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#90665214Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:04 PM GMT

First off, this IS a form of membership... However, it is quite different than Builder's Club... as it is aimed towards another target demographic... --- As you all know, many ROBLOXians have been building businesses with this site for ever 3 years... I think it is about time that we make it more convenient for people that want to make some of themselves, from a business perspective, to run legitimate businesses on ROBLOX. --- It is illegal to sell places, groups, and many other kinds of things on ROBLOX. And for the last few years, users have been trying to get around that. In other words, all of these are still on the market, however, **there is no system to ensure that the buyer/customer/client doesn't get scammed/ripped off**/etc (sometimes, the seller gets ripped off as well) -pays for item, doesn't get item; doesn't pay the agreed price for the item... --- Oh, and who could forget about...the people that "sell" items that OTHER people made... and give no credit... --- I completely agree that we shouldn't be able to sell places. But, I do believe that ROBLOXians should be able to sell models... as many of them put a lot of time and effort in to their projects... As long as they are not profane, why shouldn't they be able to profit from them?... --- Another point I'd like to bring up is how difficult it is to keep track of your profits from different items. I appreciate the transactions feature, but when you are looking for who bought what, when they bought it, etc... and you have all these things that you bought and models that you've taken...it gets difficult to find all the information... --- Previously, ROBLOX has talked about allowing groups to sell items... which we have already seen some of... but only with clothing. We need to be able to sell our models, our projects that we actually made on ROBLOX.com... --- So, here is my proposition... ROBLOX makes a business-oriented user-membership program called "ROBLOXian Entrepreneur's Program (aka REP)"... This program has three levels (similar to BC, TBC, and OBC...) .Basic REP (Name subject to change) .Intermediate REP (Name subject to change)   .Advanced REP (Name subject to change) --- Basically, this program will truly help ROBLOXians run legitimate businesses... The way it works? 1. A user purchases one of these membership types. -Each with the same basis and features, but the higher up in level/price, the more in depth the features become... -Basic can only make a small business, Intermediate can make a small business and a company, and Advanced can make a small business, company, and corporation 2. A user uses the "Build Business" tab, makes a name for that business, selects the type of business (small business, company, or corporation), and names the business. -Each kind of business is set up a certain way... The ranks come with the group... The positions are all pre-established... the owner just assigns people to a position that would fit them... However, you can change the variation of the title of a position using a drop down menu... for instance... you can change CEO to Owner, Founder, Boss, President, etc... Small Business: Positions including President, Vice President, Manager, Employee, etc... (basic positions) Company: Positions including President, Vice President, Managerial Staff, Development Team, Employee, etc. (more in depth positions, arranged like a chain restaurant/store) Corporation: Positions including President, Vice President, Legal Staff/Lawyers, Managerial Staff, Employee, Intern, Assistant, etc. (extremely in depth positions, arranged like a giant business that distributes their goods or services around the world) --- An optional idea I'd like to add to this is the ability to pay your employees... For instance, you have it set up so that the profits that are made from your group store are distributed to everyone in the clan... You choose the percentage that is to be divided... You only set the percentage of the profit that will be the "paycheck pool" or "loot" in pirate terms... The group will automatically distribute it, as it is programmed by ROBLOX, to each rank... if multiple people are in a rank, then the paycheck sent to that rank is divided evenly between them(if some positions are empty... the paycheck that is sent to those positions is just sent to the group fund...   For instance... you set it to 100% of profit... the profit is 100 robux... *THESE PERCENTAGES ARE JUST FOR EXAMPLE* President percentage programmed by ROBLOX is 40%, there is one president, 40% of the profit is given, 40 robux are given VP percentage programmed by ROBLOX is 40%, there is one vice president, 40% of the profit is given, 40 robux are given Managerial Staff percentage programmed by ROBLOX is 20%, there are four ROBLOXians in this rank, 20% of the profit is divided by four, delivering 5% or 5 robux to each of them... --- Now, let's say the development team of a corporation makes a memorial to Eric Cassel (let's say the ROBLOX Staff is a corp...) Everyone that works on it deserves credit, right? So, when uploading a "Group Model", it will have a button called "Add Authors"... Here, you add everyone's name that worked on the project, to ensure that proper credit is received... (*THIS FEATURE FUNCTIONS ONLY IF PEOPLE HAVE AN "HONOR CODE" IN THEIR PRIORITIES, AS THERE IS NO WAY TO DETERMINE THE AUTHORS... IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UPLOADING PARTY TO ADD THE AUTHORS*) Also, when a model is uploaded (anyone can upload it to any business that they are in), it is sent to the group leader, or the lowest rank that he gives the option to "judge", for approval... Just a simple "approve" or "deny" button system... --- Back to the Eric Cassel Memorial... A user would purchase this, and it would go into their inventory... When a model is bought from a group, it will go to a new section of their inventory called "Group Models" (Name subject to change), with that models page featuring all of the added authors, uploader, group it belongs to, and description. --- Tell me what you think. I'd be happy to elaborate on anything that I may have left out... ~Demetreous
#90667531Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:25 PM GMT

#90669592Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

Sadly, another bump... .-.
#90669831Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

Interesting, I like the fact that you actually see that people shouldn't abuse free models and stuff.
#90670441Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:52 PM GMT

Thank you, Dark. Out of curiosity, are you supporting, or just finding it interesting?
#90674330Saturday, March 02, 2013 5:26 PM GMT

Yet another bump...
#90680958Saturday, March 02, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

I have to say...That this is a great idea, It could help kids to not just build ! But think with money ! Support.
#90681703Saturday, March 02, 2013 6:19 PM GMT

Supported by jonman11: Perhaps a new set in the Upgrade page: BC - 5 dollars a month TBC - 11 dollars a month OBC - 20 dollars a month REP 1 - 5 dollars a month REP 2 - 11 dollars a month REP 3 - 20 dollars a month BC + REP 1 - 10 dollars a month TBC + REP 2 - 20 dollars a month OBC + REP 3 - 30 dollars a month Or, something like that. I made it up in 30 seconds, probably flawed, but an idea. To be able to buy both in a package.
#90691049Saturday, March 02, 2013 7:18 PM GMT

Danke, Vir und Jon! Your support is appreciated. And Jon, I get what you're saying... I think I agree. c:
#90692751Saturday, March 02, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

Full support. This is probably the best idea I heard of all time! Roblox must allow this!
#90697930Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

MUST BE DONE, If this is not done, then we can confirm that Roblox does not listen to any suggestion, this is too good for them to ignore.
#90698160Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:03 PM GMT

Thank you, Zach and Awesome! c:
#90699299Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:11 PM GMT

I have been hoping for months someone would come up with an idea to help boost business on ROBLOX, and you have finally have done it! I've personally have wanted to start a "Company" on ROBLOX. Unfortunately, it would be too difficult to deal with all of the "Payments", and all. This idea would be perfect to use for "ROBLOXian Entrepenaurs" like me to develop proper models, clothing etc, and have employees help them, another idea that right now is almost impossible to do. Thank you for your time Mr. I hope this becomes a reality. Sincerly, Tankslayer10, ROBLOXian entrepenaur.
#90702138Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

Glad that I made someone happy, Tank! :) I've been feeling the same way... ~Demetreous
#90702519Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:37 PM GMT

Support, this idea is great. Wait until you see the moderators side .-. I don't even know if they will put this in consideration, because they don't answer most threads. Other than that 100% support!
#90702753Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

Thanks, High! I hope that they "approve" of it...
#90704361Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

#90704529Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

Nice idea, I support this.
#90706279Saturday, March 02, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

#90706814Saturday, March 02, 2013 9:17 PM GMT

Thank you, two the both of you. :)
#90711324Saturday, March 02, 2013 10:00 PM GMT

Stupid roblox should remove the thing where you can change the last digit of the web address and steal a shirt/pants
#90715224Saturday, March 02, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

You might find the below links interesting; they relate to your idea. https://twitter.com/TimothyBrownSF/status/177581459912142848 http://blog.roblox.com/2012/10/responding-to-user-feedback-v10/ http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=62195059 (Particularly page 2; Shedletsky posted his thoughts.)
#90716959Saturday, March 02, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

Sadly when I see a LONG post like this about Democracy Fishing And your grandmas slippers I lose interest and post my comment But I do agree with the slippers bit
#90718492Saturday, March 02, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

I agree to a certain extent, Jord. However, it can also be a good thing to look at the template... Say someone made the front of the shirt epic... but left the black completely blank... And jack, thank you... I was aware of the group items blog (part of the inspiration), the rest I did not know about... interesting
#90720622Saturday, March 02, 2013 11:40 PM GMT

+1 Support.

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