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#91545426Monday, March 11, 2013 6:28 PM GMT

[{INDEX}] ------------ I. Story II. Rules III. Places IV. Races V. Jobs VI. Factions VII. Name Guide VIII. CS ----------- I: Story ----------------------------------------- Long ago, legend has it that there were five ruling kingdoms- Lasthia, Elur, Cigam, Trelia, and Der'Flod. Lasthia was a medium-sized faction, not much to it. Elur were the mountain-men, small but well-equipped. Cigam were the desert men from the south-- skilled in melee. Trelia were of all nature, they were elves, actually. Der'Flod were the orcish though, not evil, but misunderstood. These five kingdoms had years of arguing, and it all built up until their towns were full of knights and warriors. It started with the march of Elur from the north on Trelia. They came with fire, axes, burning and chopping their forests. Trelia fled to the woods not to be seen for ages. They made their way down east-- to Cigam. They conqured them, banishing and vanquishing them into ghouls. They marched down to Lasthia-- but, when they arrived, they found no army. As they marched in, archers from the hills shot many Elurish and wiped out half the army. Though they overpowered Lasthia, they fled. They would risk no more death. They marched down to Der'Flod, the orcish. The orcs are strong and powerful. They both marched out for open-combat in a long, narrow field. The orcish destroyed the last of Elur who now dwell in the mountains, and the orcish after the battle have grown craze and hostility in their mins, anger stirring in their hearts. Lasthia rebuilt their kingdom and were the only ones who didn't get conquered or flee. Trelia returned five years after the war and all, but Der'Flod agreed to a treaty-- Lasthia would rule the lands. Cigam no longer recognize their old selves, they are now just ghouls. Elur was exploring in the high peak of the Yerg Skaeps when they found a new power-- magic. They now have found Magic which takes a long time to learn and is feared by many. Lasthia has large castles and kingdoms, and Trelia have the mystical forests. They are all now at peace, but there have been reports of Orc attacks. Who will you be? A hero? A pheasant? It's up to you to decide! ---------------------------- II. Rules -------------- 1. No powergaming 2. No metagaming 3. No OPing your character in the CS unless permitted 4. Put "[lolk]" in your CS if you read this 5. Ask before you kill someone else's character 6. Do NOT be over dramatic 7. May add more rules as continuing ------------- III. Places ------------- I. Niw Fields A field. There are ruins on the east side, and forts all around. 1. Castle Lasthia The description: The roads are parallel and perpendicular straight stone brick paths. Buildings are stone bricks, but have a wooden, slanted roof and are normally 2-3 floors high with windows. When you first enter through the main gates, the walls are stone line any other castle with two large cylinders on the sides. It is a large arch with a metal cross-beam gate, a drawbridge and a moat. The drawbridge goes up at night and when there are attacks. When you enter, there is a long road. When you pass 3 buildings, you enter a round, open area. There is a fountain in the middle, gallows of to the left of the fountain, and benches all around the fountain. The blacksmithery is to the right there. There is a bulliten board parallel to the fountain on the other side. There is a inn behind the gallows, across frim the smithy. this is the town square. Other than at, it is all buildings and roads, except for the alley system all around. The castle, though, has sort of its own area. The walls still go around it, but there is a smaller stone wall going around the castle, which has a gate to it, a long, narrow path that leads straight to the door of a tall, 10-story tall building, with a slanted blue roof at the top, and a tower coming out of the right side. The barracks are to the left of the castle and the dungeons are located under the barracks. There is a curved path leading to the dungeons and a wooden door. There is also a secret escape way in cell #3 that you crawl through and reach a hatch in the barrack's floor. 2. Skytop Village It is on a large hill, with farms at the bottom, next to a sheer, grey cliff on the Yerg Mountains. The buildings here have cross beams and wool, the casual medieval walls. They have hey roofs, and under that supported by wooden crossbeams. The town hall is located in the mid-hill, and it is a rectangle with a sort of lump projecting out of the right side. There are two other rectangular buildings that are noticeable; one on the high-hill, still connected to the mid-hill, but to the left, and has a fence next to it with a farm. The other one is to the right of the mid-hill, in the small valley. It also has a farm, but not too big, with a horse. There are no paths, just grass. The other buildings are rectangular, and the inn is located in the mid-hill, and is a rectangular box, yet 2 stories tall and larger than usual. The bottom of it is a tavern and the top are rooms. There is a bullliten board in front of it. There are wooden, spiked walls around this village. II. Vile Sands 1. Wolley Castle This is a sand-castle, made of sandstone. It looks nearly the same as Casle Lasthia, but has scattered towers with bulb tops. In the day, this place looks like a ghost town, but at night, it comes alive. 2.The Maw There is a giant pit in the north-east side of this desert, it is a large, open pit with white teeth scattered on the sides, 6 tentacles all around it. 3. Pyramid of Roirraw It looks like a plain pyramid with traps and everything III. Neerg Forest 1. Poteert Poteert has the largest trees, in the spring and summer, they have light brown trunks with light green leaves, in the fall and winter, the trunks turn white and the leaves turn a golden color. The trees have spiral paths around them, going upward. At the top of them, they have round paths, with houses and shops. There are bridges connecting trees to trees. On the largest tree, there is a glowing white canopy with a house connecting to the back, lighter than the bright paths. The trees produce all the light they need, though. At night the trees glow. The canopy is the home of Reverof, high king of all elves. 2. Tesol Village This is a normal village in the forest. The buildings are scattered, path less, and no alleys. IV. Shadow Forest Named because of the dark, gloomy trees, often rain but never snow, black, burned grass, and the spooky sounds. There is rarely light. There are scattered caverns and ravines. 1. Der'Cro This is a town in the caverns, filled with orcs. They burn wood, make constant weapons for constantly new orcs. The buildings are built in the walls. 2. Mooleg This is the camp of lost travelers. The buildings are dark because they used the dark trees and buildings' roofs are stone. 3. Nilbog These are smaller, dark, goblin caverns. V. Yerg Mountains 1. Etihew Village This is a village in the mountains, all made of stone. There are constant blizzards. II. Lasthia Keep A circular keep, close to the face of the mountain. VI. Overall Overall, it is this: 1 = Niw Fields 2 = Vile Sands 3 = Nerg Forest 4 = Shadow Forest 5 = Yerg Mountains Other than those, ocean. (NOTE: This is only part of a larger continent, the other places are Athillia and Oridon) ------------3 ---------------5 --------------1 -------------1 ---4-------1 -4--------2 -----2 -------------------------- IV. Races -Human The common race of Lasthia. They live up to 130 years. -Elf Elves are immortal, but their numbers are dying. They have mages and powerful tools. They normally have light skin. They live forever. -Orc Orcs quickly multiply through mud in their caverns. They have dark green skin. They were originally elves, mutated. They live forever. -Goblin They are well-fighters, climbers, and stealthy but cannot move in sunlight, else they burn. They are light-green skins with pointy ears. They live up to 50 years. -Halfling They are half the size of humans, and have large and somewhat pointy ears. ----Ghouls: Remains of Cigam -Ghoul They are robed in black, have a skeletal body and have a blue, transparent, glowing body over their bones. They hover and they sometimes send off blue mist or smoke. They live forever. -Wanner They are pale, and their face looks as if it has been mourning. They are robed in black and walk with a limp. They live up to 200 years. -Tesol They were the ones who ventured to the city in the desert-- and never returned. They are skeletons. They live up to 150 years. --------------------------- V. Jobs -Elf Jobs Weaponsmith Enchanter Mage Traveller Villager Innkeeper Knight Archer Royalty(Prince,Princess,Queen,King) (can be 1 of each) Sentinel -Human Jobs Innkeeper Pheasant Adventurer Assassin Theif Wanderer Hunter Butcher Farmer Castlemaid Knight Warrior Constable Archer Royalty(Prince,Princess,Queen,King) (can be 1 of each) Royal Guard -Orc Forger Spawner (creates new orcs out of the mud) Warrior Supplier -Goblin Rogue Knight Archer Forger Supplier -Halfling Farmer Pheasant Supplier Water worker Adventurer -Ghouls Haunter Sentinel Villager ----------------- VI. Factions -Humans Lasthia: largest Athillia: wanderers from the sister kingdom to the west. Oridon: wanderers from the far kingdom, past Athillia. Yecagel: Rare, normally nomads and wanderers Elur: Mountain-men -Elves Trelia: Forest-men Athillia Oridon -Orcs Der'Flod -Goblins -Der'Dooh -Halfling Lasthia Yecagel Oridon -Ghouls Cigam ------------------ VII. Naming Guide -Humans Normally starts with: Aeg- Aer- Ara- Bor- Ben- Cor- Far- Wor- He- Ne- Normally ends with: -ther -ang -rrel -amir -rey -cag -lac -gorn -Elves & Halflings Normally starts with: Elur- El- Aeg- Yal- Thy- Ail- Normally ends with: -ward -gon -rond -krel -lin -Orcs, Goblins & Ghouls Normally starts with: Dur'- Gha- Gho- War- Vil- Yer- Normally ends with: -gor -gone -ul -ast -icent -igen ------------------ VIII. Character Sheet ------------------ IC Name: Age: Race: Faction: Job: Appearance: Weapons(Max 4): Inventory(Max 8): Personality: Bio(Opional): OOC Have you read the rules?: Have you read the story?: What faction turned into ghouls?: Which race wasn't in the war?: RP Example: ------------------------ (This is my first custom RP thread!)
#91612121Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:48 PM GMT

IC Name: Aegther Rethain Age: 17 Race: Human Faction: Yecagel Job: Adventurer Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Ithillien-Rangers-Lord-of-the-Rings-item?id=107051319 Details: 2 daggers on the belt and a shortsword, a bow and quiver on the back. Black hair and under-average height. A water pouch and money pouch are also hanging from the belt. Weapons:(Max 4): Daggers, shortsword, bow, knife Inventory(Max 8): Water pouch, money pouch, arrows Personality: Nice to people he knows, anonymous. Bio(Optional): He was born and raised in a cabin, in the Neerg Woods. Not in any city, just a lone cabin. His father hunted just enough every day for food on the plate. A town, Tesol Village came up due to lost travellers. Though most of them found a way out, they stayed. Later when he was 15, he moved away. News of a goblin attack came to him a month later, upon Tesol. When he rode, he found only a few deaths. One of them was his father. They had a minor funeral, due to their lack of money. Aegther rode back away and made a new wooden cabin in the woods. He now makes often visits to cities. OOC Have you read the rules?: Yes, [lolz] Have you read the story: yes (Not going to give answers) RP Example: A = Aegther I = Innkeeper A"How much is it to stay a night?" I"Ten copper a night." A"All right, one room. Two nights." I"Careful, I hear there's been many goblin attacks." A"I will stay keen for goblins,". I pay him the money and walk to my room.
#91614393Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:36 PM GMT

This. You, are a god amongst mere men.
#91614830Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

Is that a compliment?)
#91615034Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

Yes. I am so glad that there are people left who will put time into making a good RP now a days. I just want to congratulate you, and I will be on my way.
#91616745Tuesday, March 12, 2013 5:20 PM GMT

#91619442Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:17 PM GMT

(Bump... No one ever joins my threads...)
#91619552Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:19 PM GMT

#91626644Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:19 PM GMT

(:D) (Bump) (FLOODCHECK super ultra bump!)
#91747056Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:23 AM GMT

(Bumpa de buuummmpppp)
#91761596Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:11 PM GMT

#91762503Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

Joining :D I love medieval fantasies.)
#91762638Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:36 PM GMT

(Finally! You're the first person to join one of my threads since the first one I made based off Lord of the Rings...)
#91762829Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:40 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#91763048Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

(@telamonlike accepted Enjoy! :D)
#91763494Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:55 PM GMT

IC lolk N@me: Aeggorn @ge: 26 Race: Human Faction: Lasthia Job: Knight Appearance: He wears silver armor with a rare helmet that looks like a demon head (Nothing special but the shape.), He has short brown hair, pale tan skin, and green eyes. Weapons(Max 4): Sword, crossbow, and dagger Inventory(Max 8): Raw steak, apple, water canteen, and bandages Personality: Careful, thoughtful, secretive. Bio(Opional): OOC Have you read the rules?:Yes Have you read the story?: Yes What faction turned into ghouls?: Which race wasn't in the war?: Elur RP Example: Wounded Aeggorn got up. Enemies everywhere. He drew his sword and charged as his commanding officers yelled retreat and he did not listen. He hacked and slash his way to the center of the army trying to kill as many as he can and was hit again with a arrow in his chest. He fought still and was stabbed from behind. He couldn't hear anything no more. Just his breathing. He turned and sliced the head of his attacker off. And that they all stabbed him at once. Pain everywhere. Aeggorn fells to his knees.Why was he so reckless now? He was always so calm.Something in him must of snapped. Than everything went dark.
#91763804Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:02 PM GMT

(@blanchey To fill you in on the story, Cigam turned to ghouls, and Elur were the ones who conquered. Halflings weren't in the war. Other than that, accepted! Enjoy! :D)
#91764733Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

(Sorry. It just got a bit confusing. So much to read.)
#91765023Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

(lol it's k)
#91765388Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:37 PM GMT

When do we start?
#91765463Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:39 PM GMT

#91765612Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:42 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#91765636Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:43 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#91765672Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:44 PM GMT

(Nice) @Aeggorn Aeggorn walk into the tavern and order a drink. He go to the corner table and sit down and relax. He haven't relaxed for weeks. To muck guarding and patrolling. He wonders if there is anyway he will ever get to do real fun stuff. Nothing ever happens. Too quiet. This give Aeggorn a uneasy feeling. "Hey bartender! Were is that drink!?"
#91765733Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:45 PM GMT

Aegther I walk through the forest, enjoying the nature this morning. There seems to be a chill in the air, like usual Neerg forest mornings. I ponder in the thought of spring coming. I swing one of my daggers here and there to clear bushes blocking my path.

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