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#92834453Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:22 AM GMT

The night burned with chaos...As did an ancient race. Over a thousand years ago, a civilization rose up deep within the Amazon Forest of South America. Secluded from human contact, and thriving. These people were very intelligent, knowing much of the universe and world around them. Also not of natural origin. These people were, first and foremost, not human. They were a race of beings much more violent and powerful. Though these people were violent, they had a duty. A duty to defend the human race from interlopers. That duty was prominent, until they were destroyed by the very being who created them. As I was saying, anything that threatened us, humanity, they were there to help. And this duty I will explain, from the start. Many many years ago, an ancient demon was raised from the depths of the Earth by a necromancer named Mors. Mors had read stories of the demon, learning of its limitless power and knowledge. When the demon arose, he had asked to become infinitely powerful, like the demon. The demon considered this, then destroyed Mors, and absorbed him into his being. The demon expected to destroy all existence of the Necromancer by doing so, but was overcome by his hidden power. The demon slowly lost his mind to Mors, and fell under his control. Mors felt his new power, and decided to build an army and take over the world. He slaughtered several people, as specimens, and took their bodies to his new realm. He took energy, essence, and soul from them, to model his new army. He formed a body, impervious to pain, and more agile and powerful than a humans. A mind, strong enough to do anything they were driven to do. And finally, he put his own essence into them, in place of a soul. Giving them dark magic, which made them beyond the power any magical human could ever reach. As he did this, he became weak, and had to rest as the first 6 of his army formed. While he was resting, the beings had felt his horrid presence, and they escaped his realm, back to Earth. Mors tried his hardest to control them, but they had the free will of humans, and he was still to weak to return to Earth. Thus, the race was born. Long before they had created their own civilization, and only a few hundred years after their creation, they had lived in Greece and Rome, not knowing of the existence of others, just like them. They were more spread out than they ever would come to be again. Even then, however, they all understood their duty. They were to kill anything that threatened humanity. In that time, a group of people with exceptional control over magic rose up. They called themselves "The Twelve" while humanity saw them as Gods and praised them, the ancient race of defenders saw them as menaces. Humanity could not see it, but these twelve "Gods" were manipulating them to build their world in their image. This is when The First War began. The ancient race, now calling themselves the Forebearers, sought out others of their kind, putting together an army. They grew in numbers, an brought their most powerful forward, a man named Bec, of the Recole clan. They assaulted the city and palace of The Twelve. Not only that, but they killed everything in their path. They destroyed homes, and families. They tore apart the town in a vicious rampage, and didn't stop for anything. Bec led the assault to the palace, and viciously murdered all 12 of the "Olympians" with his own hands. The humans, however, saw these new, and powerful beings as a threat. With their demonic magic, and their control over the black arts that The Twelve had condemned. Judging them for calling the Olympians monsters, they named the Forebearers a spell which the Olympians specifically condoned. "Verum Timere." A spell, when spoken by any magical being, would kill a human within earshot of it. Though, the records went down as naming them Olempires, a dangerous spell that knocked humans out, which was turned into Vampires when Vampires first arose hundreds of years afterwards. The Romans and Greeks banished each person with the "Olempire" blood out of their land, and into the Sea, with little food to last them a month. But they lasted, and and wound up on the coast of Brazil in south America. Right on the edge of the Amazon. They found their way deep into the forest, and began a new civilization. But, though their lives seemed normal now, a forgotten force had awoken back in present day Europe; Mors. His power had grown, though, and he wanted revenge on the race that was meant to be his. He sought them out, and learned of their exile. He took a ship of his own undead slaves, the 12 bodies of the Olympians, and went to find them. On the ship, Mors manipulated the bodies of the Olympians, and made them new beings, under the control of him, and only him. He renamed himself Nocte, for night. They landed upon the coast of the Amazon, and searched for 5 years for the Olempires. Once they had discovered them...it was not long before the attack began. This, named the Hidden War, was a battle between a weakening Olempire race, and a massive, NIGHTMARISH, demon army. The demons, not losing a single soldier, destroyed everything in their path. While the war went on, Bec, still living, and his other generals, sought a spell that could save their two youngest. Two children named Dare, and Dela. They used their own black blood to create a pocket within the realm, that would be hidden from the view of Nocte until a time Dare and Dela could defend themselves. As the children were saved, the rest of their civilization was vanquished. By the very hand that created them. Many many years have passed, and it is now modern day. The memory of Olympians, demon lords, and Forebearers are just myths. People live on. But, Nocte is stirring once more, and so is the pocket realm which holds Dare and Dela. A war is now brewing, as Nocte has been building up the army, to take over the entirety of the Earth. But, he is just the first notch in a series of even more complex events, that will be revealed in future evens... Rules: No godmodding Follow the plot No spamming the same post over and over please No 1337 speak At MOST 2/3 characters Do not argue, if you must, PM the person, do not do it on the thread No OP powers Post "MICE" at the end of your BIO to be accepted Try to not go OOC too much Have a good day IF you create an IN RP relationship, keep it PG please that is too say This RP WILL get violent, and descriptive in those violent situations, if you do not like that, I am sorry. Character Sheet: N.ame: Ag.e: (15-25 please) Gender:(You know the deal, one or the other) Appearance: (3+ sentences please) Personality:(What'cha like, bro?) Bio:(5+ sentences please) Race:(If something not too common, please explain. CANNOT be a Olempire) Powers:(Roughly 2, and give examples of how they are used.) Weapons/Items: Races: (Pre-Set) Human: Pretty simple...But do note, if you PICK human, you can be a Mage or Witch or whatever you want. You don't have to be a powerless human Vampire: Sucks blood, insanely strong nails, lives 10 times as long as a human, cannot turn in to a bat, does not sparkle, no cliches kill it, it dies like any other being would. Very strong, and fast. Can have many forms of dark magic. Undead: Doesn't have to be a zombie-like being...can just be someone returned from the dead, but with powers. Partial Angel/Demon: No, you cannot be a FULL angel or demon, because those would be wicked powerful. Wings and horns and such, for this. Dark or light magic, depending. Nephilim: A very strong race, basically super humans. Big, strong, magical. Just like humans, but much better at what they do. Create your own! Make your own race, or a one you have once used, and explain what it is, and can do. If you do not want to ruin anything, PM me then!
#92838582Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

I feel the need for a side-character..so..:3 N.ame: Lucas "Ibara" Klaus Raluxi A.ge: 18 Gender: Male (DUH) Appearance: Wearing a black and blue hoodie, with black jeans and white shoes, with bluish-black eyes And blonde hair. (Like the Blond-haired Charmer in the catalog) Personality: Usually happy, unless insulted. Beginning with Fire magic..the going to Ice, Thunder, Shadow, Light, then finally Illusion.When provoked can cast Ultima Flare, the ultimate spell he can learn at 19. Race: Nephilim Bio: Scarred at 9, He grew up in a semi-life of seclusion until the age of 15. When he was adopted. He grew his magical properties for 4 years..but never got past Fire. For the sheer fact he couldn't make a Meteor. So, he's been working on making a meteor..until his magic was discovered and put on display. It made him infuriated..and Ultima Flare was released..leveling half the town. And here he is today. He also discovered he was a Nephilim at 13. Weapons/Items: Staff, Elixirs (On occasion) Powers: Magic. _____________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading!
#92839372Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:01 AM GMT

Greatsword, not Staff.
#92843385Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

(You are a friend, King. But, read the rules. For you are missing something.)
#93295404Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

#93297124Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:23 PM GMT

(Do I have to read everything I am not in the mood)
#93297790Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

(Please do...You actually NEED to read all of the rules...)
#93297992Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

(Read it, is it modern or medieval time I'm still a little confused on that?)
#93302202Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:15 PM GMT

#93303594Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

(It's modern day right? o_o) N.ame: Hollerine "Holly" Velaritos Ag.e: 19 Gender: Lady Appearance: Holly has beige soft hair. Her hair is usually parted at the top. It falls down unto her elbows. She wears a black and white striped shirt with a gray scarf wrapped around her neck. yellow fit jeans and light blue sneakers. She also wears a yellow necklace whose gem is shaped like a clocktower. Personality: Holly is very out-going. She likes to talk to people. She's a socialite, but doesn't over-do it. She doesn't like to brag. Since she hates people who brag. She is also very kind and considerate. Bio: Holly was the daughter of two famous people. She likes the attention but she never had the intention of going into show business. Holly lives in a majestic mansion. With marble floors, curtains made from the finest silk. Her parents don't really have enough time for her so her grandmother takes care of her. Whom she adores alot. (MICE) Race: Songbird (People whose vocal chords are powerfully enhanced.) Powers: Sonic Screams coming from her vocal chords. She has the ability to generate a high-pitched, earsplitting, earth-shattering supersonic scream of great volume that can shake a certain area of a magnitude 3.7. This rate can go higher when used in full burst. Holly can "fly" by generating solid sound "wings" attached to her body; initially, these were created as glider-style wings, stretching from wrists to feet, though more recently they are shown attached to her back. Presumably, Holly animates the wings to flap or somehow generates a propulsive force with her powers, since her airborne speed and maneuverability to date extend well beyond simple gliding. Weapons/Items: Holly relies on her natural powers but she keeps a knife every once in a while.
#93310650Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

(Yes, Modern) N.ame: Daren Amadeous Rolando Keiden Recole Ag.e: 20 in appearance, older in reality. Gender: Male Appearance: Daren has spikes black hair, with a white/silver sliver on the right side, right above his ear. His eyes are normal, but look like they have larger pupils, due to his irises being pure black. Also, because of his energy, he wears black rimmed, and green tinted, sunglasses. To cover the energy escaping his eyes. His skin is a darker tone of white, considering he is descended from a South American family. He is very tall, roughly 6'7", and has a large build to match the height. He usually wears black jeans, and black Reebok shoes, for running, with any sort of jacket over his white T-Shirt. He has a scar from the past along the left of his lips, running down to the bottom of his jaw, and close to level with his nose. He has one tattoo, which is a cross on his left pectoral, with the phrase "Suus 'omnibus venatus." on a scroll under it, which means "It's all a game", in English. He has a black bandana around his neck, most of the time, and, when in fights, pulls it up to his mouth. Personality: Daren is normally very quiet, and calm. But he can be commanding, powerful, and talkative when needed. He is a natural born leader, and tactician. He is sort of rude, and blunt when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, he is a very nice, and open man. Bio: Daren was born long ago, and raised by a rich family named the Armstrongs. He inherited the wealth when the father died out...also because the whole family mysteriously vanished when he died. Daren then put all the money in a bank and let it gain interest over a LONG period of time. As he slightly grew over a long period of time, he did attend school till he was 18, surpassing most people his age, not only in the class, in most physical workouts and skills. He has, since then, traveled around the world, training in different forms of fighting, creating his own style. He, of course, has done this after his discovery of what he is...(MICEH) Race: Olempire Powers: Daren has been seen to be able to bend the energy of Fear itself. He can force a being to feel fear, even if they are not scared of him, specifically. He can concentrate this in to quite a few abilities, including; explosions, lasers, waves, fire, near instant combustion, etc... He also has a strong telekinetic power, able to move things with little thought of it. He uses this in ways of pulling his weapons to him, or moving someone away. This is, however, not always the case. See, if the being has a strong will, Daren is not able to push them back, but, due to his kinds' growing power, the being would have to constantly become willfully strong, for Daren to not affect them. He can use it to read minds, move energy from his fear powers, see long distances, and move very large objects. Daren's energy needs a way to release itself, and calm him, every now and then...this is where his eyes come in. Due to this, if he does not have covering on his eyes when this occurs, it could be devastating for the others around him. His glasses keep the energy plugged back...so when removed, they release his full power. Weapons/Items: Daren has a long, pitch black, katana named "Haze". It has white runes running up the blade, and seems to have dark, necrotic, abilities. When he is not using it, it is in the shape of a watch on his wrist, with the hands being shaped like swords. He has been seen to have a similar gun, pitch black, with white runes, but only uses it when needed.
#93312275Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

(And, accepted)
#93314443Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

(Gonna post my CS later)
#93324495Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:47 AM GMT

(Whenever you want, then.)
#93325507Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

N.ame:Isaac Ag.e: 15 Gender:Male Appearance: Isaac is very small,his height is around 4'8. His hair is very wild and feather-like,as if it was the down of a newborn bird. The coloring is mostly blonde,but covered in natruel brown patches,covering his eyes. He's well built,which is suprising considering his small size. His eye color is a bright forest green. His skin is tanned and covered in scars,which he has no memory of. His left eye is useless,absolutly no sight. Personality:Isaac is a very happy-go-lucky guy who often chears up a group,his happy personality never seems to waver,even in a fight. Though he is also very protective of his friends and will defend any random man,woman,or child he sees. Isaac never takes life for granted,he often is seen as lazy due to his rule of always having fun and never working. Bio:Isaac woke in the middle of a vast forest at the peak of a mountian,without a memory to call his own. He was around the age four or five when he did wake and quickly adapted to his surroundings,he seemed to be attuned with nature from the start. Animals would approach him without fear,and he learned to love them like a second family. Due to this Isaac has vowed never to eat meat of any type. Isaac grew up alone,without any human contact for years throughout his secluded life. He had discovered his abilitys and taught himself the basics of survival,he had also found many scars covering his body..as well as a long jagged gash covering his chest..as if he had been cut open. He made his first approach on civilization at age eleven,and was rejected by the locals almost instantly. Although Isaac felt no outrage at this he did his best to fit in,growing up without friends and only cruelty. Althought this did not dampen his spirit. Race:Unknown (Possibly human,Isaac only assumes) Powers:Control over nature,as well as a healing ability that comes easily to Isaac. An example of how his offensive nature powers could be used,is causing a tree to take root within the stomach of an enemy and cause them to explode,a gorey looking tree in the place of the man or woman. His healing abilitys are unique,due to him being able to regenerate even the half of a body that has been turned to ash. Weapons/Items:Most of the time Isaac weilds a pair of automatic crossbows,along with a rifle. His fourth weapon is a pair of gigantic greatswords,linked together by a single handle of wood.
#93325715Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

(MICE) Forgot it in there e.e
#93325851Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

(Tis fine, accepted...)
#93362856Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:47 AM GMT

Name: Iriozik Axiof Age: 17 Gender: Male A tall, (thin) figure, which has long claws, vampire like fangs, and black hair hanging over his eyes. He wears a hooded jumper, which has cloth stuck on with duct tape covering his burns from the sun. His skin color is mainly black, but in some parts crimson due to sun damage. His eye color is a faint purple, with black and orange strands going through with it. Personality: His very fond of people who are like him, who know parkour (climbing and jumping 'cross buildings') , and especially fond of people whom are part of his small group of people which he calls 'The Darkened Superiors'. Also likes ripping people to pieces with his claws, but he only does it with reason, otherwise there'd be hardly any life on Earth. Bio: Was raised in Rio, in a favela. When he was young, he went with his friends doing parkour everyday upon the roofs of the favela, and even sometimes the inner cities' roofs. When he was 11, he was kidnapped by some scientists working for the military whom were trying to make a bio-weapon for their soldiers. He was experimented on for 5 years, as the scientists were trying to make the perfect soldier who'd kill all who attempted to kill him. After, when the experiment was almost completed, they forgot to brainwash him, and when they released him, they finally witnessed what a monster he'd become, ripping up the labs' scientists, allowing none to escape, and eventually used his new powers to send biomass roots all through the facility, impaling all the individuals inside. He then left to the world he couldn't remember, knowing he couldn't talk physically, due too his modifications, and he knew that he couldn't make contact with anyone else, and should just monitor the world watching, waiting for something to happen. Eventually, he met some people who were impressed with his parkour skills, he had to write to not blow his cover and say he was deaf, which he wasn't. Two years had passed, with him doing hardly anything, apart from daily parkour, which he liked. As he matured he lost his colored vision, and the world to his eyes slowly turned a purple-black color.... Then, someone noticed, and reported him to the government as the 'Runaway Test Subject'. He then, afterwards, was hunted down by the military, FBI, all kinds of police across North America and South America. Fled to Russia afterwards... And that was where he found he wasn't human, not even originally... Race: Supreme Dark Aktunter .Dark Aktunters originate from the darkened core of Aktilopa, an artificial planet crafted by the Xenoka race for the extension of life, and the Dark Aktunters were created as the guardians of the world. Of course, some were sent into battlefields on near every planet as the commanding officers' bodyguards. They have black skin, like the Xenoka, but are much smaller than a 30-year old average Xenoka. The Dark Aktunters were copies of the Aktunters, aswell, and the Axiof line was a copy of Xincekta, the most skilled and honored of the Aktunters. Eventually, there was a war within the empire and it gradually destroyed itself, until there was a truce between the remnants of the races within it. Weapons/Items: Claws (strong as tungsten, which is 3/4 as strong as titanium?), two tungsten daggers, which he uses to assassinate his targets more humanely, duct tape, cloth, fiber wire,and a bandanna. (MICE)
#93375078Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:36 PM GMT

(Interesting..I'll accept, just to see where you are going with this...)
#93375115Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:36 PM GMT

(Alright...if everyone who is on would like, would it be fine to begin?)
#93379723Sunday, March 31, 2013 2:37 PM GMT

Daren I drive through the small city of Wichita, Kansas, in a sleek black convertible. It was a crisp spring day, April 19th, to be exact. In the year of 2013. Life was quite simple right now, not many people inside anymore. School for the kids was getting close to an end, and the parents hard started coming home to spend more time with their kids, everyone was relaxed after being cooped up inside for the long winter months that usually plague Kansas. The cool breeze blew through my hair as I drove with my top down, smiling slightly at everyone I saw. I had just gotten back from a trip to China over the past 3 months. I enjoyed being out of the mountains, and back at home where I felt normal...as normal as could be. As I drove, I turned on to Interstate 235, going along it until I came to Kansas 96, driving along it till I arrived in the small town of Maize, Kansas. Down Maize road, starting from where I entered on the North face, there were a few places to shop. A Kwik Shop, and Pizza Hut across the street from each other, down the road a bit more, on the side of the Pizza Hut, there was a Subway, and a few other stores, not quite worth noting. Going down further lead to a few entrances to many neighborhoods, and beyond the neighborhoods on the East side of Maize road came Maize Middle School, where young children where in class at the moment. And taking a right down the intersection near MMS, would lead you west to the Maize High School. Going further down, either way, would then lead deeper to Maize, but, I turned on the first left turn from the highway, going to my apartment building. I check in at the gate, then head on in. I park my car, sliding the top back on as I grab my duffel bag, and backpack, and walk out. I wave to my neighbors a bit, and walk up to my room, on the top floor of one of the buildings. I slide my key in, and walk in, slamming the door behind me. I drop my bags, kicking my shoes off, and flop on to my bed, with its black and white sheets. I rub my eyes a bit, after removing my sunglasses. In about an hour I'd have to go get my dog from a neighbor...And it was only around 12:34, noon. I looked over to my TV quietly, grabbing the remote and turning it on to any news I may have missed over the few months...
#93386877Sunday, March 31, 2013 3:51 PM GMT

(Hope I'm not too late.) N.ame: Alexander Gregory Miller. Ag.e: (15-25 please) 16 Gender:(You know the deal, one or the other)Male. Appearance: (3+ sentences please) He has auburn hair, with streaks of fire truck red. His hair is long, but it can be tucked within his brown ball-cap. When he's not wearing his hat, he wears his hair in a pony-tail like fashion. He has dark green eyes, with what looks like a hint of red. Hes rather pale, skintone wise. When standing straight up, he is 5'10. His current weight ranges between 147-152. His general appearal is a black hoodie with a plain purple undershirt. He wears a set of dark blue jeans, with some black tennis shoes. Some say his teeth are rather sharp, all pointed like an average human canine's would be. Alexander also has a red tail that he keeps wrapped around his body. It came from when his powers matured. Personality:(What'cha like, bro?) Sorta awkward, but very mishevious. Alexander is quite the hothead, and often lashes out at people who cause him extreme stress or anger. He tries to be nice to people. He often avoids talking, unless he has to. He's very curioius on topics that directtly involve him. Alex avoids anything to involve with romance, and often makes a point to cause those who like him greats amount of anguish to keep away. When he talks, his voice always seems to hint at a large sadness, hidden within. Bio:(5+ sentences please) Alexander was born on Sepetember 9th, *whatever year it would of been sixteen years ago, you get my drift?* At the time, both baby and mother were in critical condition, but after a few hours, the baby stabalized. The mom however remannined in intensive care. The baby, Alexander, was sent to live with his uncle, Benjamin A few days later, she passed away, leaving Alex to live with Ben. Growing up, he often asked about his dad, but all Ben would say is, 'He's a true reincarnation of evil." Then he left it at that. Alexander's powers began to surface at age eleven. At first he didn't notice. A gentle whisper and someone might agree with him when they otherwise might not of. Being able to change one's viewpoint on a topic. His power matured a few months after his fourteenth birthday. At which point, a tail began growing from right above his buttox, with a dark red coloring. He kept this a secret from anyone, but it's very strong, about as strong as one of his arms. At that point, he could influence almost anyone's decisions, to his own purposes. One day, after a nasty fight with one of his friends, he went head first into rage, and caused his friend to kill himself. Horrified at what he'd done, he kept it a secret, and vowed to keep away from normal people, as often as he could. [Mice] Race:(If something not too common, please explain. CANNOT be a Olempire) Half Demon. Powers:(Roughly 2, and give examples of how they are used.) He can influence people when they're emotionally unstable, or when they're not paying attention. He can influence both their emotions towards a certain person, or what they think is 'right' and 'wrong.' Weapons/Items: Half a dozen fire crackers. A red lighter that came from his uncle Ben's personal stash.
#93387342Sunday, March 31, 2013 3:56 PM GMT

(Quite Alright, it's good. Start whenever you'd like.)
#93389564Sunday, March 31, 2013 4:19 PM GMT

Alexander- -------------- I stare at Ben, as he walks back into my room, and I cough again. "Hey Benjamin, hows it going?" He mutters something, then asks me, in a sudden seriousness, it takes me a moment to figure out what he said. "Alex, how long were you planning to lie to me about being sick?" I open my mouth, but then shut it. I look at his expression, then I shrug a bit. "Long enough for school to end.. The usual." "You know this means more make-up work." I nod, rolling my eyes. "Come on Ben, you know I can handle this, I always have, and I won't let you down now." He opens his mouth, trying to fight against my 'sound' logic. After a few minutes, he mutters under his breath "Just have it done." He then walks off, one Alex, zero Ben. I wait for him to leave, then stand up. Afterwords I listen for his footsteps, then sneak over to the door and lock it. I then let my tail slide out from where I was hiding it. I grab my wallet off my nightstand, then climb out the window, stepping onto solid ground. I use my tail to close the window, the window gives a satisfying click. As I walk towards the street, I tuck my tail back in, wrapping it against myself beneath my clothes. I tug my bike off the house, then pedal towards the town.
#93390627Sunday, March 31, 2013 4:30 PM GMT

Daren Not much...News of the threats from the Koreans, some crappy movie commercials, and another terrible TV show idea. I sigh a bit, standing up, and walking to the second room. My apartment was alright, only three rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. The first room, I had made my bedroom, was where the door entering my apartment lead in to. Then the door by the window, which was facing the highway, lead to my "Living Room", where the larger TV was, and so was my computer, and gaming system...s...Only a Wii and Xbox 360 were there, though, considering I had not really fallen in love with any game system, but it was there if any friends decided to drop by. In the corner of that room, was the kitchen. It was quite barren, for I had few plates, glasses, or utensils. And not much food was there, considering I had taken most of it to China with me. Beyond that, a door near the edge of the kitchen, was the research/building room. I had gotten a license to build many types of weapons in that room, and also research certain elements the state allowed me...But I mostly used it to build new swords. I'd build small toy swords for the kid in the apartments below me, or machetes for people going on trips. I never considered myself amazing, but the swords would seem to last forever, and rarely chip, or become dull. Anyways, in that room was also a few sets of weights, and dummies, that I usually worked out with. As I walked in, I looked around the boxes and wights in the room, cracking some fresh crates open, and looking for certain things...

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