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#98369151Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

Hello soldiers, this handbook will grant you a happy, knowledgeable life in BlackBird. I highly recommend you read and understand this handbook. It could take you 3 times of reading this handbook to understand and memorize it, that's good and shows a little loyalty. Now, lets start.. __CONTENTS__ C1; Introduction C2; Rules C3; Uniform Policies C4; Operations C5; Training C6; Rank Permissions C7; Promotions/Demotions C8; Divisions C9; Conclusion ______________ C1: Introduction BlackBird can be called a Private Military Company, but it isn't like the others. We have a strict training program that everyone has to go through. It is called Basic Operation Training, or BOT for short. New enlists HAVE to go through this session in order to reach Rookie. Our commanders are trained to be strict and discipline. We don't let things go by easily. We are based off a modern military. We fight for honor and glory. Enlisting in this military will improve every combat ability in your soul. We don't treat you like babies, we expect you to act like you would in the real military. The next content will further explain the rest of BlackBird. ______________ C2: Rules BlackBird has a variety of rules and they are all enforced and looked at. Not following these rules will get you the rank of Probation where you will spend a certain amount of time in- depends on your action. Please follow these rules. 1. NEVER ask for promotions 2. Always call your commanders ",sir", or ", ma'am." 3. Follow every operational position given 4. Never leave your position 5. Never complain about allies, they're there for a reason. 6. Respect your fellow soldiers and they will respect you. 7. Never complain 8. Never say "I can't" 9. Never give up 10. No bribes 11. No online dating 12. No packages [3.0 bodies, etc.] 13. Follow the uniform policies. 14. Follow these rules Follow these and you will have a successful career in BlackBird. ______________ C3: Uniform Policies [ABCDE] BlackBird has a strict uniform policy. They represent us and show our skill. Follow them. a. ALWAYS wear your uniform to bases b. ALWAYS wear your uniform to events. [Training, raids, parties, etc.] c. ALWAYS wear the correct attire. d. NEVER copy the uniform and make yourself a custom. e. I advise you to help new enlists with the uniform. Follow these and you will have a successful career in BlackBird. ______________ C4: Operations Operations can also be called wars or heavy raids. Usually, before a operation, we call a rally at a BlackBird camp. We will discuss the operation and tell the explanation on why we're doing it. The main reason will be hostility [they're raiding us a lot]. A thread will be made of every operation explaining everything for the soldiers who couldn't make it. There will be commanders in every server to tell the operation, so don't cry if the main server is full. After the rally, we enter a teleporter or device and go to the base. We DON'T immediately attack. We wait for everyone to get there. Once they're there, we will discuss the plan and most likely divide into squads. One squad might attack while another finds secret entrances, etc. We DO NOT give up. We fight till the end and fight for BlackBird. If they raid back, we declare hostile war and our eyes are open. ______________ C5: Training BlackBird training sessions are strict and hard. Only 1-3 soldiers at the session will get promoted, sometimes none. It's not about promotions, it's loyalty. There are two types of training - BOT and Operational Training, or OT for short. Here's a description of both. Basic Operation Training [BOT]; Shout tag: [T;BOT]: Description; Usually 20 min-1 hour long, depends on the instructor. First half is classroom wise, other half is fielding Only 3/4 of the cadets pass, other 1/4 stay as BOT and is expected to pass BOT the next time. Extremely challenging courses to increase your ability. Classroom sessions teach the basics, standards, and guidelines. Usually a test. Operational Training [OT]; Shout tag: [T:OT]: Description; Usually 45 min-2 hours long 3/4 Of the session is combat, tactics, courses, etc. , 1/4 is classroom wise which is review, test, etc. Only 1-3 get promoted. EXTREMELY STRICT AND DISCIPLINARY Expected to know everything. ______________ C6: Rank Permissions Different ranks have different permissions and descriptions. They all have a job too. Basic Operation Training [BOT]: New cadet, must pass BOT. Probation: Suspended, can't see wall/shout, not allowed at events Rookie: New enlist, passed BOT, expected to be extremely active and at bases/events most of their time Operative: First promotion, knows much, role models to rookies/BOT, main soldiers in battle Junior Operative: Role model of enlists, helps new enlists, supports in operations Intermediate Operative: New to the experienced, knowledgeable, skilled, Senior Operative: Been loyal to BlackBird for a long time, strict, disciplined, respected, assists in squads Veteran Operative: Known in BlackBird, respected, skilled, experienced, may assist in operations/BOTs, leaders of squads Junior Commander: Elected by directors/chief/headquarters, new to commanders, has to take the Commanders' Operational Guidance [COG] Senior Commander: Passed COG, May host raids,defends, training, and BOTs, helps run operations Veteran Commander: Extremely loyal, host any events, host COG, commands in operations, extremely respected Allied Rep: Allied leaders/selected Directors: Helps run BlackBird, 100% loyal and chosen to help lead, commands all and does everything Chief: Second in Command, Helps HQ run BlackBird, does everything Headquarters: Commander of all. ______________ C7: Promotions/Demotions Here are the promotions/demotions guidelines. NEVER ASK FOR A PROMOTION, IT GETS YOU A DEMOTION INSTEAD. You will only get promoted in training if you one of the excelling 1-3 of training. The instructors will choose who had the best effort, skill, and ability. Getting promoted in operations is huge. It shows that you were extremely disciplined, skilled, and loyal during the operation. Promotions are announced at the grand ceremony. Getting promoted in defends shows that you are defending 24/7 and helping the new cadets/recruits. Getting demoted just means that you broke a rule or you are not ready for your rank. ______________ C8: Divisions This section will be short. I must approve the division BEFORE you make it. I must also have my own rank called Headquarters so show approval. Any divisions without me in it OR a thread of my approval will be forbidden and the owner will be exiled. ______________ C9: Conclusion I hope you memorize this and FOLLOW it, or you will have punishment. I hope to see you on the battlefield! :_// BlackBird Headquarters || Enlist today!

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