#93393306Sunday, March 31, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

N.ame: Luke Crosfon Ag.e: (15-25 please) 17 Gender:(You know the deal, one or the other) Male Appearance: (3+ sentences please)Luke Crosfon wears a White and Red hoodie. He wears Greyish gloves with a built in watch (Custom made). Uses sunglasses almost everyday. Black,Blue,red Nikey shoes he uses for constant running. And quiver on his he uses too carry his Arrows around in. Grey pants with a wallet in them with his I.D. On the back of his Hoodie is a symbol of a Eagle, used to represent who he is. Personality:(What'cha like, bro?)Quite demanding in almost ALL situations. He lacks fear. Unless he is about to die. By himself he is quite happy and fond. Talks to people..a lot. Bio:(5+ sentences please) Luke Crosfon, as kid he grew up somewhere in the woods. A secret location known only to him and his family. He grew to be an Assassin. (Yes I'm using an Assassin..) He was never a very public person with his family, he had more important things to do or attend to. At the age of 16 he witnessed his parents die from a unknown cause. He wanted to say old age..But it wasn't..It was something worse....much worse than he could imagine.At the age of 17 he sought training. He looked to a man he knew well. A old friend of his family.. He began his training in the woods. He trained, he learned to climb,fight, and hide..He soon figured out that there is something much more to the world... Race:Human:Assassin Powers:N/A Weapons/Items:Bow with (12x) Arrows and a Sliding Blade. MICE (I feel as if my appearance feels lack luster...If there needs to be editing tell me)
#93409969Sunday, March 31, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

(It's fine, accepted.)
#93440695Sunday, March 31, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

Lucas _____________________________________________________________________________ I sat quietly in the living room of my apartment, staring at the TV...I had one gaming system..a PS3...with quite a few games on it..I sigh. I hear footsteps outside, leading to a conversation. A male voice said: "You hear about that new kid that moved in? I heard he has talent." A female voice responded, who sounded rushed. "Y-Yes sir, I heard about him. I think he'd make an ideal member to the team!" The man chuckled and knocked on my door. I flinched, not knowing what to do....I answered the door ready to throw my experimental Elixir W, which I was in the process of making..it usually would harm someone..when the man looked like an employer for a fancy company. "Hey, you need a job?" I stared at him. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING!? I'M 12! I responded with my usual tone. "..Yeah, why?" He smiled and looked at me. "I got a opening under me as a magic instructor." He whispered. "But I know you need training." I looked around, then pointed at myself. "Me..?" "Yeah, you, who else? Bob?" "What's a Bob.." "Who cares! Come on!" I followed him quietly, into this large skyscraper...in which...there was an asylum-style of magicians, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, and the like were practicing..most of them were focused on a single element. "So, what do you want to lea--" "All of it." I told him. "Alright then, follow me." And that's where my journey to magic legendariness began..
#93442317Monday, April 01, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

Daren I mutter, rubbing my head silently. I obviously had not been able to find the item...or whatever...and it was getting close to time for me to pick up my dog. I walked outside, picking up my watch as I went to the door. I walk out on to the porch of the apartment, and hear a few helicopters fly overhead...I make a note of it, just in case. And begin walking across the parking lot to the next building, where my dog had been taken care of.
#93446704Monday, April 01, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

N.ame: Jordan Routt Ag.e: 213 (23) Gender: Male Appearance: Has pale white skin, red eyes when starved of blood brown when not, jet-black buzzcut hair. Has a black sleeveless sweater with white highlights, he wears gray straight pants, underneath his sweater he wears a plain white shirt. Personality: Unlike normal vampire he does not thirst for blood only when he is completely starved he goes outside to "hunt". He is docile and hates to be judged. Bio:(5+ sentences please) Race: Vampire Powers:(Roughly 2, and give examples of how they are used.) Weapons/Items: (Will finish later)
#93454278Monday, April 01, 2013 1:50 AM GMT

Alexander- --------------- I arrive at what could be considered 'town'. I get off the bike, and hide it in some bushes near the convience store. I walk in, looking at the people. I walk around, looking at various things from motor oil to little debbies. I notice a lot of people glancing in my direction, but I ignore it, for the moment. I notice the flour, and suddenly get an amazing idea. I look at the others, then slowly pick up a few bags of flour, testing their weight. I glance around again, then I briefly consider if I should make a lame joke before I through this stuff. Just as I bring the items back, a bag of flour in each hand, I hear a voice. "Boy, you better not be getting ready to throw that." The adult voice I know all too well. The voice of one of the local police officers. Sometimes I wonder if he exists just to stop kids like me from doing stupid stuff. I glance at him, then slowly put the flour down, not in the mood to get in trouble with the law. On second thought.. I look at the shelf, for anything heavy. By now the officer, officer Bryant, was rather close. I push the largest thing I can on the flour, a huge explosion of white powder coming out of it, cloaking me in white powder, along with the officer. As he shouts something, I take off, pushing through the open door, then grab my bike. I push it, then hop on it. I faintly hear something, but I can't disguish what it was. I then hear a car getting revved up, followed by the noise of pursuit. I smile, this was what I lived for. As he steadily gainned distance on me, I jump over to the side of the road, sliding down a hill. I hear him shout something that sounds like cursing, along with footsteps, that fade from perception rather hastily. Score one Alex, Score zero, the law.
#93456148Monday, April 01, 2013 2:07 AM GMT

Daren I knock on the door of the room. "Sasha...I'm here to pick up Ranger..." I mutter, knocking once more. I heard a dog bark, Ranger's familiar bark, but no footsteps. I knock once more. "Sasha?" I call, banging a bit harder. More barking...but now I hear hushed whispers. I get a bit worried, and step a few feet back. "Sasha!" I call, and the whispering ceases...so does the barking. I growl a bit, then lunge forward, slamming head first in to the door. I rip it clean from its hinges, and slip a bit on the floor. I regain my footing, just to have a horrifying smell fill my nose...The room was dark, as if there hadn't been sun in days, and hundreds of ideas rushed in my head. "Ranger!" I call to the dog, and hear his tags jingling. He rushes in, and quickly hides behind me, stuffing his tail between his legs as he looks around, whimpering a bit. He was a rather large German Shepherd, so it would take a bit to scare the big guy. I pet him silently, then grip my watch a bit. "Hello?" I call in to the room, and slowly slide back, Ranger following.
#93457345Monday, April 01, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

(Change his age he is really just 23) Bio:(Jordan's story is kinda like blades but a bit different) Jordan's mother was with child (Jordan) when it happened a vampire feed on his mother nearly killing her. Afterwards out of shock she went into labor a nearby man took her to the hospital. Unknown to her she was carrying a curse given to her by that vampire that bit her. Unfortunately she died after giving birth, that is how Jordan inherited the curse, through that. When he grew up his father finally told Jordan the truth about his mother, in his rage Jordan accidently killed his father. On the run Jordan is going to fight the very thing he is...vampires. Race: Vampire Powers: Invisibility; Jordan often uses this to sneak around humans also to assassinate vampires. Night-vision; Jordan uses this to see in the night either to help him see hidden vampires or other beast. Weapons/Items: He has a short-sword and a revolver.
#93457758Monday, April 01, 2013 2:21 AM GMT

(Read the rules, you are missing one thing...)
#93458104Monday, April 01, 2013 2:24 AM GMT

#93459250Monday, April 01, 2013 2:35 AM GMT

(Good boy. Start whenever)
#93459876Monday, April 01, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

Alexander- -------------- I laugh again, looking at the powdery flour on me. I briefly look around the wooden area, then hop off my bike, and let my tail out, letting it swish with the wind. I lean against a nearby tree, looking at the wilderness around me, along with a tiny creek. I look at the sky, realising how long it had probably been, already. I get up, then put my tail away, hopping onto my bike. Then I pedal back the way I came, hopping the officer got something better to do then wait for me to come back.
#93495964Monday, April 01, 2013 1:27 PM GMT

(Iriozik Axiof, things in - - are mind communication or radio) I was doing parkour with my friends across the rooftops of Moscow, the capital of Russia. I was unaware we were being watched, by one of the worlds' assassination corporations, even employed secretly by the government. I stopped for after several minutes of parkour. I rested against a chimney, looking at the cloth covering my burns. I ripped it off with my long claws carefully, and took out some more cloth to cover the burns. I knew something were to happen within this minute, but I kept on with my business, pretending to not notice the assassin. The assassin fired his Baret.50cal sniper, I rolled to the left, dodging the bullet. The wind started picking up, and it started snowing heavily, perfect weather for me. "I lost him, I need a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) tracking him." The assassin said into his radio whilst still looking through his sniper scope.-Negative, storms to thick for it- The radio operator replied back. "Iriozik, what happened up there?" One of my followers asked. -An assassination was attempted, proceed with caution across the rooftops, he may have a thermal scope.- I replied, whilst using my photographic memory to locate the safe house. -We need to get to the safe house, we need to flee Russia immediately, they know we're here,- I said anxiously. I felt something being held to my head, I turned around and saw a hooded figure, holding a M1911 pistol to my face. "On the floor now, Iriozik" Several more of them appeared out of the dark alleyways. -You're foolish to bring all of your followers with you.- I whispered in anger. "I am not...." The assassin leader said. "This is Echo Team to headquarters, we've secured the test subject, requesting evacuation." He said with a chuckle. "We're going to make some big money men." He shouted with laughter. Whilst he wasn't looking, I crouched, and put my hands onto the ground, and jumped inhumanely high onto the rooftops. -I can't believe I've been betrayed...- I proceeded the window an assassin tried to snipe me from, and found him still operating the radio. "...500,000 pounds each? I thought it was one million!" He shut off the radio in anger, and turned around to see me. "Oh no...." He scrambled for his gun, and held it at me. "Don't move!" He shouted in worry. I didn't listen, and wall jumped around him within two seconds, and he was too overwhelmed by my speed to even turn around. I stabbed by long claws through his back, and pinned him down, slashing at him until his body went white to blood loss. I then got up, and dragged his body which had a massive hole in it, wrapped a rope around his neck, and hung him off the side of the building. -Don't come again.....- I rushed towards the train station, in a hurry to reach the train before it left, so I could get to the airport and get somewhere else. Somewhere where people don't expect. I saw the train, already leaving with the doors closed. I jumped across the rooftops even faster, and jumped on top of the train quietly. I dug my claws in slightly, so I wouldn't fall off. I finally arrived at the airport, and looked at the possible destinations. The one that I thought was the best was somewhere in Kansas. I had friends in Wichita, who moved form Rio to there after my flee to Russia. I just had to find a plane there, and hang on tightly. Hang on tightly for sure otherwise I'd probably die. I found a plane heading somewhere close to Wichita, and got on top of it as soon as it started leaving. Unluckily, when the assassins were coming back, they spotted me and started firing at me. I took cover on the other side of the plane, so the officials in there will consider it an terrorist attack. I dug my claws into the top of the plane, as it flew away from the airport. This was the right time for me to focus, focusing on my past. How did I get here? How was I really brought into life? So many questions..... None which I have the answer to.....
#93498304Monday, April 01, 2013 1:56 PM GMT

I walk out the door of the house ready to leave this godforsaken place of death. Where of to which my family had died. The only one man I know as family is Jonathan,he taught me everything I needed to know. That there is something in this world I would not understand. "Are all your things packed Luke?" Jonathan gave me a grim look as he said that. "Yeah...Hopefully I will find what I have sought.." I gave him a smile as I entered the car, I turned on the engine and looked at the map. New York is not far.. Only a two day travel from where I am. I put my foot on the pedal and drive away. "Almost forgot about state checkpoints..." I said looking behind me ominously. As I drove I came to see a road full of traffic.."This is going to take days.." I kicked the inside of the car in frustration..I pulled aside and got out of the car. " I am not content on stealing cars..But now is not the time for safety.." I grab my bow and sliding blade from the car and get on top. I start jumping from car to see the end the of the road. I look behind me and see people getting out of their cars to see whats going on. They all looked at me. I feel a since of pride. But there is no pride in stealing a car..I close in on the roads end only to see a car crash. I see civvies helping them but are unable to do anything..I come and see a kid stuck in car crying..."Move aside.."I tell the others..I grab the door and pull. "Get over here and help me out!" I see the other civilians come over and pull the door..It comes off and I pull the kid out. I see the parents stuck in there and the engine smoking. "Get that door open!"We pull again,but its stuck tight. I see the engine set a blaze...There was little time left to save.."GET BACK!" I jumped away and covered the kid from the blast..seconds later the car exploded...the parents gone. The road is now blocked..I let the kid get up and see him run towards the car. I grab him pull him back.."There dead.." I said with a grim face. I was going to have to go by plane..
#93499609Monday, April 01, 2013 2:10 PM GMT

Daren That's when the most unexpected happened...a girl walked out from behind the wall...She was tall, slender, beautiful beyond belief. She had long black hair, and piercing grey eyes. She had a pure white skin tone, that seemed between pale, and tan. Basically normal. She wore tight black pants, which I assumed were either yoga pants, or skinny jeans, it was hard to tell in the dim light. And a black tank top, with something wet running down the middle of it, and swirling in to a circle over where her stomach was located under the shirt. But something from her snapped me back from my gawking...Maybe it was her glare, or her, strangely, strong-looking arms...Or the giant scythe she had slung around the back of her neck. It was probably the most impressive part...The long handle was pure white bone, with grips that seemed to be constantly changing images of anguish in human faces. The blade was long, and a very black color, that seemed to vibrate with power. It, unlike most sharp black metals, did not fade in to silver at the tip, even though it was painfully obvious it had been used...you know...Because of the blood all over it. That's what I had drawn to a conclusion about the liquid on her, the vile smell around the apartment, and the liquid dripping from the blade of the scythe. I quickly unstrapped my watch, and put it in my right hand, and slid it in to my pocket, but still held it. "...Did you kill Sasha?" I ask, tilting my head, and adjusting my sunglasses. She giggled. "Why hello, no it's a nice day, my name is Chelsea, and you are?" She smiles, stepping closer. I stare at her darkly. "...That didn't answer my question..." I mutter. "I'd gladly answer yours, if we were...on friendly terms...and answered mine." 'Chelsea' grinned. I looked down at Ranger for a second, then back at her. "I'm Daren." "Daren...?" "Recole..." I tilt my head at the questioning. "Oh yes! Exactly the man I wanted to see! Hm...thought you'd be taller...or more buff. Anyways, yes, I killed Sasha...because important things are about to happen...and you best be out of here before it all begins..." She smiles, spinning the scythe, and it bursts in to purple fire, then fades. She began walking to the door, pushing past me, and outside. I follow her silently. "Oh...dreary day..." She smiled. I looked up, confused as to what I see. It had gone from a nice, 80 degree day, to a very chilly, and cloudy, 40-50 degrees, at LEAST. I could hear lightning boom in the distance. "What's going on?" I mutter. She smirks. "I don't have time to tell you...I must be on my way, but don't worry, we'll cross paths soon enough, Mr. Recole." She grins, walking over to a pitch black motorcycle, and pulling the helmet on, which had the design of a skull on it. She drove off before I could answer any questions. I look down to Ranger, who seems happy she is gone now. "...I think we just met Death..." I mutter, but he seems to shake his head at that. God, what was going on?
#93502763Monday, April 01, 2013 2:52 PM GMT

As I start walking and kid follows..."Can I follow you?!" The kid gave a grim look...To leave him alone wouldn't be right.."Fine..just don't get in my way.." I continued to walk down the road looking for the nearest town with a Car shop or what would ever benefit. Hours later in the dark I came across a town. The car shop still open. The cars being to expensive. Everything to expensive.. I would have to steal the keys for something. I told the kid to wait behind me. I went into the building and saw a man carrying keys. One of which looked like keys to a Vehicle. I slowly came up behind him and took the keys..I then hear shouting..and a alarm going off. Someone noticed. I see police coming in..No where to run..I ran and shoved one out of the way and told the kid to come. I clicked keys to hear the horn. It was motorcycle. "Hope you can hang on kid!" I jumped the motorcycle and started the engine and drove off. I am now a wanted criminal.."Whats your name?"The kid asked me with a grin. "Its Luke...Luke Crosfon."...I drove faster as I heard the sound of sirens. I look behind me to see a car approaching very fast. We passed under the bridge. It has only been a day. I could see dawn approaching,I pulled out my sliding knife and threw it at the cars wheel in hopes to slow it down. It worked...I drove into the woods while the cars were still far behind. I stopped there and got off to see the cars still going. " Were safe...for now" I told the kid. I lost my sliding knife. Though its not hard to make a new one. Its not safe to go to a city like New York now. The next nearest state was Kansas. "Well kid..Ever wanted to have a day where you had to be as quiet and stealthy as possible?!" I told him.. "Yes!"He replied with a huge smile."Well these few weeks are going to be you luckiest!" I pulled up hood and drove back on the road. We stopped for a gas a lot. More money coming out of my pockets. I realized we weren't far from Kansas, Just 2 miles from Wichita.. I remember Jonathan telling me he had friends there. As I drove into Wichita I saw the police again. Asking people if they had saw me. I told the kid to go get a few drinks while find a good place to stay.
#93504314Monday, April 01, 2013 3:09 PM GMT

Lucas (4 years of training later) _____________________________________________________________________________ It was 4 long, hard years of training my magical arts..I was an adept in fire..which was a good thing, I guess. I was intermediate on ice, and thunder too. Water wasn't half bad. Earth was kinda my downfall, but I surpassed. Light and Darkness weren't bad, but...conjuring illusions was my downfall. I couldn't get it right..which is where a half of 4 years went..And it was time for my exam for what I had learned. The examinor, Sorceress Yunalesca, smiled at me. She said lightly and delicately, like a fragile flower: "So, your ready for your exam?" I sweat a little, but replied calmly. "Yes ma'am, I'm ready for my exam." "Let's begin, then." She changed the field around us into a winter wastelands. Ice first, I guess. She assumed a battle stance..her weapon, the staff she held dearly, was ringed with a golden hue, whereas the staff itself was black. I glanced around. "W-Wait a second! I have to battle you?!" "Yes, sweetheart, you do." She giggled. I was sweating. I didn't know what to do. "I uh..." "What?" I sigh. "Nothing. Let's begin." (I can't do this on a forum-RP, this battle, so..I gotta do it in a game. BUT, here's Yunalesca.) ___________________________________________________________________________ N.ame: Yunalesca Age: 23 on the looks, really about 150. Appearance: She sports long, purple hair, down to her hips.She wears a nice vanilla-yellow robe with some blue rings here and there. She had pretty brown eyes, and she wore lilac-colored lipstick. (There is no bio..so..MICE..) Weapon/Items: Staff Powers: Magic, all kinds..YAY I GET TO CREATE SO MUCH CRAP..
#93506324Monday, April 01, 2013 3:25 PM GMT

I find the address in the Apartment I was at. It was Jons friend. I knocked on the door. I waited for a few seconds..No reply...I knocked again, no reply..After waiting for ever I kicked down the door to see a dead man on the ground. "Oh my God.." I hear footsteps coming from behind and I see a man. "Oh look another one of them." "Who are you?" I asked with a grim look. "Nun yer business!" He launched his arm at me and I grabbed it,"I will not ask again..Who are you?" I kick him in the stomach and hold him against the wall. "You will not know." He chewed on a pill and slowly died..I dropped the lifeless corpse onto the ground and looked around the room. I found what seemed to be a Sliding blade. Only different in design. I found two of them. I put them on each arm. I walked outside and went outside and sat on a bench. I looked up and saw the kid coming towards me with two drinks. "Thanks..."I said with a grin."I need a better view of the place...Stay here while I do..." I slowly grab onto a ledge of a building and make my way up. As I reached the final ledge I looked around...The place was big. The cops seemed to have buggered off. I climb down and head over to a gun store. I took off my hood and came up to the manager. I didn't have the money for a car but I have some for a gun and ammo. "Silenced M9 please and 2 mags.." I asked him. "Thats 243$." I payed him the money and went to the kid and sat down to have a drink.
#93507319Monday, April 01, 2013 3:33 PM GMT

(Okay, no more time skips. Whether it be a day or...what king just did (But, his is for the story of his character. I am just saying this to let all of you know)...Let time move naturally, not arbitrarily. It's still April 19th, 2013 (Roughly 1-2 O'clock p.m., now) If you want that stuff to happen in the past, then say so, do not just say time is moving to your whim.) Daren I walked to my apartment slowly, Ranger following happily, sniffing everything, already having forgotten "Chelsea". I walked up the steps with him, and slid my door open. I went inside, and looked at my bags. What if she was right? What if I had to get out of here, for some odd reason? I muttered silently, pulling my watch out, and looking at the time. 1:30 P.M. already. I heard more sirens, and helicopters fly by, as the storm became louder. It started to rain outside, and I mean RAIN...It seemed like some giant being just took a bucket of infinite water, and was now pouring it all over Kansas. I muttered, looking outside my window. People where screaming happily at the rain, and running around, or going inside to warm up. I muttered silently, walking back over to my bag. I grabbed a few things, and began tossing stuff in the bag. My heart skipped a beat, all the lights in the house turned off, the air conditioner stoped in an instant, and I could hear it happening in the rooms close to mine, too...The storm had really picked up, becoming...almost Tornado-like. I quickly slid to the window, looking outside. I saw nothing, only a blanket of rain covering the window, and everything past it. I looked at Ranger, he was pacing the Living Room, whining a bit. I walked out, in to the "Storage Room" and grabbed an old radio. I flicked it on, changing to the nearest news station. Only reports of bad weather, nothing terrible yet. My hear skipped one more beat, when I hear ungodly screams come from around the apartment complex. The hair on Ranger's back spiked up from the sounds, and he began barking. I looked out the small peephole of my apartment, and was able to see one thing. Through the parking lot of the apartment complex, moved a strange figure...A woman...Her hair flowed as if she was constantly under water, her clothes where white, and her face was hidden in darkness. Screams of inhuman proportions were emanating from. She began to move slowly towards my building, a few people running from her. She screamed directly at a man who tried to ask her a question, and that's when I grabbed my gun. The man instantly fell to the ground, blood bursting from his eyes, nose, and mouth. As she continued to scream, the man became whiter and whiter, and slowly went from writhing, to twitching, to motionless in less than a second. "...Holy..." I trailed off, looking back at Ranger. I gripped my pistol. "Real life Banshee...well...I'm screwed..." I muttered, locking the door, and walking in to my storage room with Ranger. I crouched down in a corner, Ranger behind me, and I waited...just in case it tried to get in to my room.
#93508373Monday, April 01, 2013 3:42 PM GMT

As I drank down the ice cold Soda I heard screams.. Inhumanly screams..it sounded as if it were a womans scream. I told the kid to hide while I check out what was going on. As I walked over there I pulled out my gun and hugged the wall and peaked over. It was something inhumane. Didn't look human and didn't look like something I could kill with this gun. I peaked out of the corner and just watched I stared and watched people run. I then saw the kid on left building peaking. I started gesturing my hands at him to move away from there but he didn't understand.
#93508890Monday, April 01, 2013 3:46 PM GMT

(Oh hey look the Fourms are getting hacked :/)
#93509136Monday, April 01, 2013 3:48 PM GMT

(Do not be afraid. It's April Fools day. I thought that at first, too.)
#93509216Monday, April 01, 2013 3:49 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#93510565Monday, April 01, 2013 4:01 PM GMT

(Not to be very but http://cdn.memege.nerator.net/images/300x/5747317.jpg)
#93510590Monday, April 01, 2013 4:02 PM GMT

(...Declined...Just...No >.<)