#148953081Saturday, November 01, 2014 7:22 AM GMT

I'd have to disagree. The over-all meaning of the words structured together effects the person, not just simply the linguistical convention.
#148985060Saturday, November 01, 2014 8:29 PM GMT

Your over-all statement is certainly somewhat accurate, though I'd disagree with various segments. Artistic design conveys a pattern of linguistics itself, various cultures have different methods for conveying their method of communication visually. Both of those subjects utilize the core concept of linguistical convention to allow the people participating to understand a specific sequence of communication, "Mathematics" itself is essentially a system of theoretical and logical concepts. N...
#150522796Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:14 PM GMT

"I can read a more simpler definition on the internet." Either way, It's the purpose of the statement rather than just the initial linguistical aesthetics.
#150701766Saturday, November 29, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

"Lua isn't an actual language used for communication between people in real life. I believe the original poster was asking about real languages, not scripting languages." It was never entirely specified regarding the topic creator's actual limitations on which type of "Language" they accepted as an actual answer. Regardless of the degree in variation, "Lua" still follows a pattern of linguistical convention and thus can be considered as a form of a "Language" unless specified further by the ...
#151396026Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:52 PM GMT

"it's just really hard to understand" Learning "Lua" is essentially learning a "Language". Each language has specific formatting rules and standards applied to concepts to enable linguistical stability. Although syntactical interpretation can be challenging to understand, I personally think that structuring the conceptual ideas together to develop a working solution is the significant problem that those interested in general Scripting/Programming encounter and this often results in disco...
#151824021Tuesday, December 16, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Every individual has their own personal pattern of linguistical convention and opinion regarding subjects, It's simply just a matter of skepticism towards other variations. Having your username on an insignificant virtual list is inessential, enjoyment while utilizing the website and making your own determinations regarding the content itself is the crucial aspect.
#152981348Thursday, January 01, 2015 10:34 AM GMT

"Anony where do you get your english superiority from?" I don't have any linguistical superiority whatsoever, I'm merely structuring and conveying my sentences with basic words utilizing a specific sequence I personally prefer. Although it's irrelevant to my previous response, It's crucial to remember that each individual has a different style of communicative convention, It doesn't make them superior to another human in terms of "Style".
#153578642Friday, January 09, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

The difficulty in accurately utilizing the English language would be dependent on various factors involving the individual. Linguistical similarities of a similar language may allow the person to recognize sequential characteristics that can accelerate their degree of expertise with the language. Nevertheless, variation in cognitive perception and knowledge of any previous languages should be recognized as crucial to beneficial interpretation as it can be significantly difficult for an individ...
#153977882Thursday, January 15, 2015 4:37 PM GMT

Well, there isn't anything necessarily wrong with utilizing Free-Models, assuming you utilize them to compliment your designs. As for scripting, I'd suggest that you experiment with the various linguistical aspects and analyze the API reference from the Roblox Wiki for useful information, avoid rushing through the process or it may quickly overwhelm your capabilities.