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#95797608Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:18 PM GMT

-Outreach's First Dossier, 'Bandit' He seems to be the one they call the leader. We cannot confirm this fact, but we will find out soon when he awakens. He seems to be the one, needing the most patching up also. We've had to replace his eye, and his robotic leg. The middle of his hand is completely robotic now, with a red gem we found on a ring implanted into his hand. He has some brown hair which was recently cut, to form what we recalled his hairstyle to be. We also trimmed his hair again down a bit, forming a crew cut. He has brown, murky eyes. We like to call him the bandit, and from now on, that's his name. His real name can be forgotten, that shall be his code name. He has a bandana around his neck, with is a bit cut. He was wearing a black jacket, but that's smeared with blood, so we gave him a brown vest. He wears jeans, which are seriously torn up, and some red sneakers. Why not boots, nobody knows. He is also the one we've done as little as we can with. Bandit appears to have a friendship with Noncte, and has a relationship with Raze. Outreach One was wearing a green shirt at the time, which has a bullet hole right through the heart. That's changed. We've fixed that part up with a little bit of sowing, and it now has 'BANDIT' written above his heart. -Medical- WOUNDS: Hole through hand, bullet through heart, robotic leg smashed. Not sure what happened to his eye. ENHANCEMENTS: Eye can zoom in on targets, receive important information, and can scan through walls if he's close enough. His hand with the damage's nerves have relinked, which wasn't expected. We've also added a bit more calcium injection into his bones to harden them, and messed with the density to make them much more agile. -Outreach's Second Dossier, 'Raze' She is the one who we believe is the second in command. We've had to remake her using the state of art technology, and what little we know. She has blond hair, which is trimmed up a bit. Her eyes are a clear blue. We've added some muscles to her, carefully however, not trying to mess up the DNA. From what pictures we can piece together, she's a bit insane. She has a gray, tattered jacket, with bullet holes. She wears some jeans, a common trend apparently.We've had to do some fixing here and there. We've replaced her right hand with a robotic one. The DNA screwed up. We've added some internal implants, making her stronger, and perhaps a little more alive. She wears boots. She apparently is a sister to Doves, a friend to Noncte, and has a relationship going with Bandit. She has a light blue shirt, with a couple of words on the back which nobody can figure out, much less write. Maybe they're symbols? Anyway, we have decided to name her Raze, named for her jacket -Medical- WOUNDS: Missing hand. ENHANCEMENTS: Robotic hand is much stronger, and feels like human skin. Her muscles are enhanced at a rate of 2x, basically adding a second layer of muscles. We're guessing she could lift 350 at this point, pretty strong for a girl. She has a pretty much instant respond to wounds, and certain medications to dull it. She also has a basic hardy grip, aiming is much better. She is also familiar with all weapons. -Outreach's Third Dossier, 'Wrench' This is quite an interesting case here. He has some grimy colored brown hair which we trimmed. He has a red long sleeve shirt and some brown athletic pants. He has a large scar across his face, and serious burn marks chest down. He seems to be very much mechanically bound, and that's what we've set him up to do mostly. We've increased some things to help him in warfare, but he'll do a basic round of fighting. We've increased some of his muscles too, and gave him a little bit of a toned look. Overall, he looks much better than when we found him. Bones. He seems to have been carrying a shotgun at the time, but it was badly outdated and barely usable. So we're hoping to give him some new cool weapons when the time comes, weapons that would match his skills perfectly. On a side note, we called him Wrench as when we brought him in, a pipe broke. -Medical- WOUNDS: Burned, Scarred, Broken Spine. ENHANCEMENTS: Warfare Readiness, Basic Muscle Increased, Mechanical Knowledge Extended. -Outreach's Fourth Dossier, 'Fortis' Outreach Four's profile is one of mystery, and few comments about it. The black-red armor he wore is barely distinguishable from the remaining mass of shredded flesh and gun wounds sustained by the body. The heavy-variant of combat helmet he was wearing had been sheared through by a high-caliber rifle round, and a lot of the titanium plating he wore is heavily dented or strained from a large amount of tension. His body was found around an estimated 140 heavily mangled corpses and a large armored vehicle. In a biopsy, our associates also found that over 20 times the regular amount of cardiac stimulant for his body class was injected into the subject's bloodstream at the time of his death. The only known file at the date of his death is a few seconds of audio played over military frequency, the subject shouting what appears to be close to, "[inaudible] Never Dies!...--Never Dies!" Judging from the modifications made to his person, we have resolved that he dealt in heavy weaponry and carried a fire-axe. From the act of Herculean strength displayed by Outreach Six, we named him Fortis, derived from Praefortis, Latin for Mighty, or of great strength. -Medical- ENHANCEMENTS: During the process of fixing his muscles, tissue and bones, we modified it, focusing mainly on his muscles. We increased the overall size, density, and hardness in his muscles and bones. He now stands around 7'6 to 8'2, as we have not done an exact measurement as of yet, and his weight is above 600 pounds. His maximum lifting ability has increased by two times it's previous, which was around 800 pounds, so do the math, and because of the muscle growth, his ability to become stronger has doubled, so for example if a day of working out would have helped him lift 5 pounds more, it would be 10. The hardened muscles combined with stronger bones make most things bounce off his skin, and possibly even bullet too but tests have yet to have been run, and his reflexes were increased by quite abit, due to the change in how his muscles function. -Outreach's Fifth Dossier, 'Sawyer' From second-hand resources, the biography and history focused on Outreach Five is sketchy at best. With little military background outside of Outreach's jurisdiction, Five's remains were little more than a few bones and parts of limbs containing matching DNA. From audio accounts, we have solid evidence that the subject was personnel that death with explosives-based weaponry, and that his own death was caused by a concentrated explosion that imposed severe trauma on the body. Prior to the incident, surveillance accounts and biopsy data deemed the man mentally unstable and a heavy alcoholic. We have increased his stamina during the process of rebuilding and regrowing most of his body--some through the use of robotics. Because of this, we've slightly screwed with some of his DNA, which caused an odd effect of a slight discoloration of his eyes to turn bloodshot red. Apart from the remains of his corpse, a severely damaged paper-back issue of "The Adventures of Thomas Sawyer" was found beneath the debris near the location where the subject was retrieved. For that reason, we dub him 'Sawyer.' -Medical- ENHANCEMENTS: Heightened Senses/Co-ordination, Increased Muscle Mass, Capacity to Predict Physical Movements and Chain-Reactions, Enhanced Understanding of General Machinery, Explosives, and Electronics and abilities in detecting moving parts. -Outreach's Sixth Dossier, 'Pyrite' From Outreach Eight's background, the subject was a former marine working of a different branch of Outreach service. For a clean record and 20 years of service, he was promoted as an Outreach Operative replacement. Our associates found the subject's body in the ruins of the Outreach Base on Riolu, his skull pierced by a high-caliber rifle round. For this reason, the frontal lobe of his cranium has been restructured. Our biopsies found that Outreach Eight's DNA has been restructured--similar to Outreach Five's--similar to the findings in many human-like alien races including those known as Alvins, Protected, and Grunts. For this reason, we call Eight 'Pyrite,' otherwise known as "fool's gold." -Medical- ENHANCEMENTS: We increased the eyesight of Pyrite to the level of a hawk, and his jumping ability is two times a normal persons, making him an ideal person to guard somewhere. His stamina was increased, and his muscles were slightly enhanced, giving his body more definition and muscle shape. -Outreach's Seventh Dossier, 'Doves' We'd like to call her Doves, due to her belt with two revolvers on it. Needless to say, they were Dove revolvers. She wore a red shirt on the time of her death, and she had apparently lost both legs at the time of her death, and we've rebuilt new robotic legs for her, and slid on some jeans for no actually reason, honestly. Data says that she is a sister to Raze, and that she has had some recent brain damage. Raze has obviously compensated for this with a chip. There isn't a lot else to say about her, other than that most of the squad does not seem to be on good relations with her. -MEDICAL- Enhancements: Superior Aim, Speed Boost, and Agility Boost. -Outreach's Eighth Dossier, 'Ghost' Despite his small amount of appearances on the Outreach Base, there is an extensive portfolio detailing his past. We believe he was a former electrical engineer known as [data expunged]. Our associates found his body in the wreckage of what was described as the Outreach Operative's main briefing hall. His corpse was half-naked, some his armor apparently taken from him. The bullet holes littering his torso and head took extensive reconstruction. We believe he was ambushed at the time of his death by some sort of automatic weapon, as some entry points litter his back. At the time of his recovery, Outreach Ten had lost almost all the blood in his body, many wounds passing through major arteries. He was almost transparent, almost like a Ghost. -Medical- ENHANCEMENTS: We increased the hearing and sense of smell up by 3 times its normal amount, along with basic muscle increases and combat awareness to assist him in battle and tracking. Like Wrench, we've increased his understanding of mechanics and electronics. -Outreach's Ninth Dossier, 'Noncte' Noncte is the Latin term for midnight, the hour we found his body. Midnight is a recurring theme in his life, apparently, but we won't digress here. He wore a black shirt, and black jeans, all the more reason that Noncte is proper. He has brown hair, and appears to have been friends at one point with Bandit and Raze, or as known back then, Cyan and Red. Noncte was sort of a mystery to most of Outreach, and they distrust him for the most part, besides the top in command, Bandit and Raze. -Medical- ENHANCEMENTS: We were oddly befuddled on this case, as his DNA was... locked? We couldn't access it, and what we did access was what appeared to be a dark brown blood cells, not like anything we've seen before. We failed to enhance him due to that, but we did manage to reconstruct him. In hindsight, we should've taken a blood sample before reviving, but that's too late now. -STORY Unbeknownst to the public, two different parties of the government are beating themselves up. One part of this schism in leaders consist of two groups: one which wants to stay loyal to their codes and awful ethics and what-not while the second ones wish to conspire with the rebel insurgency and their takeover of the human planets-- the only way of surviving against the alien invasion, which is crazy. The loyal government lobbyists have been faced with mounting tensions as their assets and control of planets continue to dwindle from rebel activity, alien assault, and espionage from other parties and conspirators within the government. In light of the surprise assault on a top secret military base known as Outreach One, the loyalists are faced with a grim resolution: they have to break the order they fight for in order to restore it. Having recently acquired confidential alien technology that allows the right operators to tamper with a subjects full genome, the loyalists learn to successfully regrow and modify the functions of human body tissue and organic matter, as well as integrate synthetic systems into a human being. With this knowledge and increased tech, they revive [number] Outreach Operatives who have died in a government setup, hoping that these "retired" marines, technically dead, can uncover and neutralize the conspirators; men and women who hide behind dozens of masks, waiting for the right moment to strike. In case you haven't realized here... P-R-I-V-A-T-E.
#95797871Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:21 PM GMT

can be new recruit pls I failed to participate in last one because I suck at the internet.
#95797976Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

We kept Deacon. He's Ghost.
#95798076Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

Ah. New codenames?
#95798147Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

A moment of bliss surrounded me, my eyes slowly peeling open. I licked my dry lips, feeling dull and droopy, like I was on meds. Why would I be on med- Memories flushed back to me, I clutched my chest in confusion, remembering the stream of bullet fire that tore me apart.. Was I dead? Nope. How did you get out of that one Goliath 'Ol buddy, I did not know. I turned my head from side to side, and made an attempt to sit up.
#95798197Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

Oh. They died. WELL THEN.
#95798260Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

Anyway, yes, can I participate?
#95798341Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

Basically. -Goliath- [will swap to codenames when announced] You slowly come to. You awaken in some big room, it's dawn. You see many other tables with bodies on them, but only three seem awake. Ryan, Tommy, and Emily.
#95798425Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

[Yeah, you are Ghost, remember? *wink wink*]
#95798551Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

"Hey guys." I mumbled, looking myself over, "How'd I survive my last fight? Was there some kind of drop-in rescue? Our forces must've came back and stopped the rebels who were attacking the base." I cracked my knuckles. [ignore last part if i didnt know b4 i died]
#95798669Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:28 PM GMT

-Goliath- You attempt to talk, but all that comes out is a hoarse whisper. Ryan gives you a glance, but says nothing.
#95798684Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:28 PM GMT

I wake up slowly, lifting my head. Some other people are arround me, who I recognize but can't remember at the moment. Too tired. My head hurts, and my body faintly stings from some sort of injury. [Non-code name is Markas, in case you forgot, lol.]
#95798763Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

I cleared my throat, annoyed at that, and tried to speak, nothing in particular, just get my throat working all good again.
#95798798Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

-Deacon- You slowly awake, and your vision starts to clear. Goliath is sitting up, Ryan, Tommy, and Emily are standing, talking in low whispers in a semi-circle.
#95798843Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

-Goliath- You manage to say nothing in particular.
#95798883Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

I got myself off the bed, and tried to stand.
#95798926Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:31 PM GMT

My memories come back. Ryan and the rest of them, that's who they are. "So, who hit me this time?"
#95799039Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:32 PM GMT

Bates opened his eyes and sat up on the examination-room bed, rubbing his eyes of post-hangover fatigue which he realized wasn't there. Stretching with a yawn, he finally managed to take in his surroundings, which he realized wasn't his cabin at Outreach One. Suddenly, he keeled over as pain throbbed in his head. An image wasn't really clear, here: Outreach Seven suddenly failed to realize a bunch of baddies sprinting up the hall behind him. The man hears a shot ring off, aimed at his feet. Wow. Apparently he must've not hit Emily has hard as he had thought, as she kneels and takes the bullet for him. She is definitely dead. Turning around, Bates fires wildly into the mob of enemies, backing away and turning his head slightly to check behind him. "Well excuse me, birch, did you just care for someone? Wow, what an improvement!" the madman shouted over the gunfire at the corpse fading in the distance. He laughed at his own joke, still firing bursts across the hall. Bates looks at himself oddly as the pain in his head subsides. Christ, that was a wild dream.
#95799045Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:32 PM GMT

-Goliath- Your feet touch the ground. -Deacon- Ryan turns around, giving a slight glance and a smirk. "Take a guess HOTshot. You were taken out by a blazing beam."
#95799137Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

-Bates- You see Deacon sitting up, Goliath standing by a bed, and Ryan, Emily, and Tommy standing in a huddle.
#95799171Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

I stand up and stretch.
#95799226Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

"Well, aren't you hilarious." I rub my eyes, and notice that I've gotten a tad paler. "What's this about?"
#95799231Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

-Goliath- You stretch.
#95799275Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

"Where's the base?" Bates asks to no one in particular as he plants his feet on the ground.
#95799344Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

I looked at the ground and started wobbling, "What happened? Is it just me or do I feel taller?"

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