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#9605348Saturday, June 13, 2009 4:00 PM GMT

This thread is where I post most of my suggestions for anything. Feel free to post yourselves, but please, no spam. I do not post possible prices, or damage rates. I just post the idea, and basic functions. I will continualy add to this list, no matter how small or wierd sounding the idea is. ROBLOX seems to like those kind of things. ~GEAR~ -Robo Claw: Melee/Ranged, it extends outwards on click damaging those in the way. Could have a damage bonus when wearing Robotron 9000 hat. -Brick: Ranged, you throw it. Ya, ya, basic I know. But a brick on the head could really hurt, so a hard hat (Builders Club Hat) could have a damage reduction when hit by one. -Stop Sign: Melee, Basicly a sword with a small handle (pole section) and a wide tip (the STOP part). Can knock enemies into the ground, or at least up to the waist. -Popsicle: Melee, One hit of this item, and your opponent will have the worst of brainfreezes, imobilizing them for a period of time. It is very small, and melts after a use. Could possibly come in a variety of colors. -Double Dagger, Melee: A dagger in each hand might help in close ranged combat. Instead of a lunge move, the daggers could spin around the tip of the arm. Might have a damage bonus with a ninja mask. -Pencil: Melee, A sword in the shape of a pencil. This could also go for a pen. When lunging, a line could appear following the pencil, as though you were drawing on the air. -Squirt Gun: Ranged, This gun, otherwise known as a Super Soaker, shoots a stream of water at the enemy with such force, it can knock them away! Not to mention a great way to damage your opponents clothes. ~Hats~ -Eye Patch: No pirate is complete without an eye patch! -Candle: Well, isn't this just a bright idea? -Trash Can: This would fit on your head with your head inside it, and would cover the top half of your head. ~Heads~ -Road Kill: Completely flat. Your face is on the flat part, of course. ~Faces~ -Invisoblox: Basicly a no-face. This could help when dissapearing using Shadow Spheres and such. It also is a great poker face.
#9744419Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:04 PM GMT

(Continued) ~Gear~ -Battery: Power up, Feeling low on energy? This should give you the buzz you need to have your walkspeed increase to 18 (the normal is 16). Also could have a 19 walkspeed bonus for those wearing the Robotron 9000. -Parrot: Social Item, This colorful bird sits upon your shoulder. A cool attatchment to add to it would be that it would repeat some of the things you type to others. -Broom: Melee, Swat away those pesky vermin we call noobs with this. A possible bonus would be given when wearing a witch hat. -King's Staff: Melee, Probably the most expencive staff yet. It would have the king's crown at the tip, with a spear like bottem. Whack those upon the head who disobey your commands! Obviously a bonus would/could be given to those wearing a King's crown. ~Hats~ -Blurrfect: Blurrs your whole head, including the face. Perfect for Fog or Mist games. -Mop Head: Some say when your hair looks bad, you have a Mop Head. Well, now you do! -Bed Head: No, this isn't hair. Frankly, I disapprove of hair, but moving on. This hat is literally a bed. On your head. What's wrong? Can't take a pun?
#9753194Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:47 PM GMT

(Continued) ~Gear~ -Spring: Power Up, This gives a height bonus to your jump. Now you can access those hard to reach area's easier! ~Hats~ -Elephant Ears: Like the zoo? Now you can BE the zoo! -Pocorn Bucket: Watch the movies in style. -Happy Home: A house on your head! You home sick? Bring the home with you! This would work by this covering your whole head, and your eyes are visible due to windows. ~Heads~ -Side Barrel: The Barrel head, but on it's side. Go Wider instead of Higher. ~Faces~ -4 Face: Has the face your wearing on each side of your head. On a Blockhead, all four sides are used. On a Cylinder shaped one, only the front and back. -Sadly Happy: A face that is half happy, and half sad! I'm not kidding. A happy smile connecting to a sad face.
#10050721Tuesday, June 23, 2009 3:52 AM GMT

(Continued) ~Gear~ -Megaphone: Ranged, virtually the same as the Blow Dryer gear, it blows away enemies. Possibly a bonus with a Police hat, or robot hat. ~Hats~ -Word Mirror: On a server, this hat would have the last word you typed on it. This is a stretch, but hey, it would be cool.
#10099458Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:29 AM GMT

(Continued) ~Gear~ -Dice of Fate: Power Up, A roll of this dice will give a random bonus to either jumping, damage, health, or will kill your player. Depends on what you roll! -Rocket Ship: Power Up, This mini model may be small, but when it starts to take off, you get a HUGE jump bonus! Though you will harm any trees around you due to polution :T -Shrink Ray: Ranged, One zap of this, and your opponent will be half the height he was before! His walkspeed will be halfed, same with damage. -Mask of Mirrors: Social Item, This mask, when used/worn, will transform you into a character for a short time. Your name above your character will still say your name, but your clothes, face, hat, gear, everything will be exactly like the one the mask picks. -Mine: Explosive, This sticks into the ground, and when walked on, it explodes! Even the owner better remember where he planted them, because they are against all!
#10142013Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:36 AM GMT

Just a side post, so far the suggestions taken from this list, and others as well that people might have taken from here, are: Candle - Hat Battery - Suggested as a gear, but came as a hat.
#10142491Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:47 AM GMT

You posted way too many gear ideas. You should have posted them in a thread where you post your ideas. I do not want to take my time to look at your ideas. We shorten your posts.
#10142516Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:47 AM GMT

I meant please shorten your posts.
#10170520Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:58 PM GMT

To Ps3: Normally, I would just post a few things. I started out with a big list, because I finally decided to do a forum like this. But, the reason some of the others might be "Long" to you, is because as I type one idea, another pops into my head. I think too much you can say. Anyway, there will be shorter ones in the future, but also long ones. Probably not as long as the first one though. -Saymyname
#11253505Friday, July 17, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

(continued) ~Gear~ -Magic Wand: Ranged, a powerful stick that can shoot a ball of energy out the tip. Possibly could have a Bonus when wearing a wizard hat, like the sparkles change color based on the hat or something. ~Hats~ -Campfire: Lets gather round the campfire, and sing our campfire songs. *Yes, this is a lyric from spongebob, get over it* ~Faces~ -Suggestion: Stop making faces with the ears and details on it. It should only be the eyes, possibly nose, and mouth. Ears and antlers take out the fun in making a character.
#11253546Friday, July 17, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

WAY tl; dr...
#11253620Friday, July 17, 2009 1:40 AM GMT

Ok, those of you complaining my stuff is too long, stop. I'm putting my ideas here, instead of making brand new threads about it. So be glad i'm not spamming your forums.
#11253773Friday, July 17, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

nice idea's :)
#11425183Monday, July 20, 2009 3:29 AM GMT

(continued) ~Gear~ -Drill: Melee, the drill can not only knock back your enemy, but spin them the opposite way they were facing, meaning you can "Turn the tables" with this weapon, literally depending on how you use it. Possibly a bonus with a hard hat. -Camera: Ranged, this would be harder to make. On clicked, the camera would make a flash, and anyone in its radius would have their own camera (Not gear camera, but scroll in/out one) zoom all the way in, or all the way out to mess up their stance. Basicly, they will be stunned for a bit trying to fix their camera. Possible bonus with newsboy hat. -Shaken Soda: Navigation enhancer, on use, the soda clicks open, and sends the user flying into the air for a short period of time.
#13399770Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:56 AM GMT

(Continuted) ~Gear~ -Hat Toss: Ranged, you throw your hat at the enemy. Possible bonus for harder hats to knock them back? ~Faces~ -Cyclops, This one eyed monster is good at staring contests. ~Hats~ -Blinds, A hat that closes over the face. You can peer at strange neighbors through these, while standing in their lawn.
#13399980Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:07 AM GMT

#13661794Monday, August 31, 2009 8:56 PM GMT

(Continued) ~Gear~ -MegaPhone: Social Item, makes your text either bigger or all caps. -Seed: Navigation Enhancer, click to plant a seed, and watch it grow. You can stand on it while it grows to go to higher places. :D The tree eventually rots to go away. -Tomato: Ranged, throw tomatos to Boo the players off the map. -Sticky Note: Social Item, on the sticky not, it says "I got Bloxxed!" and when held and touched by someone, it goes onto their back. Basicly good for Tag games :P
#13662665Monday, August 31, 2009 9:14 PM GMT

Please post content ideas on a appropriate thread - I do not consider these valid suggestions.
#13662819Monday, August 31, 2009 9:18 PM GMT

Why wouldn't they be valid? They are Gear, Hat, ect. Suggestions. Just like all the others. :T The only difference is instead of spamming 40 different threads, I made my own to contain them. So how exactly are they not valid?
#13662932Monday, August 31, 2009 9:20 PM GMT

STOP THE ITEM SUGGESTING DONT LET TELAMON SEE THIS THE ROBLOX TEAM NEEDS TO WORK ON THE FIXES AND UPDATES. (puts thread under the bed.) hehehehhe no one will find it let me just eat the reply button just in case.
#13663086Monday, August 31, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

If you don't want mods to see this, why are you bumping it? :T
#13663125Monday, August 31, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

#13663184Monday, August 31, 2009 9:26 PM GMT

If you don't like the ideas, why bother commenting? And Killzem, I doubt you even read a bit. :T
#13663313Monday, August 31, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

thread closed
#13664025Monday, August 31, 2009 9:42 PM GMT

i like 98% of your ideas nice job on posting all this Saymyname. i disagree with all the people that said bad things. I toke the time to read everything.

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