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#93556953Monday, April 01, 2013 10:23 PM GMT

First off; the very first version of this thread. -DO NOT POST ON THIS LINK- Link: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=65426940 As I have said many times before; I would appreciate it if a mod who reads this would lock that old thread of mine, so that it stops getting replies. The original idea came around at April 2, 2012. This is a word wall; and there is no TL;DR. Sorry, but if you are too lazy to read the entire idea, you don't get to have a legitimate reply. Now, onto the idea! 1: Group Vault: [A revision to the current lesser system; core focus of a lot of this.] The group vault is just like it sounds, a "Vault" inwhich members of a group may deposit and withdraw Tix/R$. A member, or non member, can donate any amount of their current Tix and R$. Only members can withdraw, and would only be able to withdraw either 1% of the current vault funds, or 100R$ (or) 1,000 Tix, every 4 days; whichever is less. The group vault could serve many purposes. Firstly; remember the Group Place feature that came before Personal Servers? Well, "Buying" or "Renting" one of those, inwhich it would automatically deduct 50R$ AND 100Tix, per week from the group vault. When the vault "Runs dry" the place is automatically made inactive, until the group vault has the funds to support it again, and the leader of the group would also have to confirm it's re-activation. The vault would also exist as a way to purchase items in bulk for members of the group. The cost of it would come from the group vault if it had the funds, if it did not have the funds, then the purchase would be unable to be completed. It can be shown in the equation P=MI, where "P" is the total price from the vault, "M" is the members who do not already own the item, and "I" is the items initial cost per unit. This is not limited by the withdraw limiter. Limited and Limited(U) Items would not be able to be purchased with this feature, nor would items no-longer on sale. (For example, the 2008 Visor, would not be able to be bought, neither would things like the firework gear(s) of 2011 and/or earlier.) Tickets earned from places linked to groups go to the group vault; not to the place owners own inventory. The leader has the power to set ranks who can withdraw. [Optional] The vault would have a 1% Monthly interest. 2: Sept Groups: [Almost obsolete now.] Sept groups are sections of groups linked to a main group. They do not have Allies, a Vault, Enemies, or Personal Servers. They only have "Members". However; they have more ranks available. This would be useful for those groups with Cadet programs, or Roleplay groups that include in-game Jobs, would it not? 3: Alliances: [Do not misinterpret.] Alliances. No, not allies. Don't even get me started explaining that. An alliance would be a way inwhich a group can join one, and only one alliance at a time. Alliances would not show up as a group on a members profile, but would instead have it's name under the group logo in the form of a link. They would cost 75R$ per member group to form, and then 50R$ to join after it is formed. The R$ would be deducted from the group vault, not from the owners personal funds, and the Alliance would have to have ATLEAST 5 member groups pooling their money to be created. The money would not be lost, but instead would be placed inside of the Alliance Vault, basically as a "Starting fund" of atleast 375R$. The Alliance Vault would also have a deposit and withdraw feature, the currency would not go to or from the group leaders personal funds, but into, or out of, the group's vault. The possible withdraw is the same as with Group Vaults, however it has a 1 week period of waiting, instead of just 1 day before you can draw more funds. This is to avoid the collapse of the Alliance's economy/monetary system. This could help teach group leaders about how to save and spend money properly, because they may be faced with the downfall of their group if they run their group, or alliance, into the ground. Better learn fast, fellow leaders, we don't want a revolt. >.> Alliances would have an Allies and Enemies tab, and a Member Group bar, similar to the members of a regular group, but it would list group names, and would only have 2 categories. "Founding Groups" and "Annexed Groups". Founding Groups would have a 2% withdraw limit, instead of the 1% faced by Annexed groups. The alliance would also have a Group wall and Shout. They would only be able to be accessed by the 2 highest ranks in a member group. (255 and 254, I believe.) The wall would only be viewable by the 2 highest ranks, but the Alliance Shout would be sent to all the members of all the member groups. (So useful for some very important shouts for multiple groups, is it not?) The alliance vault would also be able to purchase items in bulk, like the group vault. It would work in the same P=MI as well. Section 2! These are brand new ideas; based off of branches of the Blog post about group territory and what not. 4: Group Forum Moderation/Administration powers [Yes, they are planning this; I am simply reinstating what I would like to see possible.] Simple, really. This basically allows group leaders to play moderator in their groups forum. Or for members the group leader gives the power to. From locking and deleting threads; to sending the player a "Group warning" or exiling group members from the group, via the forum page. What is a group warning? I read it in another thread, and I wanted to make it more useful. It would look just like a real ROBLOX moderator warning/ban; but it would only effect the group page for the player. 5: An Alliances spin-off. Lets say a members primary group is in an alliance; There should also be a "Alliance" location, much like the "Primary Group" location, but just above it. So, lets say my group, INgen, was in "The Ragnarokian Alliance". My page would go from [Group Emblem] [Group name in link format] to [Alliance name in link format] [Group Emblem] [Group name in link format] 6: Raids: [This is closer to a rant at first.] This was discussed in the blog, but a lot of details were missing. I love details, and feel they are a must-have for any good blog post and idea. So, lets get this on the road. Raids. We all know them. One group has a base, and another group attacks it, trying to take it over. Great, all is well, right? Wrong. As I said, I like details. And they left them out. How do we get these "Bases" and "Land plots" exactly? How do we build them? With stamper? I certainly hope not. Who's weapons do we use? The defenders? Again, I hope not. Who's vehicles? Yet again, I hope not the defenders. They minorly addressed the first point, so I will leave it out. But here is what I think. 6b: Bases. We should not be forced to undergo the limitations of the Stamper tool. ROBLOX is about expressing our creativity, right? How do we do that with a tool limited to basic functions? We should be able to build our bases in studio mode. 6c: Weapons. Again, we should not be forced to use someone elses weapons. Some players work better with Projectile; some with Raycast. And each group has their own preferance and weapon type in place. I would hate to raid some WIJ base and be forced to use a raycast weapon that is more inaccurate than a blind man with an Uzi. I like my good, pin-point Projectile weapons. And I would rather use my preferred weapons when raiding a base, allowing groups to also show off their technological advancement. 7: Vehicles. Really; this is the same story as the Weapons. Some bases have the land for Vehicles. Bases should be allowed to set "Vehicle Allowance" on or off. 8: Economies [Explanation, leading to idea.] Economies. We know what they are. Or I hope you do, because I will not give you a formal definition. More or less, it is how trade works in a country. Still with me? Groups should have economies; with custom currency. Each currency would be worth 1 Ticket as a base. As the group gained more prestige, the currency value would go up. This currency would be named by the group. It could be "IND" or "WIJ-Coins" or "Tokens" or whatever. I really don't care what people pick. Now. How do we get this currency? Simple. Have a feature into the group bases that allow you to get a birds eye view of the place, and designate certain areas as certain things. Ie; lets say from (90, 90) to (90, 70) to (70, 70) to (70, 90) was designated as a "Farmland". "Farmlands" will have infinite production of 1 group currency per 3 minutes. It can be upgraded and improved with the group currency. Maybe I decided to make it a "Mine". This mine will have limited production of 25 group currency per 3 minutes, and is also upgradable. "Logging Camp". Limited, regening production of 2 GC per 3 minutes. What does "Limited, regening" mean? That I can use it all up, but it will eventually come back. Once the mine is used up, it is completely out of resources. There will be other things like Factories, and also; just for kicks; "Housing", increasing the server player limit. Upgradable. This adds a RTS-theme to group warfare, allowing leaders to gain many skills not available with first-person only games. 9: Strategics & Battles This would also be useful. For 5 minutes once a raid battle "Starts", the group members are placed into a birds eye view, with a map of the game infront of them. They have a "Draw" tool, allowing them to make plans on the Map, that only their team mates can see. 10: Group Technology Moderately useful. Groups would have a "Technology Level". Now, what does this do? It unlocks more vehicle types, weapon types, and the like. Alright; here is how it would work. First off, you would drag a material from a table on the side onto the center of the screen. From there, you would select it's function, "Base", "Projectile", "Booster", "Launcher" for Ranged weapons, "Base", "Edge", and "Booster" for melee weapons, and "Base", "Link", "Engine", and "Carrier" for vehicles. There would also be joints into these, inwhich you would be able to select "fixed", "Axil", and "Motor". Fixed is un moving, think of it as the place where a string connects to the wood of a bow. Axil would be like the joints connecting chain links, the handle, and the ball in a flail, and motor... Motor is a permanently-moving axil, like with building. There would also be armors made similarly, each with different ramifications to speed, while blocking anything that hits them until the armor's health reaches 0. This means, that instead of boosting your health for a helmet alone, if they hit you in the arm, it would do the same damage. Also, if they hit you on the armor, it would nullify the damage untill the damage was greater than the armors health; inwhich case the armor would fall off, and your speed would become closer to normal. There would be multiple parts, and each technology level would allow for higher quality materials. Just as an example; lets say you made a group today; right after reading this, and this was already made. You would have "Technology Level 1/25". What you are allowed is the following: "String", "Plank", "Flint" for weaponry. "Plank", "Cart Wheel", "Leather Strap", "Horse" for vehicles. Do you see what this is like? Your primary weapon would be a "Bow", and your vehicle would be a "Colonial Wagon". Each part would have different stat improvements. "Plank" adds a small bit to Vehicle Health, "Strap" links the Engine (Horse) to the body of the vehicle(Plank), thus allowing you to have speed. Now; "Horse" would have a basis of 32 speed. But, as the wheels are wooden; they would take down the speed by 8. Leaving you with 24 vehicle speed. As for the weapon; "String" links the base(Plank) to the projectile(Another plank), and links the Projectile to the tip(Flint). The "String" would have a base launching of 0. But when linked to the plank; the launch speed goes up to 75. The projectile plank has a base damage of 5. When linked to the Flint(tip), then the damage becomes 25. Your "Technology Level" is boosted in a few ways. It will go up every 365 day period after the day a group was created. Using 1,000R and 2,000T from the group vault would automatically boost up the tech level by 1 point. Lv's 1 to 5 are your "primitive" weapons and vehicles. Bows, Spears, Clubs, Wagons. Lv's 6 to 10 are a bit more modern. Faster carts(28 speed), Swords, Crossbows, and Ballistas(Giant crossbow on wheels... >.>) and Catapults. Lv's 11 to 15 are renaissance-like stuff. Basic gunpowder weaponry(Blunderbuss), Trebuchets, Even faster carts(Full-on 32 speed now), and, just to throw in some genius; Davinci's designed vehicles. Including his "Flying Machine". Lv's 16 to 20 are modern. Cars, Rocket ships, modern weaponry, you get the picture. Everything we have now-a-days. Finally; Lv's 21 to 25. Futuristic. Rayguns, Hover cars, Inter-Galactic travel; you get the picture. Do note, you would not be able to select a pre-made weapon or vehicle. You can select a type for it, but you must build the weapon/vehicle from scratch. 11: Planetary System & Galaxy system Here is how I think it should work. There should be 1 planet; shared by a random 5 groups. What do I mean by this? If there are only 5 groups; there is 1 planet. 10 groups; 2 planets, 15 groups, 3 planets. You get the picture, yes? 1 planet per 5 groups. Planets would have a random environment. Some would be terrestrial, some would be Lava, some would be Oceanic, and some would be a mixture of the 3. Groups would have to have 20 active members to be counted among the groups eligible for planetary status. So that the groups would have some members online, instead of just being space filler on planets. This means that some group like WIJ would not have a planet all to themselves right off the bat, but would have to fight for it. Still with me? "Galaxy system" works like this; There will be 50 planets per Galaxy. Meaning 250 groups per galaxy. It's basically just a collection of planets. Now; what happens when a group is wiped out from a planet? Does it get deleted? The answer is "No.". They are left with one base on the planet that can not be taken, no matter how much it is raided. However; that base can fight back. Upon the holding of a "Uprising" on that planet, the group has the ability to start battling again. When they host a Uprising, they do not have to give the tribute until they are re-conquered. "Uprisings" have no limit to their occurrence. However; every 5 re-conquers drag down their Tech Level by 1. ________________________________________________________________ That is all I have for now. Later I will revise this, yet again. But for now (The next few days, weeks, or so), this is how the thread will be. If you have a suggestion to improve this; say it here. Don't spam the forums with something like "@Vaults" or "Improvement to Group Vaults" or some crud. I made the concept, and I do not appreciate you people taking it. If there is something you do not understand, ask me through this forum. I'll explain it as best I can. Big thanks to MDB for helping me proofread a busted section of this. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93561730Monday, April 01, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

Bump #1 for the wordwall. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93570334Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

Daily Bump #2 for the wordwall. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93583932Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:56 AM GMT

And... Daily bump #3/3. More -may- come at 12AM... ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93585871Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:12 AM GMT

tl;dr Make a simplified version. çç82(Got something on yours screen, lad?)
#93586305Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:16 AM GMT

This is about as simple as it can get and still hold all necessary info. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93586533Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

#93586658Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

Tl;Dr's don't exist. I took the time to write and proof it, you can take 1/70 the time to read it. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93590480Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:52 AM GMT

Tl;dr I am already averaging 20 pages of reading a day... I am not reading this Obamacare of a thread.
#93591438Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:00 AM GMT

Support! However, #9 can be easily done with scripts.
#93591785Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:03 AM GMT

Thanks for taking the short time to read it! Also, for the most part, #9 could be easily done with scripts, but if ROBLOX adds the official group battle system discussed in a blog post late last year, then we may not be able to script. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93592012Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:05 AM GMT

Very true. Though, the coding on the rest could take up their time. Support still. :)
#93592373Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

Thanks. =P ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93644512Tuesday, April 02, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

Daily bump #1/3 ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93646856Tuesday, April 02, 2013 7:39 PM GMT

Part 11, near end, omit this: When they host a Uprising, they do not have to give the tribute until they are re-conquered. The line leading up to it was revoked, and I forgot to remove that. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93647420Tuesday, April 02, 2013 7:45 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=93646691 For those point-lazy people above, and from here on out who want a simplified version: There. An extremely cruddy, lacking most features and how they would work, summary. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93648062Tuesday, April 02, 2013 7:52 PM GMT

1: Group Vault I like the idea, but not the idea of making people pay for group places. Roblox is all about making free games, and then saying: "Your only allowed to make free games if you're not in a clan" is pretty ridiclous. 2: sept groups I suggest naming it: Separate groups because when I read: Sept groups, I thought: September groups and I was like what? Also with allies it is kinda obsolete. 3: Alliances So a group with groups instead of members? I like it. 6b: Bases I agree so much 6c: Weapons But balance is key; if they found some way to implement this and keep it balanced I'm all for it. 8: Economies This is too much of a change for me. Although I like the idea I doubt many will. 9: Strategics & Battles As long as the GUI is not covered during combat. 10: Group Technology I also think this is a somewhat confusing, complicated idea that is just too different from the current system. Maybe if armour and vehicles worked like the way you suggested weapons should work I agree. 11: Planetary System & Galaxy System I like this idea but they would have to be some kind of arithmetic to keep the groups balanced, because if you are placed on a planet you are stuck they and you could be on a planet with a small time group surrounded by super clans, and that would just permanently ruin the fun of your group. also how to make this function without lag I don't know. I also would like to add the idea of interplanetary travel?
#93649245Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:04 PM GMT

@TNT: 1: It would be for things like the personal servers, but more similar to the first group place idea they had that saved every 5 or 15 minutes or so. 2: How about "Divisions"? 3: Thanks. =P 4: ? 5: ? 6b: Thanks 6c: That's what #10 was for, to balance out all this weapon and vehicle mess that could ensue. 7: ^ even though you never commented. 8: Only one way to tell; reading more comments. 9: Upon entering of combat/after a certain time limit, the GUI would be removed from the screen, and certain points on the map chosen by the planner would have "check point" ricks set up, that are local bricks to the group. 10: They would, I just primarily based my points on using weapons, but the restrictions and the like are almost universal. 11: Interplanetary and Intergalactic travel should have been discussed around the end of #10. As for the arithmetic, instead of working out some formula... how about placing all the smaller groups at random, then taking the super clans and placing them at points with groups that could hold them off some? ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93651098Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:22 PM GMT

I didn't understand the part about raids at all... No support plus the group economy thing is plausible to abuse from my perspective.
#93651169Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:22 PM GMT

4: the reason I never commented on this is because I think they really need to redo the forums, before doing anything with them. 5:The reason I never replied to this is because it just seemed like a nit picky detail of 3 which I supported your reply on 6c: I don't like the idea of model creation within this idea. I would prefer more of a "stat" system then dynamic parts. Like when you gain technology your gun fire rate goes up a little. 7: I agree 9: Wouldn't it be better just to have a: "open plan" GUI button that will open the map, because what if the user drew notes, that ended up being check points, and trails, there's just too many variables. 10: refer to your reply to 6c 11: Allies and alliances would have to taken into account too, addition to what I suggested before maybe a group leveling system would work.
#93653237Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:43 PM GMT

4: I see. 5: Fair enough. 6c: Hm... Mind if I provide some clarification? It is extremely close to studio mode, but only with certain parts and the like available. So you could still CFrame, axis-move, resize, recolor, and etc; but without having access to coding, as the coding parts would be threw into it based on what you selected it as. Somewhat like... Um... Oh! Spore. 7: Thanks 9: Probably so, I'll be sure to include that in the next revision. 10: See 6c. 11: Perhaps. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93653683Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

I really only read the vault one as of now, I admit because I have to go soon, but I really like it! The only problem I can see is that people who own groups and can't understand anything about how to make money would lose all their money and they would complain. It would be great for the older folk, though. ~The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
#93654004Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

Support ~If it puts your mind at ease, I'll be the one pulling the strings here.~
#93654437Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

@ROB: true, users who can't manage money could find their groups in debt fairly quickly, but that's the reason for the 1% or less withdraw limiter. @Lego: Thanks for the support. =P ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FxZUrIB5M<~
#93693736Wednesday, April 03, 2013 2:24 AM GMT

DB: #2/3 ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPjW_9KZo8M<~

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