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#93218237Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:44 AM GMT

2213 Europe The year was 2213 and everything has gone wrong around the world. The cities lay in ruins, no one is ever the same. You and a few other survivors have manage to stay alive in the harsh conditions of what has become of our world. Nothing is ever the same. The sky is always a tangy orange red due to the pollution. Humans have created this world. They are the cause of our extinction. They are the ones who will have our end. 120 years Ago Everything seemed perfect. Economy was booming London had everything going for them. Europe was rising up all the other continents. Over powering Asia, America. Until Dr. Er created a new human that was supposed to end pollution and create an even better universe. However, the experiment didn't go as planned. These experiments were known to be PERAS. A combinant pf human DNA and an unknown species. PERAS soon rose above humans developing more intelligence then ever thought was possible. Soon the world became corrupt humans became the slaves and the PERAS were out numbering humans by the thousands. "Everything is wrong. This isn't how our future should be like!!" "Nothing isn't right the PERAS have became corrupted! We must follow them or else!" "I haved become crazed. I haven't slept for 2 days. I am afraid they would find me!!!" "They're building a secret institution to make humans become one of them. we will all be slaves of PERAS!! Join them and no harm will come to you!" "They're coming for me! They know I've been exposing there secrets!! If you get this message hide!! Don't let them find you'd!........" static.... You just heard the recording of 19 year old Alex Rubert. A survivor and now goner of the PERAS. PERAS are DNA combinants that were supposed to help our universe. Instead they destroyed it and made it there own kingdom. With no pity for humans or anything. PERAS are deadly. They are made up of sharp jagged metal. Standing at most of 8'4 and smallest of 6'9. They are the reason we humans are in the vague of extinction. They're is no weakness known to stop them. Story Line You are the few survivors who haven't fallen in the hands of PERAS. You and about 50 someone people have established an underground safe zone known as Glory Haven. Glory Haven was established to help humans survive and allow secrecy from the PERAS. To them they do not know you exist. Rules No gmodding Admins are chosen by me No Mary sues or Gary stews NO romance All roblox rules apply CS Name: @ge: Gender: Physical Appearance(Scars or what not): Hair: Eyes: Clothing: Bio(Mandatory) : Items (no more than 2): Other: (I will do my CS once someone has joined
#93219544Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

Any chance I can join in? c: Very interesting story line, by the way. Name: Jennifer {prefers to be called Jen because she thinks her name is too girly} @ge: 15 Gender: Girl Physical Appearance(Scars or what not): She has a scar under her left eye. Hair: Her hair is reddish-brownish; a mixture of both. Eyes: Her eyes are an ocean-like blue. Clothing: She wears an old, torn brown shirt with the shoulder peices ripped off and light brown shorts with few holes. She wears a small bag at all times with water and little food {mostly rotten apples} inside. Bio(Mandatory): {Sorry, I'm new to roleplay... What should I put here? Her personality, or...?} Items (no more than 2): She carries around a sword for defense. Other: She lost her mother at a young age to PERAS and wants to do the best she can to make them pay for it; her father later died of sickness when she was 13.
#93220727Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:05 AM GMT

Accepted Hilious for Bio just write down what happened before the PERAS overcame the world. Basically your other was more like a bio My CS Name: Mason Sage @ge: 17 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: A scar stretching from his temple all the way to his chin Hair: Blonde messy hair that sweeps over his eyes Clothing: Mason wears fairly good condition gray sweatpants with A red Addias swearshirt that the logo is barely visible. His sneakers are in fairly.good condition. Bio: Mason was 11 when his family was taken away from him. He got his scar from a PERA attacking him. He escaped with his 2 year old brother leaving his mother and father behind. Items: Dagger picture of family Other
#93221444Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:12 AM GMT

Oh, sorry. ;c I'm such a noob. Oh, and in her bag she also has a picture of her mother and father that she values as if it's treasure because it makes her feel close to them when they still aren't there.
#93221768Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:14 AM GMT

;-; I feel like a total idiot. Jen carries around a sword for defense and I guess her bag. {Sorry, I didn't want it to sound like I was copying you.} Sorry, my character sounded kind of perfect for this roleplay with rotten apples, water and everything else in her bag. xD There, now, I think she's good.
#93222022Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

Its fine just wait for more people to begin roleplay
#93222187Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:18 AM GMT

Bump. ^-^
#93223770Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

#93224173Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

I dont think you can trademark the word "Gone"
#93224282Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

Eh I really didnt bother thinking bout it
#93225240Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

BUMO @_@
#93225346Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

CS Name: Jessica Merrisa Lovetter @ge:12 Gender: Female Physical Appearance(Scars or what not):Jessica has a small star shaped scar on her forehead. She has a small mole on the lower part of the left of her cheek. Hair:Jessica has long straight hair, with clumps of tangled hair. Her hair is a light brown, small lines of dirty blonde running down her hair. Her hair runs down to her bum and it's thick and hard to brush. Her hair seems to glint golden in the sunlight. Eyes: She has neon blue eyes, hints of a more green hazel. Her eyes are slanted eyes make her look Asian, though is isn't. Clothing: She has torn grey jeans with a worn out belt. She wears a black v-neck one of the long sleeves torn off to cover a puncture wound on her right arm. Her v-neck has patches of dirt smudged on her shirt. Her jeans are a bit bloody with dirt patches on them. Bio(Mandatory) :Before all this craziness she was an orphan, her mother dieting after giving birth. The now rich father left the child not caring after he won the mega million lottery ticket with $589,000,000. She was an orphanage until she was six. She was adopted by a family abused by the new father. Then she started school. In her bad mood she was bullied at school, making her life even harder it wasn't until she was ten that the PERAS came She was at school as she saw something outside. She asked,"Can I use the restroom?" The teacher nodded as she ran outside. The thing just about get her as she slid and ran the thing now going into the school. She heard screaming and didn't turn back. Items (no more than 2): She has a back pack filled with some canned food and some bottled water that her group had collected. She also carries a butchering knife she found for protection and killing other animals. Other: N/A
#93225562Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:48 AM GMT

#93225642Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:49 AM GMT

That's when the** Dying**
#93226047Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:53 AM GMT

BUMP Trying to make it not dis out
#93226767Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:59 AM GMT

Bump. Just so you know, I'll be on other forums as well, so if I'm not replying, that's why. Sorry.
#93257584Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:10 PM GMT

#93258124Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:20 PM GMT

My CS: Name - Adam Raymond @ge - 131 Gender - Male Physical Appearance - A android with a scar going around whole arm. Hair - Dyed black. Eyes - Red & Robotic Clothing - Aluminum unbreakable armor Bio - Freaking awesome Items - Rocket launcher and bag of grenades and rockets. Other: 120 years ago, they found a way to turn people into androids. They needed a test subject, so I decided why not. I mean androids, are like robots. Aren't they not? So, I came in and they turned me into one. And then I couldn't die. Well, if you didn't find out my weakness that is. I've survived for 120 years, through the horror that has happened.
#93258557Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:27 PM GMT

Accepted however the items need to go to more subtle stuff. Like a dagger or something
#93259573Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:44 PM GMT

"Bio: freakin awesome" Uh I think it should be more considering the lack of detail I saw. This is personal though just pointing opinions...
#93259626Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:45 PM GMT

Well he kinda interpreted his bio in his other so I let it slide. But if you think what not.
#93259895Saturday, March 30, 2013 1:50 PM GMT

(Yea he should of but the thing he put in other, to bio. It's fine. I had spelling, grammar errors and I know I not going to fix my whole CS that I worked on because of that)
#93269387Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:49 PM GMT

BUMP ^.^
#93270419Saturday, March 30, 2013 4:01 PM GMT

Name: Nicols Balister @ge: 24 Gender:Male Physical Appearance(Scars or what not):White, Medium weight. (Not fat .-.). Beard. Hair:Brown hair that brushed forward a bit. Eyes: Brown eyes Clothing:Black Hoodie, Sunglasses, Dark red shirt with a few decals that are skulls and knifes. Blue pants, Shoes,Watch on wrist. Bio(Mandatory) : Long descendant of the Balister family. Like his family he joined the military. After five good years he left without word. He got a job as a Engineer, He worked on many things from cars to buildings to houses. He was wealthy and gave money to the poor and charity. Items (no more than 2):Compass and Map Other:Sorry if appearance is lack luster. I couldn't get a good idea in my head of what I would look like.
#93270611Saturday, March 30, 2013 4:03 PM GMT

( I think that one guy is a troll .-. . Just saying.)

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