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#91465861Sunday, March 10, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

Such a good feature... These can make or break games, yet we have limited control over them... I propose we add a whole range of new features and objects to help improve the interface. ==GENERAL== =PROPERTIES= 1] *ROTATION* This numeric/UDim2 property controls the rotation of an element about its point of rotation (A new property, default 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0). It is measured in (Degrees/Radians/Decimals) and is useful for everything from Minimaps to sideways text. 2] *REFLECTION* This Enum property controls the reflection an element has. Can be None, X, Y, XY. The position and size are not reflected, though (So the topleft and bottomright corners retain their positions) ==NEW OBJECTS== 1] *LINE* We need something to draw a line from A to B with a width of 1. Disagree and you make me sad :< 2] *TRIANGLE* We also need something to make a triangle between points A, B and C. Disagree and you make me more sad :< 3] *CIRCLE* We also need more pi. Only a Center and Width for this one. Disagree and you offend the 3.141 gods of the cyclic shapes. 4] *EXCLUSIONFRAME* This is a bit different. It excludes all parts of its parent that fall under it. A bit like an inverse of ClipsDescendants. 5] *SPRITESHEET* This object takes a single decal and splits it up into smaller pieces for use in games with retro animated graphics. ==CHANGES== 1] *CLIPPINGTYPE* A special Enum value that only applies for Text and Image elements. It changes what clips its descendants. For Text elements it has the options of Text or Frame. For Image elements it has the options of Alpha, Grayscale and Frame. Transparency makes it so that if something has no transparency (alpha), it is not clipped. Greyscale makes it so that the darker it is, the more its clipped. This will allow for some more interesting effects. 2] *ZINDEX* The Z index is the layer that the GUI is drawn on. Currently it is limited to 10. This needs to change. It should instead use a 32 bit number and have a new property: Relative. If ticked then the current ZIndex is RELATIVE TO ITS PARENTS. So 0 is on the same level, 1 is 1 layer above, -1 is one layer below. (Much nicer :3) Relative is off by default to not break current GUIs. 3] *OUTLINE* Currently the outline is only 0 or 1 (Even though it can support huge numbers). Change it to EITHER a Boolean value or allow us to make it any positive number (In which case make it an unsigned number). The boolean helps with lag, the anything-you-like helps with making more awesome GUIs easier. I prefer the second one. 4] *FONTS* Very important. Very unsupported. We simply dont have enough. First: Drop the current png format you appear to use and take up the standard fonts. Second: Get a MUCH larger library of fonts including uniform fonts (Where all characters have the same width) and change TextSize to a number, not an enum. I want size 255 uniform futuristic fonts for those post-apocalyptic computer interfaces. And drop ArialBold in favour of independant Bold and Italic options. ===FINAL NOTES=== Well, thats it for now on my GUI suggestions. Please leave a comment!
#91465969Sunday, March 10, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

Even though I basically skipped through the text, full support.     "{K}Kīñg300000{K}"*
#91470272Sunday, March 10, 2013 7:46 PM GMT

Thanks :P
#91500712Monday, March 11, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

#91506167Monday, March 11, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

#91537242Monday, March 11, 2013 3:46 PM GMT

#91573771Monday, March 11, 2013 11:58 PM GMT

#91575875Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

There is no reason, not to support. -A man chooses; a slave obeys.-
#91686218Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:31 PM GMT

That comma... Is that a support or no?

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