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#96135027Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:41 PM GMT

Week of April 22nd, 2013 (4-28-13) [PARAGRAPH 1] (WAR) Just a couple days back, war between **UAF** and **VS** broke out. After a couple raids on each other before the war started, it got both groups mad. At the moment this war is very high tense. It is currently getting a lot of popularity and attention. The war is very close. Both groups only being able to win a small amount of raids at each other's forts is keeping the war close. As the war progressed maybe, a spread can happen. And one group can get a true lead. At the moment, raids are on high alert. Trying to do whatever they can to win a raid. [PARAGRAPH 2] (WAR) Another war that is also getting a huge amount of attention on C&G is the one between **IF** and the **X-101st**. **X-101st** has been winning raids pretty frequent actually at **IF**'s fort Bonni. Though, IF is having trouble winning raids at *Franneh III* they are putting up a very good fight with the **X-101st**. With the war still being pretty close it can go anyway. With the **X-101st** having a good lead so far, IF needs to step it up. If they fall behind early, they cannot come back. [PARAGRAPH 3] (WAR) With these other 2 large wars currently occurring, a war between **SC** and **LS** is also occurring. With the war currently on standby because of **SC**'s raiding it seems only **LS** raids are taking place at Sage. SC was having complications with **LS**'s base and could no longer stand the raids. There were many problems with it, difficulties, and more. LS is still currently raiding Sage often but is being held off by **SC** troops. With the war going back and forth with different threads, it'll soon change. [PARAGRAPH 4] (REVIVED) At 100k visits at the **VS** HQ, *imnotaguestimagirl* was reviving the **VS** Harbor from *justgoaway1*'s era. The Harbor is one of the most known historic places in the history of clans. People would spend hours and hours defending and raiding. They'd save for vehicles, guns, and more. The possibilities there were endless. Now with it being re-released more memories can be made. With there still being a large assortment of raiders there you can enjoy it at anytime. [PARAGRAPH 5] (WAR ENDING) Last Sunday, both **UAF** and **SC** declared war on **EL**. **TGI** also aided **UAF** in the war getting some raid wins. **SC** and **UAF** were truly dominating EL. Constantly mass-raiding and not even getting raids in. All they could do is defend. **EL** was outnumbered and outmatched. The help they got from **VS** and **TRA** wasn't enough for them. They still were consistently losing defenses. Earlier this week though, **EL** High Ranks surrendered to all of the groups. EL being a much smaller group against these larger groups did put up a well match. But it wasn't enough to stop them. [PARAGRAPH 6] (FRONT PAGE) **VSO** has been discriminized and made fun of. With them being a "VIP clan" and being truthfully inactive they never saw good from others. They are rarely talked about good. But now, with all their recruitment, they have reached the front page. Not expected by anyone. In 2011 they were pretty much the same clan. Not very active for their size. The thing is people still to this day that **VSO** is affiliated with **VS**, but it's not. It never was. All in all, you have to congratulate **VSO**. They sure have done well with recruitment. [COMMEMORATIVE SHIRT:] http://www.roblox.com/I-3-C-G-item?id=92194446 [QUESTION OF THE WEEK:] With most clan wars only lasting about 3 days, than a FB later on. Do you think the UAF and VS war will the same? Why or why not? Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Post concerns below Have a great day! -cowboysrock99
#96135105Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:42 PM GMT

#96135221Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:44 PM GMT

You talk about war too much. Youneed to go into small clan development and member development. It seems boring when it's all war talk being one sided.
#96135230Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:44 PM GMT

Yes. Cause you just said most clans do that..
#96135382Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:46 PM GMT

@Wakbob, small clan development is nothing now-a-days. Most run fr ads, copy tech, or other things. They just do what they see on super clans. Other then clans like Optyx, and MT most aren't really that good.
#96135565Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:48 PM GMT

But there are thousands of small clans just waiting to be heard. Give them a chance.
#96135969Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:54 PM GMT

Give the small ones a chance, the ones who declare war on superclan, not knowing superclans cant fight them since it would make them look mean, and never raid for weeks before declaring that they got 123 win decals (Not actual number but close to the average they claim).
#96136250Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:58 PM GMT

#96136466Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:00 PM GMT

You forget about new forts, Leadership changes and other things along those lines, Also remember not all clans are war groups mention them a bit more so your not just talking about Virtual wars with kids screaming "for the motherland.." ect while they click a mouse to kill some one and get a big hype when the accomplish a pointless win in pointless wars online, when rl should be their major concern.
#96136508Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:01 PM GMT

Alright, nice newsletter.
#96136607Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:02 PM GMT

This is to bias
#96137210Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:10 PM GMT

#96137627Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:16 PM GMT

I guess.
#96182719Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:48 PM GMT

#116001891Sunday, October 20, 2013 11:58 AM GMT

Listen dude do not underestimate VSOs power.We can get active with in minutes.And this "VIP Group" thing is false.The general did not tell DANGERTIM112 to include free VIP if join VSO.That was all on dangers part.We did some major recruiting and now were a top super clan.And to settle these rumors that we "Lost to ARC" . We never finished the warThere were 4 raids then ARC went inactive.So we took it as a forfeit.And then once the leader comes back and sees we have Unenemies them he Put in the group desc that we lost.
#116001962Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:00 PM GMT

^ my sides have reached orbit, VSO is terrible, they cannot get 4 people to a training and their members can be beaten by a whisk.
#116001970Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:01 PM GMT

lol this kid @grave
#116001998Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:01 PM GMT

VSO a VIP clan with no power at all...
#116002042Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:02 PM GMT

#116002071Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:03 PM GMT

Woop, after defeating RNW, EL had fallen. \\~Excelist~\\
#116002113Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:04 PM GMT

Very old and he didn't carry on the series...
#116002488Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:14 PM GMT

VSO has barely any power in the clan world.
#116077969Monday, October 21, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

How in the world did this get bumped? @Crpl, you were not with the newsletter from the start in June 2012. It was an extremely long series.
#116105594Monday, October 21, 2013 6:21 AM GMT

Bring it back! So we can educate the others!
#116279367Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

There is much war... over much silly things... People should fight only when necessary to prevent illogical wars! Over all... good reporting :)

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