#184811171Saturday, March 05, 2016 8:33 PM GMT

Yes, why do so many imbeciles happen to detest ethnic-cleansing? The presence of opposing, idiotic beliefs pollutes and degrades the very structure of unity abundant throughout society. Two differing culture systems(Example being the European/Arabian migration crisis) cannot simply "cohabit" territory if their mediums for stability are in direct, uncertain conflict. Ethnic cleansing ensures that only the superior, logically-adept group survives. The pitiful, inferior cultural remnants are eas...
#181655833Thursday, January 14, 2016 11:49 AM GMT

The inability to punish the narcissistic scum corrupting society.
#182972016Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

"I have absolute no motivation, objectives, goals, or (what I regard) talent but everyone keeps saying" This is a standard case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The individuals "complimenting" you do not actually understand what they are discussing, they are merely trying to conform to standard throughout society. Essentially, they are pseudo-intellectual imbeciles. Although, to a lesser extent than I am.
#183259607Tuesday, February 09, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

You are only reminded of your constant idiocy due to the fact that society as a whole is inherently-narcissistic. Parasitic scum concerned solely with patronizing those with irreversible and chronic disabilities. You can relieve your psychological pain by punishing yourself for your inadequacies, as I regularly do. It compensates quite well for me, after I degrade the value of virtual creations constructed by narcissists.
#184799535Saturday, March 05, 2016 5:41 PM GMT

I am becoming enraged at the mere thought of those primates existing within our civilized and intelligent society. Truly, the gene-pool should be cleansed of such defective scum.
#184823778Saturday, March 05, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

"this means we need to leave the galaxy in 5 billion years." Remain calm, naive individual. This entire discussion is merely a collection of knowledgeable(?) amateurs discussing the physics involved in determining whether the Earth is viable to "save" from inevitable collapse. The simplest answer is that we are uncertain. With current scientific advancements, the likelihood of sufficiently colonizing another planet for a widespread, sustainable society is very low. The likelihood of exiting o...
#184956157Tuesday, March 08, 2016 12:32 AM GMT

Ah, simple mistake. The moderating imbeciles have decided to filter the discussion. Moving onward then. "what's with you and females and how they're narcissistic like cmon only most of them are like that" Slydexia, you are propagating nonsensical statements. From a purely biological perspective, all female individuals inherit significantly-narcissistic traits. The mere variation arises when the "generous" individuals willingly repress those traits to accomplish a selfish goal. I can recall ...
#184963721Tuesday, March 08, 2016 2:21 AM GMT

"that's to be expected." Nonsense. Female individuals who willingly seek positive attention from naive male individuals over the Internet are parasitic scum. They do not provide any sort of logical capabilities towards society. They are imbeciles deserving of annihilation from the gene-pool. Truly, the mere thought of such repulsive behavior causes me to experience significant anger.
#185018510Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

Disregarding the valueless Internet disputes above, the user is quite pitiful. Heartstrings is nothing more than a female Internet narcissist concerned with using the presence of a vulva to fabricate supposed "success" within society.
#185675953Sunday, March 20, 2016 12:28 AM GMT

Neither option is viable. "MRA" adherents suffer from the leftist delusion that women can be effectively reasoned with on a logical-basis. The only reasonable stance is that of the "MGTOW" separatists, which recognizes the toxic influence of misandry throughout society.
#194100204Wednesday, July 20, 2016 6:29 AM GMT

Such a repulsive individual. Megan is truly the epitome of Western women everywhere. This unintelligent whoring user is incapable of contributing beneficially to Caucasian society.
#200648644Saturday, October 29, 2016 12:53 AM GMT

Typical American bonobo. You'd rather sit on ROBLOX playing games made by average IQ White children than contribute positively to society.