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#93901868Friday, April 05, 2013 4:55 AM GMT

Ever since roblox went to the ios platform all games have suffered considerable damages. Ios is not the wave of the future but the downfall of an era. Why would you take an extremely awesome working game platform and reduce it to nothing just so these little lifekill boxes can play. Ipads are nothing more than glorified calculators. If you wanted to reach this platform you should have made an entirely different roblox for ios instead of ripping apart a fine working structure that you nurtured into all your money making. The latests updates have done in many parts of roblox. From everything looking terrible with the loss of bevels and textures , to the lack of control in the vehicles that used to work awesome. I have only been around for a little more than a year , but I can understand what the elder robloxians are bellyaching about when you mention the word update. You came out with terrain that was beautiful and easy to use then changed it into ugly water blocks and collision problems that i still havent gotten fixed properly. It took me 7 months of complaining to you before you finally fixed the terrain collision. How long will we have to wait to get a smooth running Roblox Like it used to be? Please consider a seperation from ios and get back to the grassroots of roblox.
#93902458Friday, April 05, 2013 5:04 AM GMT

None of the problems you described are relevant at all to Roblox supporting iOS systems. You just sound mad about very little and feel like blaming something that isn't even troublesome. Come on, man.
#93907361Friday, April 05, 2013 6:52 AM GMT

I support this, first off if Roblox wants to make a Ios platform, and then make a Ios egg. You are basically paying money for that egg.
#93907563Friday, April 05, 2013 6:58 AM GMT

TYLER. I command you to get 50 moar post. NAO ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93907850Friday, April 05, 2013 7:06 AM GMT

You don't necessary MUST have the egg don't you?
#93907899Friday, April 05, 2013 7:07 AM GMT

@Destiny Completely legit statement. ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93914384Friday, April 05, 2013 10:53 AM GMT

This has nothing to do with eggs. I have all of them by the way. This is about roblox taking a great working game and changing the platform entirely to accomadate ios. Any previously made game looks and works bad because of the changes made for ios. I really don't think they should put ios and pc computing together in the same platform. Thats like having a race against formula 1 racer and a tricycle.
#93914451Friday, April 05, 2013 10:55 AM GMT

I have all the eggs too. I just go to the Hunt to help other users. ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93915414Friday, April 05, 2013 11:26 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#93915705Friday, April 05, 2013 11:33 AM GMT

qq. You win. ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93916399Friday, April 05, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

Against the WNTS, "get rid of it all."
#93916530Friday, April 05, 2013 11:57 AM GMT

Qoute from WNTS: ■▬▬ Not Going To Happen, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ --------------------->• CANCEL THE WHOLE THING. <--------------------------------- -------->(IE, undo a massive update, remove huge features, etc.)<-------------- So, aka- NO.
#93917068Friday, April 05, 2013 12:11 PM GMT

Dude, don't like iOS? DON'T PLAY IT.
#93917548Friday, April 05, 2013 12:24 PM GMT

Ok, ROBLOX will now delete everything they've been working on, putting a lot of effort towards, and what they've spent lots of money on to accommodate your needs. Sarcasm, if you can't tell.
#93917694Friday, April 05, 2013 12:27 PM GMT

WNTS, and all the problems don't occur from iOS at all...
#93918011Friday, April 05, 2013 12:35 PM GMT

WNTS. "Don't ask us to undo updates" Dayum.
#93919203Friday, April 05, 2013 1:06 PM GMT

"Ever since roblox went to the ios platform all games have suffered considerable damages." Funny, i actually saw potential in this update rather then see it as damages to Roblox. "Ios is not the wave of the future but the downfall of an era." How is this relevant to Roblox? if anything, Roblox becoming compatible on Ios set the ground for them to make it playable on other devices. "Why would you take an extremely awesome working game platform and reduce it to nothing just so these little lifekill boxes can play." Remember that dissimilar to the PC, the Ios cannot render as much information nor contain a large amount of memory. The gameplay it supplements is fine. "Ipads are nothing more than glorified calculators. If you wanted to reach this platform you should have made an entirely different roblox for ios instead of ripping apart a fine working structure that you nurtured into all your money making." I doubt the creators would want to start from scratch in building this. Instead, they made it compatible for players to use. "The latests updates have done in many parts of roblox. From everything looking terrible with the loss of bevels and textures , to the lack of control in the vehicles that used to work awesome." That's very pessimistic. You still have to consider updates including teleporters, an improved studio, and the accessibility of some packages to NBC. "I have only been around for a little more than a year , but I can understand what the elder robloxians are bellyaching about when you mention the word update." I've been around since 2009 (4 years), and i can tell you that I am not like this. I like analyzing updates and trying them myself before criticizing them. "You came out with terrain that was beautiful and easy to use then changed it into ugly water blocks and collision problems that i still havent gotten fixed properly. It took me 7 months of complaining to you before you finally fixed the terrain collision. How long will we have to wait to get a smooth running Roblox Like it used to be?" Well considering that Roblox has a rather small workforce, I'd find it quite reasonable if they take months for an update. "Please consider a seperation from ios and get back to the grassroots of roblox." You make it sound like the game is merging with the Ios systems, and that you want to go back to the good old 'grassroots' of Roblox (how long would you define this?). If anything, Ios is mighty fine having an app for Roblox, not becoming a part of the game. Also, you made this sound more like a rant/complaint then an actual suggestion.
#93919428Friday, April 05, 2013 1:11 PM GMT

Why doesn't anyone ever listen to the WNTS..? :P @Doppy; TL;DR. ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93920381Friday, April 05, 2013 1:37 PM GMT

There's nothing wrong with supporting iOS. I don't agree with making iOS ONLY items however, as that's just ridiculous. I could understand having one iOS only item, but they've got several now; one of which is part of a holiday event making it all the more worse. As for things like bevels and such; I'm GLAD they're removing those, I HATED bevels. Bevels ruined EVERYTHING I built. Sure, I could add block meshes to everything, but why should I have to? Also, Roblox is improving things with the new lighting updates and such coming out. They've not reduced anything for iOS. The game will automatically turn off bevels and reduce textures for the PLAYER (not for everyone) based on their performance. Textures are not actually being removed (only bevels are, and I'm glad).
#93920526Friday, April 05, 2013 1:41 PM GMT

Oh, great. Another one? Well, at least it's about something else. -- "Ever since roblox went to the ios platform all games have suffered considerable damages." -- Yet these damages have only been noticed by you thus far..? Seriously, you're the only one I've seen complaining about this. -- "Ios is not the wave of the future but the downfall of an era." -- Support that claim? Also, it's iOS, not Ios. If you're gonna rant about it, at least spell it right. -- "Why would you take an extremely awesome working game platform and reduce it to nothing just so these little lifekill boxes can play." -- For two reasons: 1) The extremely awesome working game has not been reduced to nothing, in fact it has barely been reduced at all; the only retraction of an update I've seen as a direct result of ROBLOX expanding to iOS platforms was the green disk, and that wasn't even a major feature. 2) Expanding to the iOS also enlargens the community. Growing is something that ROBLOX is always willing to do. One person complaining about it isn't gonna change their minds. --- Ipads are nothing more than glorified calculators. If you wanted to reach this platform you should have made an entirely different roblox for ios instead of ripping apart a fine working structure that you nurtured into all your money making. -- If iPads are nothing more than glorified calculators, then computers are nothing more then glorified calculators (which is true, in a sense). However, there are certain disadvantages to an iPad, but that's not necessarily to say there aren't also advantages to an iPad. You can't type as fast or play games as well on an iPad, but you can swiftly pick it up, lay down with it on the couch, and go online without having to get your dad off the computer or whatever. iPads are also more portable, and parents would be more quick in allowing those to be taken with you on vacation than a personal computer. This allows for more people to play ROBLOX on the go. Also, would you please stop preaching "ROBLOX is nothing now as a result of expanding to iOS!!!!" and actually show some evidence? -- "The latests updates have done in many parts of roblox. From everything looking terrible with the loss of bevels and textures , to the lack of control in the vehicles that used to work awesome." -- Finally some examples. Bevels, textures, and vehicles do not relate to me, I do not play those kinds of games, so I cannot have an opinion on this. However, since literally everyone above me has said these updates do not relate to the expansion to iOS devices in any way, I'm just going to go with that. -- I have only been around for a little more than a year , but I can understand what the elder robloxians are bellyaching about when you mention the word update. -- All the "elder robloxians" who bellyache at the word "update" are the same kind of people who only complain about how the "old days" were better, even though they usually lack any evidence to support this claim. There is actually nothing to be afraid of when ROBLOX announces an update, but, for some reason, that's what you guys have gotten around to believing. -- "You came out with terrain that was beautiful and easy to use then changed it into ugly water blocks and collision problems that i still havent gotten fixed properly. It took me 7 months of complaining to you before you finally fixed the terrain collision." -- Can't have an opinion on this either. Just remember, not everything that breaks has to do with iOS devices. In fact, a very small minority of them do. -- "How long will we have to wait to get a smooth running Roblox Like it used to be?" -- Don't you mean 'like it is now'? -- "Please consider a seperation from ios and get back to the grassroots of roblox." -- Yeah, because they're so totally going to throw away months of work because you want old ROBLOX back, when the new ROBLOX with iOS devices doesn't differ in a negative way from the old ROBLOX at all. I haven't seen enough evidence to support your claim that ROBLOX is being killed by the iOS, if anything, it's been growing because of it, and that is also part of the reason why they're not gonna undo it - don't fix what isn't broken, especially if it's actually beneficial. No support.
#93923524Friday, April 05, 2013 2:38 PM GMT

This is a pretty pointless suggestion. Roblox will never remove it because they've had it out for several months and it hasn''t failed in the eyes of the community. I don't really like playing on iOS either, but seriously, it's not the reason for all the recent updates. This is just their forward progress on the game, iOS or not. Besides there have been irritating updates as long as I can remember (starting with the guest update in late 08). Obviously, no support. This will never happen.
#93923591Friday, April 05, 2013 2:40 PM GMT

WNTS. Don't post 'Get Rid of so and so'....
#93925460Friday, April 05, 2013 3:10 PM GMT

No support. ~> ίℱ¬å√ø®´∂
#93929242Friday, April 05, 2013 4:09 PM GMT

scacman, you're a great BH'er, but you still have a few things to learn about S&I. Here you are supposed to suggest changes you would like to see, which you have done. However, there are certain rules and guidlines that you should follow.. The set in stone rules are known as "WNTS" or What Not To Suggest, which as the name implies is a list of things you are not supposed to suggest. The most commonly violated member of that list is "Cancle the whole thing I.E Undo an update" which is pretty much what you are suggesting here. - - - S&I is like a debate battleground. You suggest your idea with supporting facts and others debate with you why your idea should or should not be implemented based on the facts given. It stands to reason that those facts must be relevant to your idea in order for them to support your suggestion properly. In your OP statement, all you really did was bash Apple for making what you believe to be a terrible platform, and then bash ROBLOX for making their product compatible with that which you believe to be terrible. You never really gave any relevant reasons why making a seperate platform for iOS would be better than combining both the iOS and the home computer versions together. - - - In the future, please consider these things. Don't blame anyone or anything in writing for something you don't like, but rather give specific reasons why your idea would be better for ROBLOX than what is currently offered and make sure your idea is not listed on the WNTS sticky at the top of the S&I forum. Forgive me if I am speaking harshly and I don't mean to burn any bridges here, but you kinda leapt before you looked.
#93930025Friday, April 05, 2013 4:23 PM GMT

Wait scacman1967. You said you had all the eggs what includes iOS egg. Then your forum said you don't want anything to do about it and dissing it. I will tell you now iOS ROBLOX did not course them problems. Phones are going to be the future because scientist want people to have a phone what can do everything what a super computer can do. Even ROBLOX is making this happen making a app for the website with ALL 15 MILLION games in one game. By where I am standing that is quite impressive. All of the bugs and new stuff came out on the pc is in fact not on the iOS devices, iOS devices have a different Leave game GUI and a chat button.

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