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#95136565Wednesday, April 17, 2013 4:30 PM GMT

If you haven't read chapter one read this one first!http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=95056187 Welcome to the deception?I thought to myself. This has to be some sort of dream. Walking forward to the prison camp I saw the same building as before-Upside down Anarchy Symbol,black building. The prison camp was filled with guards and workers. The top of the walls had curled barbwire that clearly was rusted. "How am I going to get past this?" I said quietly.Turning my hands into fists I went behind the guards-covered there mouth,and choked them til they passed out. My goal was to aim for the building. To ask the boss what was going on. Before entering camp I tore some pieces of my clothes off, some dirt on my face and acted like I was working. Sneaking my way around camp I ended up doing the same thing I did to the other guards. Finding my way around the building I smashed the window open (Using a pick axe) and entered in. I was suprised that no one was on the first floor so I looked for an elevator and made my way up. Going to the top floor I ended up before the door and opening it. The man at the desk was on a computer filling out work in a grey buisness suit with a black tie. "A prisoner?Found his way here?" the man said un-interested while ignoring me and staring at the computer. He kicked his feet by the chair and moved backwards while spinning and said "So,what do you want,and don't give me that: Let me go and have freedom stuff" he said."No,I'm here to ask what the heck is all this?!!?I saw the building at home!The people with the symbols on there clothing!Tell me whats going on with all this"I blurted out. Him dipping his head down and looked at my with a cocky smirk "This my friend,is the New World Order"
#95136615Wednesday, April 17, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

#95162521Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

Needs to be more descriptive
#95170246Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

I didn't read it but the second I saw New World Order, nostalgia came to me. Witch and Wizard?

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