#94521071Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:26 AM GMT

Gotta go to bed soon leave a few chapters for when I wake up :D At like 5 Central I'm going to bed after Chapter 5 is up
#94522753Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

OMG thunder u r an awesome writer
#94523852Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

I'm gonna write the next chapter tomorrow.
#94529432Thursday, April 11, 2013 4:26 AM GMT

You are a good writer Thunder ,and No i wasn't mocking you
#94541116Thursday, April 11, 2013 11:52 AM GMT

Keep it up I hope I see chapter 5 when I getz home I'll be sad if I don't D: It's just getting good!!!
#94541150Thursday, April 11, 2013 11:52 AM GMT

I just noticed Thunder almost looks like deadlox from SkydoesMinecraft videos wowww.......
#94546226Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:15 PM GMT

~Chapter five~ Two days later, the group of five met at the hill."Anyone have any idea where we are going to look first?", asked Karpist. "Uh...let's check out New York, I mean, the Empire State Building is there, and that's where most gods are," I pointed out. "Yea, but you see, Gearhead, the gods don't know about the god we are looking for, do they?", said Skylar. Darn it. She had a point. "Well we could look around the Statue of Liberty," Suggested David, and he sounded so sure it was hard to say no. Everyone nodded. The many-eyed security chief, Argus, drove us down to a bus station. We just sat around, and didn't talk much. Then finally Micheal Kors said, "I don't know about you guys but I'm calling the new god Bob. Cause I have a cat named Bob and he always gets lost." Then I replied, "Bob...good name." Finally we arrived at the bus station. When we were on the bus to New York Harbor, I couldn't help but unscrew screws and nails on the bus and fiddle. David happily helped me. Not to long after that we had made an automaton of the bus. It drove up and down the bus aisles. No one else seemed to be on the bus, which I found weird. The bus came to a stop by Lady Liberty. "Can we go to the top?", Asked Karpist, excitedly. "Course," I said. "Beat ya there." And in fact, David and I did reach the top first, but only a split second before Karpist. Skylar had tied with us, though. Micheal tied with Karpist. Anyway, the view was awesome. But- the wind was blowing. Apparently Skylar didn't find that bad, because she said, " WHOA! I bet if I did a spit ball up here it would go through someone's skull!" We all stared at her. "Hey, I can wonder." I let Micheal Kors go off with Karpist, to explore the rest, while we looked for the god. That was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made.
#94559591Thursday, April 11, 2013 7:23 PM GMT

When you get to the a point make my character say "Hey you don't have to call me Micheal Kor just call me Korry"
#94563425Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

its great, keep 'em coming :)
#94567549Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:52 PM GMT

Keep them coming just outta curiosity Pm who chose skylar as there character?Girraffe?
#94575823Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

Duh. Who else's character would that be? :3
#94579672Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:43 PM GMT

Well sheesh in the begining you never said she had a character and she was in the second (Including first post) Chapter so........
#94607580Friday, April 12, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Can't wait for chapter 6? Want a little preview Pm me he told me a little plan I only didn't write it here cause it'll spoil it for the people who want to see it for themselves and that'd be rude and I don't like to be that guy :D so I talked to thunder and gave me a basic of what chapter 6/7 might be Heres a spoiler that everyone knows THUNDER LIKES PIE :3
#94608245Friday, April 12, 2013 2:31 AM GMT

#94611644Friday, April 12, 2013 3:05 AM GMT

Why you doing one a day now D: I liked the 2 a day yea that was better you have me hanging by a branch about to fall off continue!!
#94633488Friday, April 12, 2013 1:14 PM GMT

Yea but I have school. Weekends might be three a day :D
#94635590Friday, April 12, 2013 1:57 PM GMT

~Chapter six~ When we were out of earshot of the others, we quickly started running toward a hill. We all jumped on top of it, hoping to see we were wrong. And of course, we weren't. Over the hill, a big storm looked like it was coming. "We the others," Said David. We ran to the statue. When we got to Karpist and Micheal, they were looking at the view. We all stood there for a moment, looking at the wonderful view. Unluckily, we stood there ten seconds too long. a bolt of lightning came down(Wow, Zues, you have anger issues) and struck right next to Karpist. He jumped in shock and fell. He was holding on by the railing, but he was slipping. I leaped forward and caught his hand. "Don't let go!" I yelled. "I'm trying!" He replied. The others tried to help me. Then suddenly I leaped upward, and Karpist came with me. The storm had started. Out of no where, we all started arguing. Karpist was fighting with Skylar(Skylar was slapping him), David with Micheal, and I was left alone. But the mad aura didn't seem to be affecting me. Now, when I looked over their heads, I realized the grumbles hadn't just come from the storm. An enormous creature was slithering toward us-a Drakon. They look like giant snakes, but bigger than your house...unless you live in a one-million story mansion. Even then it might be bigger. There were five of us. One of them. But still. As the drakon approached, of course we had to fight it. Skylar made a real smart move. She ran right up to the drakons mouth and stabbed it's tongue. I thought she was a goner, but she leaped on it's nose and back to us. "Find openings to it!" Now, I don't know who said that. Might have been, Karp, Kors, Sky, might even have been me. I stabbed it's belly, and the monster roared. I slid out from under it. "Guys, attack it's eyes, and make it's brain stop...uh....if it has a brain!", I shouted. We all turned toward it's eyes, and stabbed and shot arrows(I'm pretty sure the arrows came from Kors). The drakon thrashed, knocking us all of course, but we knew we had defeated it. We landed in a desert. Wow. That drakon sure flung us far.
#94635624Friday, April 12, 2013 1:58 PM GMT

Might be a bunch of misspellings cause I typed that fast.
#94647117Friday, April 12, 2013 5:30 PM GMT

AWESOMENESS!!!! oh im not sure if I told u this but my characters chose of weapon is a bow and arrow with knifes hidden inside it (just like the bow I made with a broken hula hoop string duck tape and sticks its turned out really good)
#94653600Friday, April 12, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

Yeah,I don't like arrows,maybe an electric spear,or sword
#94659768Friday, April 12, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

Your welcome for the drakon part Thunder :D and yes the drakon part was the spoiler.
#94666143Friday, April 12, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

Oh yea Davids choice of weapon is a Bow/Arrow that the tip of the arrow is on fire (Hephestus touch :3) Also the tip is a nonflammable blade (What I mean by nonflammable is that it doesn't burn off) Also he will use a sword on fire if hes out of fire arrows
#94699245Saturday, April 13, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

My Choice of weapon is a sword of lightning since im son of Zues and it is a braclet that i pluck for it to turn into this
#94748908Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:57 PM GMT

YAY DEADLOX IS BACK xD And Apollo? Seriously Copying Thalia?Theres also Jason from heros of olympus with his golden coin I say that would've been better to copy not the girl...
#94760475Saturday, April 13, 2013 5:44 PM GMT

Well then a golden charm that i squez