chakra remaining on the area, but I wasn't going to tell anyone. I still haven't noticed my own chakra, however. Kaguya: "Ofun, follow me. We're going on a mission." Ofun nods eagerly, and follows her out, as she shimmers and dissappears with him.
#101707530Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:26 PM GMT

Kaito After what seemed like days of walking, the group finally reached the cold, barren land of snow. "We are here...we now must head to the highest peak. This is where we leave the caravan..." Kaito said Hisoka "Stay together, nobody wander off." Hisoka said. Gilzar "Right..."
#101708190Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:35 PM GMT

Samu: Samu rolls his eyes once again, bored. Kaguya: We reappear where Ofun looks shocked. "Here again?" Kaguya nods.
#101708635Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:42 PM GMT

Kaito "We are going to split up, and take opposite sides of the mountain. Gilzar, Yuki, and Hisoka you head up the north side, and Daisuke, Samu and I will take the south side." Hisoka "Alright..." Gilzar "Okay..."
#101709286Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:50 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki sighed, and then walked to his port. Daisuke Daisuke walked with them to the south side.
#101709387Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:51 PM GMT

Samu: Samu nods, and follows them. He still looks troubled. Is someone going to mention his chakra? Kaguya: "Prepare." Ofun nods.
#101710287Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:02 PM GMT

Gilzar Gilzar began to walk up the very tall summit, with Hisoka Hisoka Hisoka and his squad climbed the summit, until finally reaching some kind of large mountain village, with soldiers patrolling it. "This must be it..." Hisoka said. Kaito Kaito and his squad find an mineshaft, that looks abandoned but has some signs of life in it.
#101710422Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:04 PM GMT

Yuki "Nice view." he said. Daisuke Daisuke went along with him.
#101710645Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:07 PM GMT

(I have returned!) -Naraku- I meditate M's base. I was planning to wait for him there.
#101710688Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:08 PM GMT

(Revision) -Naraku- I meditate inside of M's base. I was planning to wait for him there.
#101711300Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:15 PM GMT

Samu: "Seems interesting." I mumble.
#101711497Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:17 PM GMT

M M was already in the base, experimenting with the new remains he retrieved.
#101711954Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:23 PM GMT

Kaito Kaito slowly, slowly snuck into the mine shaft, he could hear the sound of workers, as well something that sounds like things being boxed up. He heard someone coming, and quickly dived behind a rock, signaling for everyone else to hide quickly. Hisoka Hisoka began to slowly creep into the village. "Damnit, why is it so cold up here!" One soldier said. "We're on top of a mountain genius..." Another soldier said, talking to him. Hisoka continued to stick to the shadows, with his team mates behind him. He signaled Gilzar and Yuki to go forward to the large building up ahead. Gilzar Gilzar snuck past even more soldiers. "Boss is really working us hard these days...I've never seen the iron mines as busy..." A miner said, as he walked into a mineshaft at the edge of the village. Gilzar slowly crept along the shadow walls, and made his way to the warehouse where there were guards everywhere.
#101712045Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:24 PM GMT

-Naraku- I walk over to M. "Are there any missions we can do?"
#101712468Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:29 PM GMT

Samu hides near him, barely managing to keep his chakra from leaking.
#101715374Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:01 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki followed behind Gilzar silently. Daisuke Daisuke jumped to the shadows silently.
#101716266Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:10 PM GMT

Kaito Kaito watched as a man pushing a mine cart full of raw materials for metal. Then a second man hauling what looked like some kind of black powder. "Is explosive powder..." Kaito asked Daisuke. Gilzar "Follow me..." Gilzar said to Hisoka and Yuki, as he focused on two guards arguing. "No no no, you have it all wrong! That man in the bar tried to stab me with that broken bottle so I broke his arm!" The soldier said. "Like hell you were, you were dr.unk on Sake! I broke that damn guys arm!" The other soldier said. Gilzar decided to take advantages of the tempers flaring by throwing a weighted ball that he had in his pocket to make sound diversions, and threw it against a wall, making a loud banging noise. "What was that!" One guy said, holding up some weir crossbow...thing that Gilzar didn't know what it was. "Let's check it out..." The other man said, as they pointed their weapons toward the noise and walked to it. Gilzar signaled Yuki and Hisoka forward, and he climbed the spot where the two guards originally were, entering in through a window. Hisoka "Alright, keep this quite." Hisoka said as he could hear what sounded like squeeking wheels under a lot of weight, and the sound of wood being nailed.
#101717341Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:21 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki went forward. Daisuke "I think so.." he whispered to Kaito.
#101718227Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:29 PM GMT

Kaito "Well, let's find out..." Kaito said, as he went deeper into the mine. He found people boxing up raw materials, loading them into minecarts. One of the boxes was labeled 'CAUTION: EXPLOSIVE' And it had an explosion symbol on it. "What the hell are they doing down here...That sure isn't for mining..." Hisoka Hisoka took lead, and jumped up onto the ceiling, focusing chakra, he crept along ceiling. He eventaully found the source of the sound and to his horror his eyes opened wide. "What the hell..." Gilzar Gilzar looked in shock, at the sight he was seeing. There, stood rain ANBU guarding the main room, with crates of weapons and explosives and armor of all types were being loaded. One man was standing in front of a crowd with a weird crossbow thing...the weapon was slim, and black. with three barrels in the front of it, and a tank on the back of it. It didn't have it's bow mechanism in it, and had a strange lever on it also. "These new needle launchers are lighter, faster, and much more effective than the older models. This thing can launch over 150 needles a minute, and it is outstandingly accurate. All you need to do is wind this lever to build up the pressure in the mechanism, which the pressure will launch your needles at your enemy without ANY trouble whatsoever. Observe." The man wearing glasses, and a business uniform said holding the needle launcher. The barrels all began to spin, and then rapidly launch needles out extremely fast at a target. Within a minute the target was covered in needles. "And there it is! A must have for any army!" The man said.
#101719170Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

Yuki "Would it be wise to steal the designs?" he quietly asked Hisoka, who he had followed.
#101719523Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:42 PM GMT

Hisoka "We already have the design...I've seen these things before..." Hisoka said, remembering the mercenaries that attacked the village with these things (Way way back in the beginning of the rp)
#101719889Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:45 PM GMT

Yuki "Hmm..but that one looks a little different..." he said. "Nevermind."