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#9844071Friday, June 19, 2009 12:52 AM GMT

If you need the story, watch youtube, play the game, or find a wiki on TES4: Oblivion. For I do not have enough time to type the story of the game. You can start wherever you want, even a prison ship. NEW: You know how you can't be a custom race or a kid in Oblivion? Now you can! Any custom race that is not uber. Character Sheet: Name: Job: ( Legion guard, Duelist, Alchemist, blacksmith... whatever you want ) Race: ( Imperial ( human ), Khajjit ( Half man and half cat ), Argonian ( Half lizard, half human ), Orc, Breton ( Elf-like, with a good ability of spells ), Wood elf ( Small, fast elves ), High elf ( Bigger elves, tough with magic ), or make one, etc. ) Age: ( 2 to 90 ) ( If vampire: 15 - 5000 ) Weapons: Spells: ( Oblivion spells, PLEASE ) Appearence: Faction Rank: ( Optional ) ( Only if in faction ) Custom Race Sheet: Race name: Race skills: ( up to 3 ) What they mainly look like: Weaknesses: ( Please have 2 ) Race history/bio: ( Tell about the race ) ( If you make a race, you HAVE to type in here ) Custom Faction Sheet: Faction name: Faction Alliances: ( Atleast 1 ) Faction Skills: ( 3 ) Faction Weaknesses: ( 2 ) Faction Enemies: ( Doesn't have to have any ) Faction Uniform: Faction Leader: ( Doesn't have to be you ) Faction History/Bio: ( Put this ) Guild Ranks: ( Optional ) credit to phoneguy for making the original
#9852763Friday, June 19, 2009 4:54 AM GMT

Oblivion=Epic Name: Alex Job: Rouge Race: custom(See Custom race sheet) Age: 16 Weapons: A Steel Dagger Spells: None Appearence: Ragged Clothing, White Hair Faction Rank: Corix Custom Race Sheet: Race name: Felites Race skills: Can see in the Dark, Very acrobatic, Good with short swords and daggers. What they mainly look like: They Mostly have cat eyes, Cat Ears, and a Cat tail and the rest Is humen Weaknesses: Can't Swim, Very low resestance to Cold Race history/bio: related to the Khajjit, these are more humen like but with some Cat in them.This Race was created when a spell went wronge Custom Faction Sheet: Faction name: Noktech Faction Alliances: Thiefs Guild Faction Skills: Stealthy, Has good resorses, Best when Night Faction Weaknesses: Members that betray the Noktech Faction Enemies: The other Guilds Faction Uniform: During the day they wear normal outfites but at knight they wear Black leather outfites good for sneaking Faction Leader: Star Faction History/Bio: Imagian takeing the Dark Brotherhood and the Thiefs Guild and puting them together..This Faction Is only made up of Felites. Guild Ranks: (1=lowest,10=leader) 1.Corix(Past the First Test) 2.Tikor(Past the Second test) 3.Ligoth(Past the third Test) 4.Peryon(Past the last test) 5.Carki(Given Lighter armor) 6.Kemryl(Can Lead a small group) 7.Asgoryon(Quest givers) 8.Logory(Will but stolen Items) 9.Xyzle(Guards the Leader) 10.Noktech(leader)
Top 50 Poster
#9854467Friday, June 19, 2009 6:29 AM GMT

Name:zyltoh Job: royal guard Race: arigonian Age: 18 Weapons: A dwarven longsword Spells: None Appearence: ragged clothing Faction Rank: Blades
#9854785Friday, June 19, 2009 6:49 AM GMT

(when we starting?)
Top 50 Poster
#9855459Friday, June 19, 2009 7:36 AM GMT

(now im starting in a ruin) zyloth:great now im stuck in some ruins without anyone else cause they died thanks to traps!!!*sees really old elvish armor and weapons*oh mine now*takes armor and weapons and puts them in pack*hole appears and suddenly im outside*wow that was quick
#9856541Friday, June 19, 2009 9:45 AM GMT

name:sleth race:argonian job:dark brotherhood assassin age:23 spells:fire collum damage faction rank:assassin p.s.i use and ebony bow as a weapon
#9856774Friday, June 19, 2009 10:18 AM GMT

this thread = RIPOFF
#11079499Monday, July 13, 2009 11:16 PM GMT

( You do realize I made the thread and you just copied and pasted my work! ) ( This is a ripoff, and if you don't believe me, compare the time mine was made and the time his was made! )
Top 50 Poster
#11180262Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:00 PM GMT

(yeah i made this one cause yours had like 60 sone pages and i read the rpg before joining one and ive shut this down)

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