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#96607450Friday, May 03, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

{Information on what it is} You are the apprentice to a great wizard, he will teach you different spells, you also may explore the secrets of the house. Eventually, if you get far enough and behave, you may learn the spell to create a creature! Maybe even create a spell or enchantment! There is a lot of choices and customization in this. {Sheet} Name: Middle name: Surname: Age: Clothing: Appearance: Personality: Biography: Interests: Fears: Likes: Family:(Optional: Pet(s):(Optional) Wizard companion: Dormitory appearance: Other:
#96607511Friday, May 03, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

(I forgot to mention that this is an ISRP, sorry) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96608263Friday, May 03, 2013 8:10 PM GMT

Name: Vincent Middle Name: John Last Name: Tanu Age: 16 Clothing: Red robes with blue shoes and black hood. He wears a blue shirt, red pants underneath these robes. Appearance: Brown hair and eyes, with pale skin. He's fairly tall and of average weight. Personality:TBR Biography: TBR Interests: Evil magic, fire magic and Conjuration Fears: Magic going out of control, spiders Likes: Dogs, mice and fire magic Companion: A crow named Blackwing Dorm appearance: Red shirt, blue pants and black shoes
#96608380Friday, May 03, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

( A dormitory is a room where you stay ) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96608424Friday, May 03, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

Oh, can he be a Elf
#96608499Friday, May 03, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

( Sure, but what does his dorm look like?) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96608690Friday, May 03, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

Ah I thought you meant what he wears in his dorm. Basically, a dark red with a small bed on one side, a desk on the other. A closet is on the far wall.
#96608757Friday, May 03, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

(Accepted, working on it ) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96609560Friday, May 03, 2013 8:24 PM GMT

( http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=96609505 ) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96610701Friday, May 03, 2013 8:35 PM GMT

(( Save me a spot. Maybe. ))
#96610962Friday, May 03, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

(Okay) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96817312Sunday, May 05, 2013 3:20 PM GMT

(Bump) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96820936Sunday, May 05, 2013 3:59 PM GMT

(If I get one, can we put a dark twist on it?)
#96821392Sunday, May 05, 2013 4:03 PM GMT

(As in you learning dark magic or necromancy?) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#96836216Sunday, May 05, 2013 6:28 PM GMT

(Bump?) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97020046Tuesday, May 07, 2013 3:37 PM GMT

(Bumpity bump) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97021644Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:07 PM GMT

(Save a spot for me, I am making a cs.) ~The Devil Forgot His Pants~
#97022309Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:21 PM GMT

{Sheet} Name: Johnathan Middle name: Billy Surname: Green Age: 22 Clothing: He wears a long red robe, with some black here and there. He also has Black Pants under that and Black shoes. He wears finger-less grey gloves and a Red Wizard hat on top. Appearance: His skin is white and somewhat tan. His eyes are aqua blue and his teeth are white. He has a button nose and a small goatee growing. He has black slick back hair the goes up to about half his neck. He stands at about 6 feet and weighs 170 pounds. He isn't very strong. Personality: He is a in control, keeps stuff to himself kinda guy. Biography: He never talks about it, but he has a dark past that nobody knows about. Interests: He isn't interested in many thing. Fears: Though he does not show it, he deeply fears see blood. Likes: He like to keep people safe. Family: All dead. Pet(s): He has a pet crow who is always helping him. Wizard companion: None Dormitory appearance: He has a Black room with a white mattress on the floor. Other: None ~The Devil Forgot His Pants~
#97022964Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

You have to have a wizard companion "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me
#97033388Tuesday, May 07, 2013 7:37 PM GMT

Name: Rhys Middle name: William Surname: James Age: 15 Clothing: Rhys wears a long black hooded robe that falls gently to his feet. A strange symbol is encrypted on the back of his hood. A blue staff with a white serpent coiling around it. He wears jeans and a black tee shirt under his robe. Appearance: Rhys stands at 5'9 and weighs 115 lbs. His features are pale, his skin a deathly white and his hair true blonde that it's almost white slicked all the way back. Piercing icy blue eyes seem to come out from his face penetrating through you. Personality: Rhys is can be described as untrustworthy, cunning and mischievous. He has a dark side to him. When he is around fellow teachers, parents adult he is noted as kind, sweet and gentle. Biography: Rhys comes from a long history of necromancers. Him being the 5th generation of necromancers allows him to boast more about himself. Rhys was born from a rich and wealthy necromancer family. Descending all the way from the 7th Century. Starting with his great-great-great-great and so on Grandfather. In all of Rhys family history his family was exposed to as generous and kind to the Queen and King of England. Showing gratitude and loyalty to their country. Did England know, the dark secrets that ventured in the James family would they never had value them as much. But indeed Rhys also came from a family which mostly ignored him partially. Being the middle child of 10 children didn't exactly add up in favor for Rhys. He was ignored at times and wanted attention. Instead he allowed himself to be completely forgotten. And when the day came when Rhys was finally the top notch of his family, he knew he was suppose to be the star of the James family. Interests: Necromancy Fears: He hates to admit, but the dark fears him most. Likes: Rhys likes to watch people suffer and humliate them. Family:(Optional): He has 10 siblings him being the middle child. And 2 parents Pet(s):(Optional): His dog Prince, a doberman with ears cropped. Wizard companion: His fairy Piere who enjoys humiliating other people. Dormitory appearance: Rhys dorm is pretty spacious. His bed sits in front of the medium size window. Strange markings fill his wall, evil spell books are hidden away in secret compartments. His closet sits at the far end, and a secret light is hidden beneath his bed. Other: None
#97057421Tuesday, May 07, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

(Why not dark magic AND necromancy? And dark secrets? And field trips?)
#97058205Tuesday, May 07, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(And will the ISRPs be connected?) (I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO FEW SWORDS)
#97061490Wednesday, May 08, 2013 12:00 AM GMT

Name: Carter Middle name: (this will take some thinking. let's just say bob for now.) Surname: Centuria Age: 16 Clothing: Carter wears a open white robe with green trim around the wrists, waist, and feet. The robe also features ornate designs. Under the robe is a pair of black boots, brown cloth plants with dark green triangles running up the side of the legs. He also wears a white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. Appearance: Carter, whom is a little tall for his age, stands at 6'2" and weighs 148 lbs, has a slender, yet slightly muscular body type. His hair is a light brown shade and messy, giving the appearance that he has just gotten out of bed. His eyes are a sparkling emerald green. His facial features are a little pointed and delicate, giving off an elfish impression. Personality: Carter is very bubbly and outgoing, trying to make light of situations by cracking a joke or two. He's very social and charming. Biography: Carter comes from a long line of Theurgists (Life Wizards). He's proud of his family, as they have come a long way and played a large, important role in history. He grew up in Ireland, surrounded by lush greenery and lively fun, which is why he is interested in gardening, Theurgury (life magic) and continuing the long line of Theurgists. Interests: Theurgury and Gardening. Fears: Considering the fact that Carter is a Theurgist, his worst fear is that he will be fatally wounded in a battle and won't be able to sufficiently heal himself, and ultimately, die. Likes: Carter likes tending his garden and meeting new people. Family: Carter had twelve total siblings; luckily he was the oldest and was able to move out sooner than the rest. Carter loves each and every one of his siblings with all of his heart, but his family life is very stressful at times. Pet(s): Since Carter comes from a poorer family, Carter is unable to afford a pet. Wizard companion: N/A Dormitory appearance: Carter's dorm is a little cluttered, but has giant windows to let in all the natural light. It hosts his bed in the farthest corner to the right of the room, a small desk where he does his studies, a chair in the farthest corner to the right of the room to sit in and read, and in the center, his garden. Other: N/A
#97098166Wednesday, May 08, 2013 10:11 AM GMT

(Sorry, I just read that we have to have a wizard companion. Wizard Companion: Carter's wizard companion appears to look like a sake, but it is actually a long, leafy vine. After some experiments and about a hundred failed spells, Carter gave the vine a mind of it's own. It can move and speak on it's own, and, when Carter is in danger, the vine can defend him. The fine can grow in length and width, but it's normal form is about as long as a ruler and as wide as a quarter.
#97103268Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:07 PM GMT

(Creating, and yes to dark magic, so on) "Death follows those hopeful closely, he attacks those with no hope, and runs from those with power" -Me

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