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#94648639Friday, April 12, 2013 5:55 PM GMT

I suggest that there should be an easier way to find the owner of a Limited Item. In many cases I and many of my friends find ourselves a super Limited Item that we would really like to purchase, but say if 100 people had bought it only 5 might be selling it (and the prices may be unaffordable!). This makes finding other people who own the item much harder, and as a consequence we may not be able to buy the item or find someone else to Trade for it with, or the owner of the item may not get a Trade Request for the item when he may not want it! Surely, it would be of great convienience and use if a list of people who owned a specific Limited Item could be found underneath the list of sellers, and I propose that something along the lines of this is created. Thank you very much for reading this, please speak out your opinions on the idea!
#94648789Friday, April 12, 2013 5:58 PM GMT

I support but it shuold be optionable
#94649008Friday, April 12, 2013 6:02 PM GMT

Yeah, now that there's a trading system this seems really important because an owner of an item might want to trade for a hat instead of ROBUX. Support.

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