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#98422854Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:19 PM GMT

We should be able to go to the "Account" settings, and have a place where you can make an account only accessible from a specific IP address. It would automatically be turned "Off" but you could enable it, and then you would have to set the IP to whatever yours is. (You could either type it, or go the easy route and click a button which automatically inserts your IP.) I feel that this could halt quite a few pass-guessers or Keylogger sites. There would be a "Bypass" system that "Skips" the IP. Heres how it would work; A player will type up a security question, or any number of them up to 5. The answers would >Not< be case-sensitive. If any one of the questions is wrong, then it would boot them out of the log-in process. Basically what happens if you type in your pw incorrectly. The questions would be similar to the "Forgot your pw?" system, in that they would show up to be answered after an incorrect log-in. The use for this, is for those users who have Dynamic IP's and/or are prone to IP changes. (^Thought up by Cobalt10, Mikkeldude, Negativeone, and myself.) The IP and Security questions would also be able to be set via E-M. as well as from the regular site. Helps to access from a distance, such as at a friend's house. (^Thought up by Huggybunnie) ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#98423046Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:25 PM GMT

Hmmm. Would it not then just be better to have an option to have to answer a security question before logging in? The IP portion becomes pointless if you can just by-pass it and go to the question, so just having a question provides the same functionality. This wouldn't stop keylogging, as keyloggers record what you type, and your answers would still be recorded. It really is just best to verify your account and have a strong password.
#98423510Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:37 PM GMT

This was mostly an attempt to get an old thought back up, without having to necrobump it; but I do see where you're coming from. It was originally made almost a year ago, so there was actually more room for revision than what I bothered to put in. And, after properly thinking about it, it would be more efficient to simply have security questions on a failed login, rather than throw an IP-checking system in as well. All in all, this isn't really my primary idea or general area I throw my thoughts at a lot, so, I can't say I expected much of anything out of a random little thought like this. ... I apologize for wasting your time with it. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#98424235Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:58 PM GMT

No idea is a waste of time :)

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