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#99584796Saturday, June 01, 2013 5:44 AM GMT

To all Novellex HRs: You have been entrusted with great power. You are placed in a position in which you have the power to push Novellex forward in ways that few others can. You also have the power to cause more chaos and slow Novellex's progress more dramatically than others. As you have been trusted with this power by not only the leaders, but also the members of Novellex, much is expected of you. Many things that are tolerated among the general membership of the group will be ignored no longer. Many new responsibilities exist that you did not have before you accepted this position. It has come to my attention, however, that many of you are not aware of exactly what these expectations are. The purpose of this guide is to lay out these expectations in the most simple and organized way possible. Learn it, understand it, and follow it, and you will continue to rise through the ranks of Novellex , and any other groups you may join in the future. ~LordFranky

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