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#95122221Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:26 AM GMT

The current 404 page isn't very friendly. It just says "THE ITEM YOU HAVE REQUESTED DOES NOT EXIST". How about a more friendly, detailed and better one like: Text: OH NO! Picture: ROBLOX logo and web racing, web goes off course Text: Looks like we can't find what you were looking for! Try doing it other ways, or return to the page you were before! Button: Return to Page Support?
#95122302Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:29 AM GMT

support...i dont like it when it just says "THE ITEM YOU REQUESTED DOES NOT EXIST" at first i thought it meant they weren't real or something.....and it also sounds mean, like its saying they dont exist,there nothing
#95122636Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:44 AM GMT

Or for banned people, because the DO exist, they could just say, honestly, this user is banned.
#95122712Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:47 AM GMT

Support, but for banned people Title: 404 Sorry but banned Picture: Famous Players near the roblox logo Text: Sorry but this player has been banned, if you want to go back on your homepage click this button Button: Back To Homepage

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