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#97103298Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:08 PM GMT

(Sorry, I'll create them tomorrow) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97110983Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

My companion will, a old friend called John who is a ghost. ~The Devil Forgot His Pants~
#97112472Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:04 PM GMT

It needs to be an animal. "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97117656Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:46 PM GMT

(will that apply to me? Since mine is a fairy)
#97117919Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:50 PM GMT

(Yes) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97119224Wednesday, May 08, 2013 7:07 PM GMT

(Okay then let me change my wizard companion then ._.) Wizard Companion: Rhys has serpent as his wizard companion. The symbol his family bore for generations, leaving him the opportunity, for a serpent. It withers around and is quite strong indeed. It hisses to Rhys in a language they only can communicate with. Playing tricks in all who dare to harm his master Rhys. He is loyal to Rhys and will always stand by his side no matter what.
#97119356Wednesday, May 08, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

[Larry, tell me if one's free, please.]
#97125928Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:26 PM GMT

Name: Avram Middle name: Zion Surname: Isaias Age: 20 Clothing: A standard hooded black robe that apprentice practitioners of dark magic generally wear, with light brown cloth--the kind you'd see a peasant wearing-- under the robe for comfort and modesty. Appearance: A slender, pale figure with the kind of cold posture and expression that reminds people that they're going to die some day. Though irrelevant, Avram's dark brown hair is quite short, a boring hairstyle meant to cover the top of his head and stay out of the way. There is nothing special about Avram's green eyes except that they're usually emotionless. Personality: Quiet and observant. Lack of empathy. Attentive. Respectful. Biography: Avram came from a long line of nobodies. Fools. Drunks. Thieves. Scum, simply put. He had to be one of the very few in his entire family tree capable of magic, and the only one that didn't either use it to steal or not care about it all. His interest in death, in fact, started at the young age of 7 when his father made a bet with some other men that he could make a bird fall and die with his mind (Avram figured his father was always either drunk or insane.) After losing for obvious reasons, he bet double or nothing that Avram could. Avram, who was still young enough to hope for magic capability in the first place, found to his delight that a wave of his hand and a determination for a bird's death had caused the bird to fall from the sky. Avram found this interesting. He could feel the bird's life draining, and it had caused a sudden cold feeling, almost dream-like for a second. So he practiced. It was slow without the proper guidance of someone to teach him, so it took him until 12 to have expanded his power into making things easier, allowing him to kill trees with enough effort. Large animals came easily at 16. 17 years old was the point where he considered himself old enough and mature enough to live on his own and spare himself from becoming scum, so he told his family he was leaving. They didn't care. Nobody in his family cared much about each other. They were more like partners in crime and drinking. Friends, sure, but it wasn't too big a deal if just one person left. Avram wished to expand his magic farther, both practicing and raising money from various different jobs (which, as he is not proud of, mainly involved stealing) until he could finally afford apprenticeship. Interests: Necromancy, death Fears: He doesn't want people to know about his previous life of thievery, nor does he want anyone to know about his family and his history with them. He is a student of dark magic now, and that could be threatened very easily. Likes: Silence. Practice. Observing people. Necromancy takes a second interest to dark magic, though he doesn't practice it. Family:(Optional): Explained in bio. The only person he has any real connection with anymore is his brother, a thief, from his brief period of working with him a few months before he could afford his apprenticeship. Pet(s):(Optional) Though he can't understand why, a black dog started following him during one heist when he was 19 and never stopped. As you can imagine, this made the job far more complicated than it should have been, and his relationship with the dog started with Avram trying everything he could to get rid of it. His record time is 8 days before the damn thing finally found the bone he had hidden in a tree. The dog started to grow on him after that, eventually earning himself the name Solemn. Avram usually shortens it down to Sol. Wizard companion: The dog doubles as this, as he seems to have a strong loyalty for Avram. Dormitory appearance: Nothing spectacular. Avram doesn't need a lot to live: a desk near a window, a few candles for light, and a small bed for one person. Other: None
#97126437Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

(Are the ISRPs connected?)
#97126656Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:33 PM GMT

(So it has to be a animal... fak. I'll change it. Wizard Companion: A white dove k.)
#97201193Thursday, May 09, 2013 4:52 PM GMT

(Oh, okay it will be, a vicious black crow called Nex ~The Devil Forgot His Pants~
#97230482Thursday, May 09, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

(come on OP the suspense is killing me) (pun totally intended now that I just made it)
#97233086Thursday, May 09, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

Name: Eris Middle name: Maia Surname: Thalianera Age: 20 Clothing: Eris wears a black long-sleeved robe with inscriptions on the trim. Her shoes are long, black boots, and she wears black tights underneath her robe. Appearance: Eris has long black hair that reaches to her waist, brown eyes that look black in dim light, and slightly pale skin. She stands at 6" 1, and weighs 103 pounds. Personality: Eris is usually solitary, and despises---well, the world. She is very strong and cruel. Eris is also rude, and will do anything to humiliate someone. Biography: TBA Interests: Eris has a slight interest in reading books, and most of the time she is caught with her nose in a book about black magic. Fears: She has none. Likes: Eris likes almonds, books, and the dark. Family:(Optional: All her family is dead. Pet(s):(Optional) None. Wizard companion: A black raven named Aeron. Dormitory appearance: Entirely black walls with a charcoal-colored desk in the corner, an ebony bookshelf (filled with books; mainly fantasy, fiction, or ones about dark magic), and a cabinet on the right wall. There is also a window on the northern wall. Other: Nope.
#97239482Friday, May 10, 2013 12:36 AM GMT

(Yeah, can we start soon? :/)
#97268254Friday, May 10, 2013 12:37 PM GMT

(So... many, please message me when you want it and I will create it. "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97268517Friday, May 10, 2013 12:49 PM GMT

Name: Azure Middle name: Druid Surname: Gord Age: 21 Clothing: Due to his interest in Druid magic, he is a little 'wolfish' with his red silk robe, lined in silver going to his toes. Where he only has red sandals lined with silver. Appearance: 6 feet tall, about 130 pounds and bright blue eyes, almost, purple? His skin is a light tan, under sunlight it turns into normal tan, his blonde sideburns sticking out, same with his scraggy hair pointing in all directions. Personality: Not the usual 'Disciplined and Wise' Druid, Azure is a childish boy, with mainly his strengths being honesty and laughter, caring to his family and friends most. Biography: RDWDI Interests: Medicine and Druid magic Fears: Killing, his mind will rush to the thought of it, killing or being killed. He will fall and sober, unless he knows the kill is for the right thing (usually isnt) Likes: Licking people in wolf form Family: Azure had 5 siblings, 4 being killed, Azure was left with his little brother 'Crimson' (lol) who is usually with Azure (Crimson is a Druid) Pets: Crimson and a little doggy named 'Frost' from his old home, he was found on the streets, beaten up. And now Frost is a healthy soul lined with love. Wizard companion: Would Crimson count? Dorm: A circular black carpet, one part under his red and silver bed, under the bed is a mattress and a pet bed, his desk is crammed into the corner where papers are pilled.
#97268718Friday, May 10, 2013 12:58 PM GMT

(Crimson can be your wizzard companion if he turned into a complete animal) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97344340Saturday, May 11, 2013 7:18 AM GMT

( ) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97363601Saturday, May 11, 2013 2:31 PM GMT

( But I already have Thunder, I'll make Crimson an animal also)
#97381587Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:30 PM GMT

(This role-play has been prolonged for way too long. Sorry to say I will no longer be participating. Good day.)
#97384083Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:53 PM GMT

(He's making everyone individual ISRPs.) ~rainbow dash~
#97404260Saturday, May 11, 2013 9:01 PM GMT

(Yes, thank you) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97460065Sunday, May 12, 2013 6:32 AM GMT

(The ISRP is now full) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97491148Sunday, May 12, 2013 3:50 PM GMT

(I want mine) ~rainbow dash~

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