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#915100Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:14 PM GMT

(Zombies are AWESOME >:D!) October 31st, 2008. Thousands celebrate Halloween and the day of the dead. Unknown to these carefree people, there is a sinister plot unfolding. OCTOBER 31st, 2000- A supplemental virus is bred to boost the human immune system to combat HIV, the virus that cause the highly devastating AIDS disease. When rats were injected, their immune systems were boosted to an average of 300% efficiency. Best of all, the virus required no nourishment from the host. It creates it's own energy with the help of the invading pathogens of which it was meant to destroy. The researchers found that the virus also prolonged the life of the host indeffinitley, as long as it has sufficient nourishment. With the possibility of immortality in their grasp, the researchers quickly infected a human volunteer. NOVEMBER 1st, 2000- The human host is fine, but a peculiar quality is noted. His skin is begining to decay. As a researcher enters the volunteer's room, he is shocked. The new volunteer is vomiting a sickly color of blood, and his pupils are completely shut. The volunteer then swings around and jumps on the researcher, biting him in the neck. The researcher is quickly dragged out of the room and put in a seperate cell. NOVEMBER 2nd, 2000- The researcher turns into the same beast as the volunteer, and is quickly killed an autopsied. Brain scans show that the cells are now reprogrammed to rely on instinctive urges, such as anger and feeding. The virus is strongly present in the researcher's saliva. A minor incident rips a coroner's glove and the coroner is infected. He doesn't know it, but he is now infected with a zombie virus. He leaves his job for the day and heads home, infected his family. The researchers know this is their fault, but they will lose their jobs and be imprisoned, so they keep quiet. -The zombie virus is codenamed: OCTOBER- OCTOBER 31st, 2008- OCTOBER spreads through the world, infecting everyone it contacts. Quickly, society decintegrates. -Can you escape?- Character sheet: Name: Age: Skin color: Hair Color: Eye Color: Items: (weapons are obtained later) -Setting- You run out of your house, terrified by the screaming and the moans of the undead. You run to an alley where you climb up a fire escape. The zombies below you claw at the building, but cannot get in. You are in Baslow City, a small city in New York. The undead are all around, and you are stranded on top of a small appartment building. -Items- These are the items you can start with -Flashlight Lights dark areas -Radio Allows you to access news reports -Map Gives you an idea of where useful things are -Cell phone Useless until you can reconnect a service tower. -First aid kit Used to treat wounds that aren't zombie related -Camping pack A backpack filled with survival supplies, like a compass, canteen, and sleeping bag.
#916394Wednesday, May 07, 2008 12:24 AM GMT

My sheet Name: Allan Ryuk Age: 25 Skin color: White Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: One brown, one green Items: First aid kit (MY SELECTION ONLY!!!!!!!!1!!!one!) Shop: Gun store :D (People who are fequents of my roleplaying games will own a shop, and can choose to allow or disallow players in or out)
#920182Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:38 AM GMT

-Zeeky boogy bump-
#920225Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:47 AM GMT

um can we make more than one Character? Name: Rasuto Omega Age: 15 Skin color: Light Hair Color: Blue Eye Color: Blue Items: First Aid Kit
#920289Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:56 AM GMT

Sure... I guess
#920299Wednesday, May 07, 2008 12:00 PM GMT

WOOT! Name: Kadaj Age: 13 Skin color: Light Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue-Green-ish Items: First Aid Kit
#920496Wednesday, May 07, 2008 12:57 PM GMT

Character sheet: Name:Isaac Age:22 Skin color:white Hair Color:brown Eye Color:green Items: the umm back pack
#920916Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:23 PM GMT

what are we doin exactly
#921211Wednesday, May 07, 2008 5:01 PM GMT

Name:Hayasaka Rie Age:15 Skin color:White Hair Color:Silver Eye Color:Blue Items:Camping pack,flashlight,radio Rie:*looks below* (in thoughts:Just I was about to go to school today...Zombies started attacking the city...What actually happened...?Could this be the end of me and the citizens here,or is there still hope?I hope mum and dad didn't turn to zombies,as well.)
#921778Wednesday, May 07, 2008 7:20 PM GMT

Name: Tsukune (im using something from an anime book) Age: 22 Skin color: light brown Hair Color: brown Eye Color: green Items: camping pack, first aid kit, and map tsukune: *thinks: whoa, there's a lot of those zombies around. hopefully there are some survivors, and i was just about to go to my job, thati got after i finished college.*
#923783Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:38 PM GMT

Character sheet Name:Jhonathan Jhonsen Age:23 Skin color:white Hair Color:blond Eye Color:blue Items:First aid kit,camping kit,cell phone,radio
#923859Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:45 PM GMT

tsukune: *looks around* *thinks: hopefully bro is all right.*
#924170Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:08 PM GMT

(ZF, you can own a shop if you want) Allan: Darnit! *shoves guncase in front of front door and uses nailgun to nail it in place* They're everywhere! *a loud breaking sound comes from the back room* Allan: The back door! *Slides another guncase in front of the door to the back room and nails it in place* SHOP OWNERS READ: Shop owners must describe their store: My store: GUN SHOP A small-ish square building with a basement and a second floor. There is also a back room leading to a small alleyway behind the store, but it has been barricaded. USABLE OBJECTS: Guns are stored on numerous shelves and cases, but ammo is kept in the basement. There is also a radio and several knives. Upstairs, a medical kit and flashlight can be found ENTRANCES/EXITS: The only entrance that isn't barricade is a window in the back alley, which can be reashed by climbing on top of a dumpster. The windo has metal shutters, however, so unauthorized entry is unlikely
#924451Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:23 PM GMT

(clone, is it ok if my guy owns a store, siece it's my guy's job, pretty much.) tsukune: oh yeah i still have my store that is right next to this building. how could i forget it. maybe bro's there and waiting for me. *goes down the stairs and almost get to his store*
#924584Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:33 PM GMT

Fine, but not one related to weaponry. Some shops will be my approval only, like gun shops and hunting places...
#924604Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:34 PM GMT

is a hardware stor ok. like with ladders, chainsaws, rakes, ect.
#928282Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:23 AM GMT

Well,here's what my store looks like: Hayasaka Store This is a store where Rie's mother runs a business to raise the income of her family.It is situated near the apartment.The items that are mostly sold are hardware items. Rie:(in thoughts:I remember!The store at the basement...Maybe there are items that I can use!) *rushes downstairs,but when she arrived on the baement,the door was nailed* What the...? T_T I was about to go to that store and the door is nailed? *sees the zombies outside through a window* Not good... *faints due to an illness that no one knows except her family members and those who got the same illness*
#928525Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:51 AM GMT

Kadaj: *runs from a horde of Zombies* DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! *manages to Get into Allan's Store and barracades the Door*
#958865Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:39 PM GMT

(possible mistake) No doors are open into my shop, and the only entrance has an iron shutter over it
#958945Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:46 PM GMT

Rie:Agh....Mayday....... *passes out again*
#961222Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:31 PM GMT

here's my guy's store: hardware store a store that aaron built and started as the owner and only person to work at his store. it sells odd hardware that you wouldn't find any where else. it's half a block from the apartments. aaron: *bursts through his store's door and locks it behind him* phew. that was close. hey bro, are you here. *no answer* ok i guess not. well i better barricade things up here. *starts to barricade all the entrances into his store*
#962359Monday, May 12, 2008 12:11 AM GMT

Name: Zack Age: 13 Skin color: White Hair Color: Brown (Long) Eye Color: Brown (With Glasses, non-nerdy, rectanglish glasses. =]) Items: Flashlight, Cell phone, 1/5 used First Aid Kit (By the way, I'm sort of experienced with non-script role-playing, sooo..) Zack bursted through his door, pale as a ghost. He heard a moan, which scared him even more. He turned around, and whacked a zombie, ready to bite, with his flashlight, and beat it to death with the metal lunchbox, with first aid materials in it. "Die zombie!" the boy panicked, stepping on the foul smelling zombie. He remembered his grand-father's old rifle, "Bloody Faith". Normally, he wasn't aloud to even TOUCH the old thing, but this was an emergency. Zack had to get back inside, no matter what.
#966731Monday, May 12, 2008 7:40 PM GMT

aaron: *finishes blockading doors and sets up a radio so if there was anyone else alive he could talk to them or hear them* ok now that's done i need to get some wepons. wait, i rember that i have a crossbow in the cupboard under the cash register. *goes to the counter and grabs the crossbow* now i need another wepon, hey ill use that long scythe and that sycle that we have. *runs to a wall and grabs both the sycle and the sythe* now i need some crossbow bolts. *trips on a bundle of 100 of them* hey just my luck. *puts the wepons on his back and in seaths that fit them* ok im ready.
#973288Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:45 AM GMT

Allan: *picks up to 9mm pistols (EMPTY)* I'll have to grab some ammo later... oh yeah... and *picks up a lever-action rifle (EMPTY)* this should be fun! *The barricade to the back room begins to shake* Allan: I'd better try and find something heavier to barricade that door with. *A FEW MINUTES LATER* *a refrigerator rolls down the stairs to the second floor of the gun shop* Allan: This is about as heavy as it's gonna get
#973305Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:49 AM GMT

Kadaj:...... *runs from zombies*

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