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#93178856Friday, March 29, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

So, here we are, sitting on the highway, late as always to get to work. You get frustrated. You roll down the window. In the middle of the street, a woman feasted on a mans leg. The man was dead. You look back in terror, afraid to leave your car. Now, this is one of the first days of the apocalypse. You know nothing about it, just a few rumours about cannibal zombies that you didnt believe. So your not all of a sudden going to just have an AK47, but a handgun you hide in your nightstand or glove compartment would be more realistic. Rules A) Be realistic B) Listen to me at all times C) Don't start until I accept your Character Sign-up D)Romance can go as far as you want E)Swearing is allowed at your own risk F)Have fun. Character Sign-up A) Age B) Name C) Appearance D) Previous job E) Bio (Optional) F) Furry companion? G)Personality (Optional H) Other?
#93181247Friday, March 29, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

Age-21 Name- John Pate Appearance- Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, slightly tanned Previous job- worked at NASA as an unpaid intern. Bio- Not much to say. was always intelligent for his age, and strived for fame. Pet- Not so furry. Back at his house he has a hermit crab, Corinthian, but who knows when he will get back there. Other- Very intelligent, but weak, easily injured, etc. This roleplay has already been used, but I will join.
#93182418Friday, March 29, 2013 8:18 PM GMT

#93183404Friday, March 29, 2013 8:27 PM GMT

I saw the cannibalistic human and slammed open the door, running off of the street. (Please ignore spelling errors, Im typing on a fist-sized keyboard) I find a OK sized stick on the side walk, and start yelling at the freaky cannibal. "What the heck!" I yell, scared and confused.....
#93184316Friday, March 29, 2013 8:36 PM GMT

A) A.ge: 27 B) Name: David G. Matthews. C) Appearance: Messy hair, that fits the average guy length, with the front spiked up. His hair colour is black. He has lightly tanned skinned, and green eyes. He's about 5'10. His shoulders are broad, and he has rather large hands. He generally wears a tie with all of his outfits, which currently is a grey overjacket with a white undershirt, and some beige pants. He wears boots with a slight shine, from a few sessions of shinning. D) Previous job:Archetict for hire. E) Bio (Optional): Will be told within' roleplay.. If any characters give two- *coughs* F) Furry companion?:A chihuaha named Pedro. G)Personality (Optional): Will be shown through-out roleplay, so no need to say. H) Other?: He often carries building plans, wrapped in cylinders to and from work/home. Also, he lets Pedro go with him to work, sometimes.
#93184586Friday, March 29, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

#93184942Friday, March 29, 2013 8:41 PM GMT

Character Sign-up A) Age 29 B) Name Felix Noble C) Appearance Black hair black eyes tan skin green and black jacket black and green sports shoes D) Previous job Police Officer E) Bio (Optional) N/A F) Furry companion? A little dog names Rex G)Personality (Optional Nice helpful friendly H) Other? N/A
#93185509Friday, March 29, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

David- ------------------- I bang on the wheel in frustiration, letting the horn ring a few times, before getting out of my car, looking at the woman and the man. "Hey, get the fu-" I then notice the blood everywhere. "Oh my god..." I start to walk closer, then I notice that she's eating him, now let me repeat that, EATING him. I then do the one thing any smart guy would do: I carefully unbuckle Pedro's seatbelt, grab my car keys, and take off in the opposite direction.
#93185935Friday, March 29, 2013 8:50 PM GMT

#93186189Friday, March 29, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

Felix I stare at my seatbelt for a few seconds and then snapped out of it. I looked out the window and saw a women feasting on a man. “Holy crud!” I say out. I immediately take out my gun and told Rex to be quiet. Quietly, I shoot the women and then collasp back on my seat, heavy breathing.
#93186227Friday, March 29, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

I was terrified. The lady was EATING the man. The lady looked up at anoth person, grabbed his arm, and chomped down hard on it. She moved up to his neck, and he dropped dead. The woman dropped down to her knees in a pool of blood. Then she begins to eat more of the men. I grab a few belongings, stuff them in my suitcase, and open the door. I take one last glance at the woman's bloody face and the torn bodies of the men, and then run in the opposite direction.
#93186260Friday, March 29, 2013 8:54 PM GMT

"Not so furry" I lol'd.
#93186454Friday, March 29, 2013 8:56 PM GMT

Felix I grab all my stuff and stuff them in my backpack. I quietly get out of my car with Rex and ran the opposite direction as well with my gun in my hand.
#93186779Friday, March 29, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

David- --------- Pedro continued to bark at the cannibal as we hurried down the opposite side of the road, getting off the road eventually, to let more cars get into this ever growing line of traffic. I continue on, looking for my house, while running, not jogging, running, home. After a while though, I get sorta tired, so I take a break, letting Pedro use the bathroom on an old man's car, while he sits there, taking a snooze.
#93187591Friday, March 29, 2013 9:07 PM GMT

Felix I slow down running just as I see other survivors. I start to rest with a survivor that has a dog.
#93187928Friday, March 29, 2013 9:10 PM GMT

David- ----------- I notice more people along the roadways.. walking.. Along with more of the flesheaters. Pedro finished his buissness, so I pick him up, then I look at the groups of people around me. "I've got a feeling.. That whole people eating people thing... Wasn't a joke.." I pet Pedro on the head, frownning as I realise I'm probably right. "Well.. If any of you got a plan, please speak up!"
#93189529Friday, March 29, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

I see a group of normal looking people nearby. "No chances" I whisper to myself, then run down the road. I find a clothing store, stop to catch my breath, then jump through the large display window. As I land, I scream like a girl. "Freaking! It works in movies!" I get up, but find myself realy scratched up. My arm is bleeding, and I bruised my shoulder pretty bad.
#93199992Friday, March 29, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

A) Age- 20 B) Name- Sophia Crockett C) Appearance- Sophia has blonde hair that's a little wavy and a few scars up her arms and back from a car accident last year. Her eyes are bright, emerald green and have little flecks of blue and gray in them. She is 5'1" and 109 lb. Sophia wears black sweatpants with black leggings underneath, a black tanktop with a solid blue tee shirt over it, and over that she has a slightly oversized black hoodie. Her shoes are simple black converse. D) Previous job- Musician E) Bio- Sophia was born in New York but moved to Nashville when she was 6. She began playing guitar. At sixteen she started going to the gym and fighting to deal with parental issues. Due to this, she has some skill with fighting, but not much. She graduated high school and began college. She dropped out once her career began to take more time. She still isn't famous but she was going to get there soon. F) Furry companion?- She has a six month old german shepherd puppy (about 3/4 full grown) G)Personality- Sophia is the sterotypical sweet, southern girl mixed with Captain America. She knows how to fight, even though she's not the greatest nor the strongest. She switches between being incredibly blunt or only giving few hints as to what she really thinks and feels. H) Other?- She brings her guitar almost everywhere and keeps a keyboard and a change of clothes in the trunk of her car. (-facepalms- I'm too descriptive sometimes... I hope I didn't frustrate you with the word wall.)
#93229616Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:26 AM GMT


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