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#93149354Friday, March 29, 2013 2:28 PM GMT

[Reposting again cause I really like this plotline, and I feel that it's sort of been let down every single time I've reposted it.] Thud-thunk. Thud-thunk. Thud-thunk. Your heart beats in your head slowly, and drummingly. Your eyes flick open to see blood. You shake your head sullenly, and it clears. Thud-thunk. Thud-thunk. From your position currently, it seems that you are in a restaurant, destroyed and boarded up. There is this sunset gray tinge, as sand blows past the boarded up windows. The counter for taking orders is chipped heavily and dusted with sand. The signs, while mostly shredded, and one which has fallen, clues you that you were once in a restaurant which served chicken strips. However, the kitchen seems only accessible by a steel casted iron door, with a lock. The chairs are gone, and the tables lay in various sorts of destruction. The booth you woke up on is green sipped with various cuts on it. The table is mostly intact, with salt and pepper shakers, and a tray on it. On the tray is a envelope, and in your pocket is something metallic. You can guess the bathroom doors are too your left, however you have not moved, besides your head searching. There is an eerie wind background for noise. > Enter command
#93154162Friday, March 29, 2013 3:27 PM GMT

[Not gonna let this die.]
#93158630Friday, March 29, 2013 4:16 PM GMT

I stand up, dusting off my pants, and reach into my pocket, and attempt to pull whatever metallic thing is in my pocket, out of my pocket.
#93158743Friday, March 29, 2013 4:17 PM GMT

You find that it's an iron, three pronged key. Also, your right leg twitches when you put weight on it, but you can stand and walk fine.
#93186849Friday, March 29, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

[Not. Gonna. Die. On. My. Watch.]
#93187091Friday, March 29, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

Watching my right leg for any more irregularities, the figure walked up to the kitchen door and searched for any signs of a lock.
#93187860Friday, March 29, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

You see a lock which probably would fit the key. Inventory Key 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93188355Friday, March 29, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

The figure took the key and tried the lock with it.
#93188444Friday, March 29, 2013 9:15 PM GMT

It clicks. The lock drops off. Inventory Key 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93188772Friday, March 29, 2013 9:19 PM GMT

Cautious, the figure slowly opened the door enough for it to see what lied inside.
#93189254Friday, March 29, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

You find it to be a pretty empty kitchen, really. A large amount of it is covered in sand. You see a window which is boarded up, but loosely, not like the other boards you see. There is a pair of boots on the ground, a date log on the dusty counter, next to a Colt .66. There is also one kitchen knife on the counter top. The counter tops are pretty much sand free, but rather dusty. There is a sink which is filled with some kind of sandy water, and then there's an oven which is boarded up and has a lock on it. Other than that, there isn't really that much remarkable. Inventory Key 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93190264Friday, March 29, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

The figure pushed the rest of the door open and walked up to the boots, comparing them to its current footwear.
#93190328Friday, March 29, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

The boots are much better then your bare feet. Inventory Key 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93205838Friday, March 29, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

He goes back and looks at the envelope.
#93221802Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

You snatch the envelope. Do you wish to read? Inventory Key 1 Letter Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93223503Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:30 AM GMT

#93223637Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:31 AM GMT

The envelope, dated at 1999, May, 17. It reads: Dear Brother, I stand here at this site, where we will begin a new life. We will cause the end of the world. Our disguise will be this restaurant, in Athens, Georgia. Hurry from Ireland and meet me here. I have sent you the plans with this. Inventory Key 1 Letter Empty Empty Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 1/10 Overrun: No]
#93224521Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

I go back to the kitchen and grab the gun and the knife. I also put on the boots and try to look out the window.
#93225035Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

You do all of that, and you feel something odd in your boots. Looking out of the window, you see a sandy ground, and a blazing orange sky. You also see something semi-black, but it's impossible to tell what it is. Inventory Key 1 Letter .66 Revolver [6/6 Bullets] Kitchen Knife Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 6/10 Overrun: No] [all caught up]
#93227206Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:03 AM GMT

I quickly bend down. Cautious of my surroundings. Then I take off my shoes and something falls
#93296261Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:14 PM GMT

You take your boot off, and shake out a little memento. It's a tiny scrap of paper, really, with only two barely readable words on it. Do you wish to read it? Inventory Key 1 Letter .66 Revolver [6/6 Bullets] Kitchen Knife Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 6/10 Overrun: No] [all caught up] > Enter COmmand
#93298296Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:36 PM GMT

I look at the paper and read it
#93298645Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

You can't read the first word, actually, but the second one you can sort of make out. Haker. Maybe Hater? Although, who'd put the word Hater in a boot? Might have been the brand name, on second thought. Maybe like Skater Hater or something, you guess. But not, it's Haker. That's an odd name for a shoe brand, you guessed... Wait, what? Shoe brands? You actually have no idea what the heck you just said, but you were used to it by now. Inventory Key 1 Letter .66 Revolver [6/6 Bullets] Kitchen Knife Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 6/10 Overrun: No] > Enter Command
#93299520Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

I get up and exit the kitchen
#93300328Saturday, March 30, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

You leave the kitchen. Inventory Key 1 Letter .66 Revolver [6/6 Bullets] Kitchen Knife Empty Empty Locations: [Restaurant: Items found: 6/10 Overrun: No] > Enter Command

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