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#9159164Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

your world is based on exploring and fighting in the story and of coruse just living in a town here is the sheet. name (create): gender: pet/s/: weapons: apperance: job (optainal but need one to get coins): village: mine. name (create): Alex (made up) gender: male pet/s/: dog and horse weapons: sword and arrow n' bow. apperance: shirt and shorts. job (optainal but need one to get coins): hunter and worrior village: the dock town here is the list. village. swordtown men grow the dock town job. hunter bulider seller worrior (can get hired new jobs in stores or leaders of jobs) aperrance. shirt t-shirt shorts pants armor (can swicth clothes and color) story began. alex. *walks slowly and looks around in forest* hmmm *quickly shoots arrow and hits a deer* thats one! *picks up deer and walked back to village*
#9159273Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:22 AM GMT

alex. *walks home and greets dog and gives some meat* hmmm i wonder if any neew people came*
#9159313Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

dog: arf arf arf *eats meat* alex: your favorite!
#9159837Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:36 AM GMT

alex: looks down i need friends... dog: arf arf arf! alex: well as people... but your my friend!!! as a animal...
#9160083Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

name:giaia gender: male pet/s/: dark dragon weapons: giaia sword apperance: rugged job :swordman/mage village: ????????
#9162197Tuesday, June 02, 2009 2:43 AM GMT

swordtown men grow or the dock town
#9162331Tuesday, June 02, 2009 2:47 AM GMT

name: mark gender: male pet/s/: falcon weapons: crossbow, knife apperance: an honest face with shiny black hair and blue eyes job: meat merchant and cook village: the dock town *standing at stall* fresh meat for sale!
#9162389Tuesday, June 02, 2009 2:48 AM GMT

dog: arf? alex: who's that?
#9162455Tuesday, June 02, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

alex: *walks outside leaving dog in and jumps on horse* come on boy follow the voice *horse runs to the voice eagerly* *arives* who are you? horse: *mumbles*
#9162983Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:06 AM GMT

name (create): Luke gender: M pet/s/: Dog, Horse. weapons: Hunting Knife apperance: Tattered T shirt, black shorts. job (optainal but need one to get coins): village: The Dock Town.
#9163008Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:07 AM GMT

oops Job: Hunter lol
#9163070Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:09 AM GMT

Luke: *runs in forest sneaks up on 2 deer and throws dagger killing them both gets meat then picks up dagger* Now i can give my dog extra meat.. *walks back to town* Here Boy! *throws meat at him then goes to house lights fire and then roasts meat and eats* Yumm.. Horse: Nee....
#9163129Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:11 AM GMT

Luke: *sits at table and gets book.* *reading* Dog: Arf Arf! *panting* Luke: What is it boy? Horse: Neeiihhhhhhh!! Luke: Oh no, bandits! Villager: Ahh! *gets shot* Luke: *throws knife killing 3 and it flies back* Woah! *takes it and stabs 2 bandits* Help!
#9163887Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:46 AM GMT

dude the beging is sort of like mine... but oh well... alex: *hears the fight* oh no! come on boy *runs with dog to attack the enimes* dog: *runs up and bites* arf! alex: hey look a guy... (mind: more people!) villager: *falls down* ahhhh dog: *takes villager weapons* alex: good boy! oh yeah i need to name my dog and horse DOG-aber HORSE-twick coins gained: 25 weapons gained: sliver sword
#9163952Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:50 AM GMT

alex: who are you? dog: arf *wanting to attack* alex: shhh its a vistor be nice... dog: Arf!!! alex: sit! dog: *sits* alex: good boy! *throws meat for a treat* so who were you again? dog: *looks up* alex: two new guys in the town...

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