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#98359744Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:06 PM GMT

Hello my people of RUF. A while ago our ally, Valor Legion, accused one of our high ranks of doing something. I put my trusted friend toontown2 in charge of RUF diplomacy, he joined VL as a representative. When he went to their fort to talk to a raider in team chat once, he was kicked for raiding, when he returned he asked them why and they kicked him again. Even when he was on allied team they continued to kick him. They then lied saying he team killed and flamed. Afterward I find out that he was demoted and VL has no proof of what they claimed. Then toontown2 shows me a screenshot of a PM from one of the VL leaders. The PM's link will be found below. VL called this a fake and continued an "investigation" without consulting anyone RUF related about it. Meaning it was a biased investigation with the sole purpose to make toontown2 look like he did something worth being demoted for. Toontown2 was also supposed to be re-promoted a few days later, it's been awhile now and he still wasn't re-promoted. He has asked me to remove VL from our allies list, and I am about ready to do it due to their high ranks consistently disrespecting me ever since I retired from being their 3IC and became an ambassador. I was under the impression an allied leader was above 3IC rank, apparently VL HRs don't think so. They think they are above me and all my high ranks and can push us around. The use us to help them in raids and defenses, yet never think to aid us when we need it. We don't ask them for help, we simply aid them and ask for nothing in return but respect. We have not been given respect. Of course I do not believe in doing big decisions without consulting my people, the people I care for. So please vote "Yes" to remove them or "No" to not remove them. Also please state your reasoning. The link to screenshot: https://twitter.com/MoonGlint1/status/336951154938359808/photo/1
#98359960Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:08 PM GMT

You lost me at "A while ago.." Can you please explain in stupid for me?
#98360020Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

Yes They don't like us, might as well not have them as an ally.
#98360046Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

@fire, VL disrespects RUF. That sums it up.
#98360579Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

Wow, even though I am not in RUF, that is pretty messed up.. :L
#98360888Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:17 PM GMT

Yes remove them from our allies. We constantly help them and all they do is disrespect us.
#98360963Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:17 PM GMT

I know lady didn't write that; you can edit messages ~SL, Valor Legion Co-Head of Newsletter
#98361129Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:19 PM GMT

@Supreme, Doesn't mean she didn't write it. And explain to me, what evidence does VL have supporting them? None.
#98361237Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:20 PM GMT

This was a case of allied HR's word vs VL's 3IC's word. VL obviously is taking the word of ladymoo and calling toontown2 a liar automatically even though neither has proper evidence and both says something different and both had equal amounts of witnesses.
#98361511Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

Toon was accused of killing VL members from the raiders team. Lady then demoted him. Lady also provided us with a screenshot which showed she said nothing wrong. After showing it to Chancellor Connorking, he agreed that it was most likely fabricated. Also, i don't remember a single time that you assisted us in a raid, and you never asked for help to my knowledge. In VL, ambassadors are required to respect VL HR's wishes, and HR's are required to respect ambassadors. You have not respected our HR's wishes in the slightest. I won't be posting on this forum again for any reason, because i have no intention in arguing with you. You are already convinced that you are right, so arguing will serve no purpose. I also have no doubt that you will reply to this comment in an insulting way. VL 3iC > Ambassador We will not change our decision. VL Head of Discipline and Co-head of War
#98361573Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

End the alliance. LadyMoo is head of internal affairs not Foreign affairs. If VL is going to stand by and watch while LadyMoo does this, even though short has proved that she lies once before, then VL isn't a proper ally.
#98361646Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

Correction *that toon's was most likely fabricated* VL Head of Discipline and Co-head of War
#98362099Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

Toon was accused of killing VL members from the raiders team. Lady then demoted him. Lady also provided us with a screenshot which showed she said nothing wrong. After showing it to Chancellor Connorking, he agreed that it was most likely fabricated. >There was no proof against toon, and you just admitted to taking ladymoo's word against my own high rank's. Also, i don't remember a single time that you assisted us in a raid, and you never asked for help to my knowledge. >Wow, apparently you weren't there for CN war. We were practically the reason VL won CN war, we helped VL on the forums, we helped them against HAU, we defended their fort many times, and always came to VL's aid when asked which seemed to be often. In VL, ambassadors are required to respect VL HR's wishes, and HR's are required to respect ambassadors. You have not respected our HR's wishes in the slightest. >My ambassadors were a lot more respectful than VL leaders. Toontown states a simple statement claiming that if disrespect continues the alliance is over, VL deletes it. I make a comment stating I will handle the situation later, VL calls it an argument and says not to post about the topic once more. VL has been nothing but disrespectful to us, this is just one small instance that disrespect toward RUF from VL has occurred. I won't be posting on this forum again for any reason, because i have no intention in arguing with you. You are already convinced that you are right, so arguing will serve no purpose. I also have no doubt that you will reply to this comment in an insulting way. >Then don't post at all, this is an RUF matter and obviously I am giving the choice to my people
#98362170Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

this is messed up ✯ ͡good luck in life fluxoid ●_●
#98362197Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:28 PM GMT

Wrong profile, editing a place for him. That post from toontown was from me.
#98362349Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

#98367055Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

Who send the pic of the PM. Because PMs can be edited to say false stuff sometimes...
#98368717Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

@suger, ladymoo sent it to toontown. Either way this is toontown's word vs ladymoo's so VL has no right to be biased and take ladymoo's side up against an RUF head of diplomacy.
#98369502Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:31 PM GMT

This matter was settled a long time ago short. If you want to bring it back up, that's fine, but know what consequences will follow, whether good or bad. If you're saying we're being biased and taking Lady's word, what is RUF doing? Exactly the same thing, except with Toon. Did you notice that Toon's PM picture lacks the entire ROBLOX directory bar? If you want to prove to me that the PM is real, create a join.me and give me the code so I can see it for myself if it is real. If you want to remove VL, that is fine with me. However, we'll both be losing an ally from this, and each of our groups can supply aid when needed short. So don't come crying to us in the future if you remove us but need help. "One does not simply beat the floodcheck."
#98370282Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:38 PM GMT

@connor, This matter was settled a long time ago short. If you want to bring it back up, that's fine, but know what consequences will follow, whether good or bad. >The problem was never settled, RUF had no say in it. If you're saying we're being biased and taking Lady's word, what is RUF doing? Exactly the same thing, except with Toon. Did you notice that Toon's PM picture lacks the entire ROBLOX directory bar? If you want to prove to me that the PM is real, create a join.me and give me the code so I can see it for myself if it is real. >RUF is taking toon's side in a different way. Instead of faulting ladymoo and punishing her we are claiming VL has no evidence since they don't. So stop insulting my high rank, on what grounds do you have to do this? Even if toon's message is faked which i doubt it is, if it's proven then that's what he should be punished for not some unproven event that happened awhile ago. This is insulting to toontown and to the alliance. If you want to remove VL, that is fine with me. However, we'll both be losing an ally from this, and each of our groups can supply aid when needed short. So don't come crying to us in the future if you remove us but need help. >I don't want to remove VL, but what am I supposed to do when my head of diplomacy tells me to and when you allow your high ranks to treat me and my high ranks with disrespect. And I am not faulting VL for not helping us, I am just pointing out how we help VL all the time and never ask for VL's aid yet VL treats us like they're better.
#98370501Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

I'm going to have to side with Short on this. It involves RUF so they should get a say in the matter.
#98370778Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

Okay then short, let's re-look into this matter. I will try to get any evidence Lady has, but I would also like you to get toon or someone who has access to his rACCoon to make a join.me so I can see the PM. If it is real, Lady will be punished and toon will be allowed back in and apologized to for our mistake. "One does not simply beat the floodcheck."
#98371053Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:45 PM GMT

1. If it is not real punish him for it, but you still have no right to say he did what ladymoo claims he did. There is no proof in that. 2. I already sent him a PM to record a vid as proof, when I was on his account I simply uploaded a template and didn't think to look at his PMs. 3. toontown will not be returning as a VL ambassador by his request. He dislikes how he was being treated.
#98371582Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:49 PM GMT

That is fair enough that he doesn't want to return, it's his choice. Although I will say his comment on the RUF wall a while back was quite unnecessary. As for Lady's proof, I'm gathering it now. "One does not simply beat the floodcheck."
#98371685Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

@connor, He was told to give me a report of what he thinks of allied clans he's representing RUF for. He didn't realize that I meant privately...

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