#101720246Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:48 PM GMT

Hisoka "Then take one..." Hisoka said. Gilzar "It looks like these guys are gearing up for war.." Gilzar said, just then a man walked in. "We ship this to the hidden snow, rain, and the land of lighting."
#101728541Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:04 PM GMT

Samu: "I don't know, but something's not right." Samu thinks it's the right time for him to speak up - seeing the danger has made him a bit more alert. "Did you feel the weird chakra on the way here? I've felt it before." Kaguya: "Ofun, where is your little rival." She mutters, annoyed, as she treads through the snow. "I'll get to it, I'll get to it. We need to set up your Pocket Dimension Jutsu." She murmurs what sounds like a swear under her breath, and does a string of hand signs.
#101729260Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:10 PM GMT

Kaito "Samu, what is up with your chakra. I have not seen anything like it."
#101729519Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki skilfully used ninja wire to retrieve one of the crossbows, and then put it in his pouch.
#101729551Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

Samu: "My chakra is highly volatile when my depression bites. I don't know why, but high emotions make most of my light go to the chaotic dark chakra, which goes slightly nuts. Anyhow, that's not what I'm talking about. There was a far larger source... I don't know what, but we need to be careful leaving." He looks around the corner. "It looks clear, but I can cloak temporarily with my dark chakra to scout, if you want."
#101730335Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:20 PM GMT

Kaito "I don't care what you do with your chakra, but keep it under control." Hisoka Hisoka watched as a worker turned around to where the launcher was. "What the..." The Worker said. A rain ANBU then walked up to the worker. "Is something wrong?" The ANBU asked him. "The launcher is gone! I must have misplaced it!" The man said to the ANBU. THe ANBU looked down on the ground and saw the slightest particles of dust unsettled, as if it were dragged through it. The ANBU followed it until he walked to the hallway where they were. "What the? INTRUDER!" the ANBU yelled, as he took out his sword and tried to stab Hisoka. Gilzar Gilzar pushed down the ANBU's blade, and punched him in the face, breaking his mask and the ANBU fell on the ground out cold. Just then soldiers in the room, and ANBU started grabbing Needle Launchers and started shooting at the three of them. Gilzar heard the sound of an alarm go off. "Damnit..." Gilzar thought to himself.
#101730737Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:23 PM GMT

Samu: Samu swears. "The others have been found. Stay here." Samu's body becomes transparent as darkness covers it, then invisible. Small bits of dust are pushed around as silent footsteps head forwards. "It looks clear. They must all be heading for the other group - this looks like our best chance."
#101730895Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:25 PM GMT

-Naraku- I walk in front of M. "Would you like to spar?"
#101732121Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:35 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki took out his longbow.
#101732545Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:39 PM GMT

Hisoka "RUN YUKI!" Hisoka yelled, as ANBU and Soldiers quickly charged at them, shooting their needles at Yuki, and Gilzar Gilzar Gilzar ran out of the way of the needles.
#101732795Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:41 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki ran with Gilzar, shooting arrows at the people's legs while running.
#101732955Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:42 PM GMT

(Fire did you see my post?)
#101733740Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:48 PM GMT

Kaito Kaito followed Samu. "We need to help them" Hisoka Hisoka quickly dived out of the window, only to be met by a katana about to hit his face. He blocked it with his arm, getting a nasty cut on it, and then he rammed his elbow into the Soldier's gut, and shoved him off the mountain. "Crap...that's a dead man..." Hisoka said. He looked down though, and saw that the man got up from his fall, being cushioned by snow, as he didn't fall all the way down. Gilzar Gilzar was shot in the leg by a needle, and grunted from the pain. "These things are hard to dodge!" Gilzar yelled, jumping out the window. He looked over at Hisoka. "We need to rendezvous with Kaito!" Hisoka yelled over to him. Gilzar then turned over, and kneed a Soldier's face. Gilzar head a strange sound, and looked up. Out of the windows of the building soldiers popped out with the Kunia launchers. A man was heard yelling "Use Fire Style!" and all the soldiers started focusing their chakra into their launchers. Suddenly, flaming needles started bursting out of the launchers. A few of them hit Gilzar, until he dove for cover.
#101734070Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:51 PM GMT

Samu: I nod. "You go help. I'm going to go investiage further in."
#101734675Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:55 PM GMT

Yuki "Heh...guess we've gotten ourselves into a sticky situation.." Yuki said, guilty. He jumped for cover, but three or so needles pierced his thigh.
#101735217Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:59 PM GMT

Kaito "Fine...go then" Kaito said, running out of the mine, and heading toward the other side of the mountain. Gilzar Gilzar quickly did his handsigns and made some shadow clones. As he did, they were suddenly all blown up by needles. Gilzar used the smoke from the shadow clones to run to extra cover. Suddenly, from behind Gilzar more needles came flying, hitting his back a few times. He punched a wall, and then jumped into a building. Hisoka Hisoka followed Gilzar into the building, signaling for Yuki to come. "These guys are really well trained!" Hisoka yelled.
#101735457Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:01 PM GMT

Samu: I nod, cloaking once again. I follow some signs, with little guards in my path - it's quite easy to sneak around them in such a dark cave, especially when you can go invisible. I head towards the signs pointing to "administrative offices." I come to a single door, and peak inside.
#101735664Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki shot an arrow with a ninja rope on it into the building and swung up into it. 'I haven't had the adrenaline of a tough mission in a while!' Yuki thought to himself, smiling.
#101736023Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:05 PM GMT

Samu: I slowly tread into the office. It seems to be simple documents and papers, along with a few weapons on the walls. There has to be something- "Hello, Samu." That voice. Chills run down my spine, shock slams into me. "It... can't be..." Samu turns around, and sees a person leaning against a dark wall. He reveals his face. Ofun: "Long time no see, Samu." As Yuki swings along the rope, a strange purple shuriken slices through it from seemingly a person sitting in a shadow below you.
#101736175Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:07 PM GMT

Yuki In the air, Yuki shot another rope arrow and finished the swing.
#101736396Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

Suddenly, met with large fishermens hats came running down, they had black robes on, katana's, and bandana's hiding their face. Gilzar Gilzar swore. "Not these guys...we are in deep trouble...Temehari Assassins..." And Gilzar quickly did handsigns. Hisoka "Gilzar no!" Hisoka yelled. "Screw it, the mission already been failed!" Gilzar yelled. Suddenly, 3 of the assassins were already near Yuki. "Damnit!" Hisoka yelled. Kaito Kaito ran across the mountain, to see things burning and everything in hell. He quickly dived down and started doing handsigns
#101736549Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki placed a paper bomb on the ground, flipped back away from the assassins, and detonated it.
#101736919Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

The smoke cleared, and it was silent. Suddenly a katana flew through the smoke straight at Yuki, along with one assassin popping up behind him.
#101738193Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:24 PM GMT

The figure in the shadow stays there, but without even moving a barrage of crystal spikes launch out in an arc towards each of the people around whoever it is, dodging around the assasins. Samu: "No... It can't-" A massive explosion hits the building, sending a jet of fire and electricity as Samu is launched flying out with it.
#101739056Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:32 PM GMT

Yuki Yuki jumps high in the air and sticks to the ceiling, dodging the attacks.