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#93580078Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

It is the year of 7048. Odd creatures of all types have been discovered among Earth, and harmony with them is in order. Mankind is nearing the time when they will discover aliens. But something could go wrong. It's possible. And you are a student in a very special school, called The School for Future Astronauts and Unidentified Creature Discoverers. Soon you will be fully educated, and able to jump on one of many spaceships and join one of many crews on an adventure into space. (This is the first RP in a series. As I rarely make series roleplays, they are very special to me. Although earlier roleplays can still continue as new ones come along, the newer they are, the further into time they are. More information, you would like?) So... I don't make jump-in-and-be-there RPs. Character sheets are my kind of thing, so here you go! ~ Name: Gender: Age: Rank: (You don't think I'd make an RP like this without ranks, do you? Yeah.. you do... You will find ranks and explanations somewhere below.) Human, Earth Creature, or Alien: (Human? You know that one. Earth Creature? One of many odd and strange creatures, from things like bug/Pokemon hybrids, to weird and never seen before wackos! Alien? An odd being from space who has a 50-50 chance of being friendly or unfriendly. Also, if an Earth Creature, please also explain what the type of earth creature it is and what that type is, initially.) Appearance: Personality: Bio: (Not required, but suggested.) Other: ~ Ranks~ First off, you might wonder why I put ranks in this roleplay. Well, if you were having a school-and-space RP, you'd need ranks to keep everyone from saying "Hello, Teacher" to volunteering students and "Hurry up, you'll be late for art class!" to the history teacher. Yes, it might not work that way. But... you see what I mean, don't you? Now, these are the ranks. Cellar liver- The lowest rank you can possibly be. You are forced to live in the cellar, and normally this is punishment for a serious wrongdoing. There is a lighter punishment for smaller things. (1/3 ranks that must be given to you by a higher rank.) Dorm cleaner- Kind of like a maid. If you have this rank, it is your job to clean the rooms of the students. When finding yourself in a conversation with a student, address them like this: 'Future astronaut (insert character name here)' When addressing a teacher, say 'Teacher of the learners' But if talking to the owner, simply talk casually. (1/2 ranks for characters ages 10-12, and ages 18-22.) Learner- You are put into this rank if you are a disobedient prankster, or if you aren't learning well enough. You will be given precise studies about the spaceships and how they are handled, missions to Mars and other places, and many other things. If you learn well, you will regain your former rank. Student- This is the rank for the ones who learn. You will be put through class studies, and you will learn all the things one needs to know to go out into space. Cook- Even when one is learning about spaceships and planets and whatnot, one will get hungry. And when that time comes about, well, that's where the cooks come in. (2/2 ranks for characters ages 10-12, and ages 18-22.) Quick-learning Student- These students learn very quick. If they are given this rank, they will wake up with an orange shirt on their bed. This orange shirt will have a picture of a rocket ship on it. They will be proud to have this rank, and their classes will be much more specific and may teach them how to pilot a ship. Best Student- The younger you are and the better you do, the likelier you are to snatch this rank. If you have this rank, it means that although you have a while to go before you are old enough to travel into space, you are doing well. (2/3 ranks that must be given to you by a higher rank.) (1/1 ranks for students ages 8 and younger.) (1/3 ranks that can only have 1 character in them at a time.) Teacher- Basically, you teach the students about space, the planets, the stars, night and day, spaceships, anything they might need to know for a journey into space. (1/1 ranks that will only be given to you if you know all or a lot about space.) Manager- You manage the teachers and a bunch of other stuff, blah blah blah. Although it's really not that high of a rank, it's useful to have if you're a kind of control freak, and it's kind of fun if you use it to your advantage. (3/3 ranks that must be given to you by a higher rank.) (2/3 ranks that can only have 1 character in them at a time.) (1/2 ranks for characters ages 20-45.) Boss- Manages the manager. Not fun to have at all. The load of this rank is passed from person to person. (3/3 ranks that can only have 1 character in them at a time.) (2/2 ranks for characters ages 20-45.) Owner- For me only. 'Nuff said. ~ Let's end this long and unreadable post with my characters. Name: Wraisyne Gender: Female Age: 16 Rank: Learner Human, Earth Creature, or Alien: Earth Creature~ She is a Taimkoon. Taimkoons are a race of human-sized creatures who look somewhat like a cross between a flower and a deer. However, they also resemble humans, and can even change their form from flower, to deer, to human, and back into a Taimkoon. Appearance: Flower form- A green stem, leaves for her legs and arms, a blue area which you could consider her head, and white petals as hair. Deer form- She looks like an average female deer, a doe, but she has a black spiral which looks like a tornado on her front left leg, and her eyes are a kind of reddish-pink. Human form- Red hair which hangs over her front right eye. Her eyes are blue, or at least the visible one is. She has fair skin and rarely seems to smile. She normally wears a green shirt with a picture of the sun on it, black shorts with white fabric hanging from them, and brown sneakers. Taimkoon form- Her body is initially the same as her human form and she wears the same clothes. However, her eyes are the same reddish-pink as in her deer form, and the tornado-like mark is on her left cheek. Mixed with the red hair is the white petals of her flower form. She seems to always be smiling in this form. Personality: Very shy and a slight outcast. Her wish to blast off into space in a rocket and maybe find a new planet is masked by her inability to pay attention to classes. Bio: The only thing known about her past is that she was raised by cheetah-human hybrids. Other: Due to the way she was raised, she is a very fast runner. She is not a fan of potatoes, although she'll eat any other edible thing if she's allowed to eat it. Name: Annabelle Yauford Gender: Female Age: 28 Rank: Owner Human, Earth Creature, or Alien: Human. Appearance: Long black hair, ice blue eyes, fair skin, and long nails. As she sometimes jumps in and becomes a substitute for sick or busy teachers, you'll normally see her wearing a brown sweater with a white shirt under it, black pants, and orange shoes with red socks. But casually, she wears a black t-shirt with a picture of a piece of gold on it and the word "BUTTER" written across the top, a blue shawl that mainly covers only her arms and back, brown jeans, and red flip-flops. Personality: Outgoing and excited, but can control her excitement and act as formal as possible if she tries. Bio: n/a Other: She is owner of The School for Future Astronauts and Unidentified Creature Discoverers, but before that, she worked at a bakery.
#93580798Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:32 AM GMT

#93581295Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:36 AM GMT

Come on Bebi I know we cannot catch mental illnesses as robot and demon respectively but don't make fun of these weak humans for it Anyway.... 4 out of 10 Good concept, poorly executed although I'll add two on for effort, totalling 6/10
#93581915Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:40 AM GMT

Yeah. Lets go laugh at terminally ill children.
#93761481Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

Let me get this straight. The steps of creating a roleplay on MLPForums and MLPOnline: 1.Get inspiration 2.Head to the roleplay section and start creating 3.Type in the title and the roleplay info 4.Create my characters 5.People start joining, therefore allowing me to live a little longer with active roleplays. The steps of creating a roleplay on Roblox: 1.Get inspiration 2.Head to the roleplay section and start creating 3.Marvel over how easy it's going to be 4.Type in the title 5.Start typing in the roleplay info, causing my brain to overload, causing me to become tired 6.Finally finish making the roleplay 7.Click 'Post' For the average person, step 8 is create a growing and perhaps successful roleplay. For me, step 8 is sigh in dismay as my roleplay goes to waste among the ice cold hearts of critics and eccentric people. I DON'T GET IT. EVERYBODY ELSE MANAGES TO CREATE A ROLEPLAY THAT SOMEHOW STAYS UP IN THE AIR AND BECOMES LOVED BY ITS MEMBERS. BUT WHENEVER I CREATE ONE, IT SOMEHOW PLUMMETS DOWN DESPITE THE FACT I PROBABLY PUT AN HOUR'S WORTH OF EFFORT INTO IT. Please explain-why am I the only person on Roblox who somehow fails at everything?
#93763397Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:26 PM GMT

It's not you, Rainbow, it's them. Bebi and Friends hates new members so passionately that they want to get rid of you, regardless of how much potential you may possess. They're just introverts.
#93764066Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:31 PM GMT

"It's not you, Rainbow, it's them. Bebi and Friends hates new members so passionately that they want to get rid of you, regardless of how much potential you may possess. They're just introverts." "It's not you, Rainbow, it's them. Bebi and Friends hates new members so passionately that they want to get rid of you, regardless of how much potential you may possess." "Bebi and Friends hates new members so passionately that they want to get rid of you, regardless of how much potential you may possess." "new members" One thing for the future- Lol. I've heard that before. People have called me "noob" "noobie" "newbie" "n00b" "newcomer" "new member" Despite the fact that I've had an account on Roblox since I was, what, 6? 7? And I'm 9 right now. I think my clothing and my feelings about Roblox can throw ANYONE off track, even people who hate new members.
#93764183Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

I don't mean new to ROBLOX, I mean new to the Role-play Forum.
#93764261Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

#93765550Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:43 PM GMT

New to the roleplaying forum, yes. However, roleplaying is my specialty. This will, after a while wear off. --- "AH SHE'S NINE SHE'S NOT EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO BE ON THE BOARD" I am not your average nine-year-old. I know the basics of a computer (and a few shortcuts and such), I read Nancy Drew books regularly... Oh yeah. You don't care about the Nancy Drew mystery addiction. Nor do you care about the fact that the games an average 9-year-old plays would just feel silly and kiddish to me. But, I'll say this anyhow. I am very advanced yet computer safe for the normal kid my age. Playing with dolls? What is that?
#93765874Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

you're acting like a 9 year old is the embodiment of a toddler when i was 9 i specialized in chemistry (hell i knew EVERYTHING there is to know), i got the "best writer" award in my class 3 years in a row. thats an average 9 year old to me. "ROSE: THE BUBBLES VON SALAMANCER MEMOIRIAL LIBRARAY!!!"
#93767804Wednesday, April 03, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

When I was nine I wasn't nine because robots dont age. But now I'm here. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MATURE YOU ARE IT'S JUST THE NUMBER OF YEARS YOU HAVEN'T DIED.
#93774466Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

.....I just can't read this thing anymore....The only mature people right now are Rainbow and Tai.....I shed a tear whenever a thread is ruined by people acting as idiots because its on the internet. 'I copyrighted every word I say. Just so you shut up.'
#93774722Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

When I was nine i was sucking on my thumb look where i am now jk im nowhere :(
#93797600Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:24 AM GMT

Thank you for giving me the urge to return to the habit of thumb-sucking. Thumbs have a good taste.

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