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#90758438Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:27 AM GMT

You were one of the lucky ones, to a degree. Years ago, a disease began spreading through rural regions of India, causing mass homicidal tendencies and seeming lack of humanity within them. While most people jokingly called it the Indian Zombie Apocalypse, you were one of the millions who panicked, and began to prepare. You were also one of the thousands who continued to prepare, even years after the disease apparently died off. In the end, on that fateful night the disease returned on American soil, you were one of hundreds who had the potential to rebuild society and lead the millions of wandering refugees and survivors who would try to survive the nightmare. That night, you were in your small apartment in a large city somewhere in California. It was late, and you were up for your daily dose of midnight horror gaming. This was your fourth playthrough of Amnesia and you really wanted to soak in every detail this time, so the volume was up at a nearly window-shattering high. The sound of planes flying overhead was drowned out. Seconds later though, not even the loud footsteps coming from the computer's speakers could block that loud crash, or the explosion that followed seconds after. The windows shattered, the walls groaned, the apartment door was very well near torn from it's hinges. Considering all these abnormalities, it took you a considerably long time of five seconds before you finally blacked out and succumbed to the darkness that creeped around the edges of your vision. You have just woken up to a banging on your door. With no clue of what happened, you look around. It is still night outside, presumably the same night. Your 'Run like all hell' pack you've kept since the beginning is next to you. You check the contents, finding two bottles of water, three cans of Coca Cola, Five bags of beef jerky, an expired candy bar, a pocket knife, ten boxes of matches, and a crowbar. The unrelated numbers of each item tear at your slight case of false OCD (Most likely and effect of spending too much time on Minecraft,) and you silently curse yourself for snacking on food from the pack because you were too lazy to look for food at various points. Time to start. What will you do first?
#90758881Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:32 AM GMT

I whip my crowbar out and look around at my appartment looking for food or weapons.
#90759580Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:41 AM GMT

The fridge is empty except for a few cans of [Unspecified Drink] and a lot of stuff that should have been in a garbage can weeks ago. Apparently, you weren't as 'prepared' as you thought. There's a multitude of kitchen knives, but your pocket knife should suffice as these are dull anyways. You decide to leave them be. There is a pantry full of bags of stale chips, which though soft and somewhat tasteless, should be edible. You grab three party-sized bags of Cheddar Flavored chips and another bag full of Cheetos. As for weapons, you're sure that had you any knowledge of weaponscraft, the simple tools and cleaning chemicals in your apartment could create quite the arsenal. Sadly, you have no such training, since you aren't an anarchist.
#90759735Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:42 AM GMT

I walk over to the door and put my ear to it.
#90760080Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:47 AM GMT

You just barely make contact with the door before unbearable odor forces you a few steps away. You're pretty aware of what awaits you behind that door given the recent events, and you realize that you'll just have to get used to it. The noise at the door continues at a steady pace, and seems weak and half-hearted. Though they who await behind the door could never break down any normal door, yours has been loosened by the explosion that occurred somewhere nearby. You probably have a good ten minutes before the hinges come loose enough that the door falls inward.
#90760342Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:51 AM GMT

I look around for any other way out.
#90760769Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:56 AM GMT

You near instantly look towards the balcony, but quickly have your doubts. To your right there is another balcony which belongs to the next apartment, but it's a five-foot jump. You're not nearly in the physical condition to attempt that.
#90763251Sunday, March 03, 2013 6:27 AM GMT

I walk over to the door, open it slightly, and then run back with crowbar in hand.
#90763981Sunday, March 03, 2013 6:38 AM GMT

You regret it instantly. The hallway is full of unconscious 'zombies'. The scent through the door was too faint to wake them up, but now that the door is gone, they begin to rise to their feet. The one that already could smell you through the door immediately walks in, clawing towards you. You have no choice, you grab your 'RLAH' pack and run to the balcony, closing the glass door behind you. Though it's glass, you doubt they'll be able to break through. However, now there IS the problem of waiting for death to come on a balcony, all the more reason to escape.
#90764116Sunday, March 03, 2013 6:40 AM GMT

I look down, and judge if I can drop to the other balcony.
#90767045Sunday, March 03, 2013 7:36 AM GMT

Luckily, You reason that the next balcony is only about six feet down. Though a longer distance than jumping to the next balcony, it's easier to go vertically than horizontal. You climb down the pole connecting the two balconies with general ease. When you land on the lower balcony, you unfortunately find that the door is locked, however, you're not sure if you should risk the next balcony down due to the noises coming from it.
#90768766Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:06 AM GMT

I take my crowbar and attempt to break the lock.
#90769025Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:10 AM GMT

The lock is part of the door's structure itself, and that region of the door is made of a strengthened plastic. The crowbar does little more than denting it.
#90770105Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:32 AM GMT

i look for any windows
#90770853Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:46 AM GMT

(Er, the door basically is a window? The majority of it is glass besides the rim where the handle and lock are.)
#90805193Sunday, March 03, 2013 4:58 PM GMT

I take the crowbar and attempt to break the glass.
#90821589Sunday, March 03, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

With the first strike the glass is already near opaque from cracks, and you're surprised at how long it really takes after that point to open the glass door. Watching out for the glass shards sticking from the frame, you climb inside, and are faced with the room's inhabitants, an undead couple who look like they had been around their twenties. Cute, they're even still holding hands. They rush towards you hungrily.
#90830595Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:08 PM GMT

I take my crowbar and try to knock them on the ground.
#90850703Sunday, March 03, 2013 10:13 PM GMT

You manage to hook the female in the stomach. It tears her torso open, revealing her internal organs. As she hits the ground, the male becomes enraged, and swats the crowbar from your arms. You're slightly off balance at first, but manage to back off enough to think about your next move.
#90856173Sunday, March 03, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

I take out my pocket knife, and then try to get the crowbar.
#90857290Sunday, March 03, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

The crowbar is behind him, unfortunately. You'll have to make do with your knife.
#90858481Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

I attempt to stab him in the eye with my knife.
#90858727Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:07 PM GMT

Seeing as he only has one eye, it seems rather effective... At first. Though slowed, he continues to stumble towards you, forcing your retreat onto the balcony.
#90859530Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:13 PM GMT

I stab into his heart.
#90860250Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

Your knife is currently stuck deep within his eyeball.

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