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#99864263Monday, June 03, 2013 2:38 AM GMT

I would be posting this with my main, but I got banned for a day because I made a joke. Anyhoo, this isn't the place to discuss bans, so here's the idea. INTRODUCTION: People, such as myself make money on trade currency. But being human, we can't help but make mistakes. These mistakes can be pretty nasty. I've made one, cost me 117,000 tickets. It was a mere case of human error, and this feature would of prevented it. PROPOSAL: I want a "safety-catch" on trade currency. If you're offering Robux at 1:8 or lower, or Tix at 12:1 or higher, then it would warn you when you click the trade button. It would bring up a screen saying "Are you sure? We think you may of made a mistake. To go ahead with the offer, type your p a ss wo rd in this box and press "Trade" We warned you about this offer because we don't want you to lose all your currency because of a typo, or a miscalculation." CRITIQUE+REPLIES You: 3rdblox, you filterbroke with "p a ss wo rd" Me: Yes, I did. I filterbroke because it was necessary. This specific word is filtered to prevent people asking for other people's p a ss w or ds. I am not asking for these, merely reffering to them because it is necessary for my thread to make sense. You: No support. Me: Why? Those two words bring nothing new to the table, please tell me why you don't like the idea. You: BUT THEN I WONT GET CASH OFF OF PEOPLES MISTAKES!!! Me: That's like saying "BUT IF YOU BAN SCAMMING, I WON'T BE ABLE TO STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S STUFF!!!" These sources were never meant to be exploited. You: TL:DR Me: If you can't be bothered to read this, please don't post. Thank you for reading, please support if you want it.
#99911043Monday, June 03, 2013 1:56 PM GMT

#99911277Monday, June 03, 2013 2:00 PM GMT

Support. I did think of this, but jut never got to posting it. I was always afraid of making 1 bad mistake.
#99912262Monday, June 03, 2013 2:16 PM GMT

The item trade system has the option to adjust the trade value ratio so you aren't always getting low-ball trades. Would this be similar? If you are sending in a trade that appears way low-ball, as if you made a mistake and missed a digit, it would require confirmation?
#99914759Monday, June 03, 2013 2:49 PM GMT

Yes, you would need to prove you own the account and confirm your deal. Say I offered 3,000 Robux for 3,000 Tix. This is a ratio of 1-1, and it would warn you that your offer is unfair on you. The first time you hit trade, it says "We think you made a mistake. Please read your deal again." Second, it would say "You are offering at a ratio of [insert ratio here] Are you sure?" 3rd, it would say "Do you really want to do this? If so, you must type in your p as s wor d into this box to verify that you are the owner of this account, then press trade." But what are "low-ball" trades?
#100012316Tuesday, June 04, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

A low-ball trade is a trade where the item you will be getting is worth much less than the item you will be giving.

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