#141596247Saturday, July 26, 2014 6:47 AM GMT

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#141687063Sunday, July 27, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

YES, BECAUSE I'M TIRED OF YOU CHASING THE SQUIRRELS IN OUR BACKYARD. Mommy, can I eat the dissected frog in class? :3
#142127677Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

Sure but make sure you die! Mommy tell me how babies are made?
#142135270Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

From cranes! (Or, y'know... CRANES!) Mommy? Can I /e dance? -Fat Man above 2fort -
#142155245Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:36 AM GMT

*puts on hipster glasses* No, sweetie. '/e dance' is just too mainstream. Mommy, can I nom on the faces of babies? :3
#143183087Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:44 PM GMT

die mommy can i #### a ##### with my 15 inch #### right in the #### while she ##### and then take it out and ###### with a ###### and cover #### pickles?
#143186463Sunday, August 10, 2014 3:37 PM GMT

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mommy can i go to mcdonalds and rob the store so we can have free food for a long time?
#143194158Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:19 PM GMT

No. Mommy, can I have all of your money and possesions?
#143198878Sunday, August 10, 2014 6:17 PM GMT

NO Mom can i watch adult videos?
#143268277Monday, August 11, 2014 9:34 AM GMT

Of course. Make sure to fap. Mommy can I play the scary maze?
#143277208Monday, August 11, 2014 1:50 PM GMT

Of course but make sure you punch out the monitor like that dude. Mommy can i has ''beats'' headphones?
#143285669Monday, August 11, 2014 3:59 PM GMT

Take my wallet! Mommy? can I see Human Centipede?
#143321405Monday, August 11, 2014 10:34 PM GMT

Um... no. Mommy, Are you my mummy?
#143322003Monday, August 11, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

I am not your mummy, empty child! Mommy, can I have a pet python?
#144095503Wednesday, August 20, 2014 9:43 PM GMT

Sure, you can keep it before it becomes the next world's largest python. Then it can eat you. :D Mommy, can I go to the club in my swaggiest outfit ever? B) (I usually don't type 'swag' unless I'm goofing around.)
#146244168Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:31 PM GMT

Yes as long as you bring some girls home with you. Mommy can I pet that puppy in the guys van? He says he will give me candy.
#146359612Friday, September 19, 2014 12:09 PM GMT

Sure! It's like he wont dice it up and send it to Costgo! That would be carzy! :3 Mommy? Can I ride shotgun this time? - Fat Man above 2fort -
#146368254Friday, September 19, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

No. Get on the roof now like a good boy. Mommy? Can I bring somebody home for tea?
#146368707Friday, September 19, 2014 6:44 PM GMT

Depends. Is it a rock or an alien? *Holds up bottle of water* Is this okay Mommy?
#146375509Friday, September 19, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

NO!!! Mommy can i Walk on a chair?
#146607402Tuesday, September 23, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

No, you can't. Mommy? Can I have a piece of candy?
#146608934Tuesday, September 23, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

HAZ ALL OF THEMZ mommy, can i go to Brony con?
#146610422Tuesday, September 23, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

If you bring a brony with you sure Mommy can I get OBC Lifetime?
#146755371Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:00 PM GMT

in 40 years mommy can i drink cola?
#146760127Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

Yes, as long as it is radioactive. Mommy, why do you not hear me and you cannot talk?